
  • 网络educational supervision;education supervision;Educational inspection
  1. 教学督导是美国教育督导的特色部分。

    Instructional supervision is the important part of American educational supervision .

  2. 论我国学校教育督导评估范式的转型策略

    Strategies of Transforming the Educational Supervision and Evaluation Paradigm in Chinese Schools

  3. 教育督导(Educationalinspection)是教育管理的重要组成部分,许多国家都给予其高度的重视。

    Educational inspection is an important part of educational management . Many countries lay high emphasis on it .

  4. 我国基层教育督导机构的社会影响力研究

    Research on Social Influence of the Grass-roots Educational Inspectorate in China

  5. 完善高校教育督导制度的理论探讨

    The Theoretical Exploration on Perfecting the Educational Inspection System in University

  6. 但不可否认的是我国教育督导制度仍处于探索时期,许多规定尚不能完全满足教育实践发展的需要。

    But our educational inspection is still in the exploration period .

  7. 关于素质教育督导评估的几点思考

    Some Remarks on Supervising and Evaluating Quality - oriented Education

  8. 日本的教育督导制度与学校评价

    Review of the Supervisor Institution and School Evaluation in Japan

  9. 对强化我国教育督导权威的思考

    Some Ideas about Strengthening Education Supervision Authority in Our Country

  10. 中国近代教育督导发源探析

    Probe to the Origin of Modern Education Superintendence of China

  11. 二者的冲突和协调贯穿于整个教育督导过程中。

    Both conflict and coordination are throughout the process of educational supervision .

  12. 对教育督导工作进行评价的探讨

    An Approach to the Evaluation of the Educational Supervisory Work

  13. 第二部分主要是梳理了美国教育督导制度的历史沿革。

    The second part is the history transforming of American supervising system .

  14. 独立学院教育督导的职能与队伍建设研究

    Research on educational supervision function in independent school and team-building

  15. 广西教育督导队伍建设与发展研究

    The Construction and Development Research of Supervisor Team of Guangxi Team teaching

  16. 其次,对江苏教育督导的工作内容进行了分析。

    Secondly , it analyzes the work of education steering in Jiangsu .

  17. 20世纪90年代以来英国教育督导制度的改革与借鉴

    The Reform and Experience of the British Educational Inspection System

  18. 大众化时期高校教育督导工作初探

    Exploration On Educational Inspection of Colleges and Universities in the Period of Popularization

  19. 法国教育督导制度及其启示

    The educational supervision systems in France and its enlightenment

  20. 国外教育督导职能的历史演变及其启示

    The Historical Evolution of the Function of Educational Inspection Abroad and Its Enlightenment

  21. 发达国家教育督导制度的比较及启示

    A Comparison of the Educational Supervision in the Developed Countries And Its Enlightenment

  22. 谈我国职业教育督导的科学化

    On the scientific process of educational supervision in vocational education of our country

  23. 研究英国教育督导制度对完善我国教育督导制度具有重要借鉴意义。

    Studying British educational inspection system is very important for perfecting our system .

  24. 我国现行教育督导机构设置中的问题及对策

    The Problems in the Setting of Current Education Supervision Mechanism and the Measures

  25. 教育督导是教育行政管理的重要手段之一。

    Educational supervision system is one of the important tools in educational administrative management .

  26. 中日美三国教育督导制度比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Institutions of Educational Inspection of China , Japan and America

  27. 高等院校建立教育督导制度探讨

    Discussion on establishing educational supervision regime in Colleges

  28. 我国教育督导存在的问题与发展对策研究

    Research on the Existing Problems and Development Strategies of Educational Supervision in Our Country

  29. 课程改革过程中的教育督导行为分析

    An Analysis of Educational Supervision in Curriculum Reform

  30. 教学督导源自我国的教育督导制度。

    ' Teaching supervision ' is originated from teaching supervision system of our country .