
  • 网络Cognitive impairment;cognitive dysfunction;MCI
  1. 结论MS患者中存在认知障碍。

    Conclusion Cognitive impairment was a common occurrence in MS.

  2. 轻度认知障碍患者单位数加法的ERP早成分研究

    Early Components of Event-related Potentials of Single-unit Number Addition to Mild Cognitive Impairment Patients

  3. 该研究发表在《精神医学与临床神经科学杂志》上,研究发现那些从事编织和钩织等手艺的人患轻度认知障碍和记忆力丧失可能性会降低。

    The study , published in the Journal of Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences , found that those who engaged in crafts like knitting and crocheting had a diminished chance of developing mild cognitive disorder and memory loss .

  4. 维生素B6对脑瘫幼鼠认知障碍和步态异常的改善作用

    The role of vitamin b_6 to cognition and gait dysfunction in postnatal rats with cerebral palsy

  5. 多发梗塞性痴呆和阿尔采默氏痴呆的脑CT改变及认知障碍对比研究

    Multi-infarct dementia and dementia of Alzheimer 's type : Changes in brain CT and cognitive impairments

  6. 轻度认知障碍老年人中医证型与记忆损伤及CT变化的相关性

    Correlation of syndromes of traditional Chinese medicine with memory impairment and CT changes in aged people with mild cognitive impairment

  7. Alzheimer病及轻度认知障碍磁共振扩散张量成像的研究

    DTI Study of Alzheimer Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment Patients

  8. 所以,胆碱能替代疗法常被用于治疗AD引起的记忆及认知障碍。

    Therefor , cholinergic replacement therapy has been used in an effort at symptomatic treatment of memonic and cognitive deficits .

  9. 轻度认知障碍~(18)F-FDGPET显像的研究进展

    Progressing on ~ ( 18 ) F-FDG PET Imaging in Mild Cognitive Impairment

  10. 通过MR和PET的联合应用,医师能够在认知障碍和脑萎缩之间做出一个更合理的决定。

    By combining MR and PET , clinicians may be able to make a more sound determination of both cognitive impairment and atrophy .

  11. 阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer'SDisease,AD)是一种常见的中枢神经系统退行性变性疾病,其主要临床表现为进行性记忆减退和认知障碍。

    Alzheimer 's disease ( AD ) is a common neurodegenerative disease , which is characterized clinically by a progressive loss of memory and cognitive impairment .

  12. 目的探讨帕金森病(PD)发生认知障碍的表现及相关因素。

    Objective To explore the type of cognitive handicap , the possible mechanism in Parkinson s disease ( PD ) .

  13. 轻度认知障碍工作记忆的fMRI研究

    A fMRI Study of Mild Cognitive Impairment During Working Memory

  14. 第二项研究验证PD患者早期轻微认知障碍是否与脑特殊区域的萎缩有关。

    The second study examined whether mild cognitive impairment in early PD is associated with atrophy of a specific brain region .

  15. 实验结果显示早期AIDS患者可能存在轻度认知障碍,与临床行为病理学研究结果相吻合。

    The result that mild dysgnosia might exist in early AIDS patients was obtained , which coincided with the study of pathergasia . 2 .

  16. 因此,认为胰岛素抵抗导致代谢紊乱和认知障碍是糖尿病和AD共同的病理机制。

    Therefore , the common pathomechanism of diabetic encephalopathy and AD was insulin resistance , which led to metabolic disturbance and caused cognitive dysfunction .

  17. 认知障碍对患者的ADL有显著影响。

    Cognitive deficit also has influence on ADL .

  18. 例如,PET能从早期的老年痴呆中区分轻度认知障碍,但不能确定由脑萎缩造成的脑容量减少。

    For example , PET can currently differentiate mild cognitive impairment from early-stage Alzheimer 's , but cannot determine reduced brain volume caused by atrophy .

  19. 报告显示,在无认知障碍的老年人中,AD风险增加数比情绪与抑郁症状增加数高将近一倍。

    Among elderly persons without cognitive impairment , the report indicates , the risk of AD nearly doubled with each increasing number of mood-related depressive symptoms .

  20. P3测试对血管性痴呆认知障碍的诊断价值分析

    Analysis of P3 testing in the diagnosis of the cognitive dysfunction in vascular dementia

  21. Wisconsin卡片分类测验用于酒依赖者认知障碍的研究

    Gong Yaoxian and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test . Cognitive Impairment of Alcoholics measured by Wisconsin Card Sorting

  22. 阿尔茨海默氏病(Alzheimer'SDisease,AD)是一种以认知障碍和记忆力损害为特征的中枢神经进行性退行性疾病。

    Alzheimer 's disease ( AD ) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the progressive loss of cognitive ability , neuropathological senile plaque , neurofibrillary tangles , and neuronal loss in selective brain regions .

  23. 目的:了解老年人轻度认知障碍(MCI)的记忆及认知损伤特点。

    Objective : To study memory characterization of mild cognitive impairment ( MCI ) of the elderly .

  24. 轻度认知障碍中医证候和ApoE基因多态性的关系研究

    The Study of the Relevance between Chinese Medicine Syndrome of MCI and the ApoE Gene 's Polymorphism

  25. 唐氏综合征(Downsyndrome,DS)是一种引起精神发育迟滞的最常见的常染色体遗传性疾病,由于其特殊的基因型导致了特殊的认知障碍表型。

    Down syndrome ( DS ) is one of the most common genetic diseases with mental retardation . DS has characteristic cognitive impairment phenotype because of its unique genotype .

  26. 目的:研究脑力苏胶囊改善VD大鼠认知障碍的作用机制。

    Objective : To study the action mechanism of NLS capsule which can decrease ischemia agnosia for vascular dementia rats .

  27. 目的研究缬沙坦对慢性脑缺血大鼠认知障碍、丙二醛(MDA)及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的影响。

    Objective To study the effects of valsartan on cognitive impairment , superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) and maleic dialdehyde ( MDA ) in rats with chronic cerebral ischemia .

  28. 结论:在没有明显的认知障碍的老年人群中,嗅觉减退预测着随后的MCI的发展。

    Conclusion Among older persons without manifest cognitive impairment , difficulty in identifying odors predicts subsequent development of MCI .

  29. 脑梗死并糖尿病认知障碍患者脑脊液中tau蛋白和淀粉样β蛋白42水平的测定

    Determination of tau protein and beta-amyloid 42 in cerebrospinal fluid of cognitive handicap patients with cerebral infarction and diabetes mellitus

  30. 他们发现伴有轻微认知障碍PD患者的扣带回灰质有减少的趋势,这一区域与人的认知功能有关。

    They found that the PD patients with mild cognitive impairment showed a trend toward reduced grey matter in the cingulate area , a brain region associated with cognitive performance .