
  • 网络Cognitive Modelling;Cognitive model;ICM
  1. 理想化认知模型的个性差异较为明显,中美教育隐喻表达方式的差异就是一个佐证。

    The individual differences of an ICM are obvious and the difference of Sino-US educational metaphors is a case in point .

  2. 本文以理想化认知模型理论为框架,将所有构造的理想化认知模型分为整体-部分、亲属、起源、来源、所有和容器6个认知模型。

    With the ICM theory as its framework , this paper attempts a cognitive account of possessive construction . It classifies the ICM of possessive construction into 6 CMs : whole-part , kinship , origin , source , possession and container .

  3. 一种多agent的并行认知模型及应用

    A Kind of Multi-agent Parallel Cognitive Model and Its Applications

  4. Anderson的ACT认知模型与外语学习

    Anderson 's Cognitive Theory of ACT and Its Implication in Foreign Language Learning

  5. 并且在构建动态多agent系统的基础上给出了多agent系统并行认知模型及其相关概念,并把该模型应用于问题求解。

    And it proposes a basic conception of a multi-agent parallel cognitive model and some other applied conceptions . Finally the model is applied to solve problems .

  6. 本文将CM(gs)的结构与算法整合,提出了认知模型在技能学习中的实现方案。

    Implementation scheme of CM_ ( gs ) for the skill learning is proposed in this issue .

  7. 一种用于CSCW系统设计的认知模型

    An Awareness Model for CSCW System Design

  8. 在CGFAgent个体模型研究层次,论文重点针对体系结构和认知模型两个问题展开研究。

    In the research of CGF Agent individual model , we focus on two topics , viz . architecture and cognitive model .

  9. 通过分析多模态统一认知模型中空间数据组织与空间关系的推理转换,揭示从概念世界到GIS世界的认知转变机理。(3)空间认知服务聚合研究。

    By analyzing the multimode cognitive model of uniform spatial data conversion and spatial reasoning relations , the change mechanism from the concept world to the GIS world was revealed . ( 3 ) Polymerization of Spatial Cognition services .

  10. ART是神经网络认知模型中最典型的代表,但还没有一种控制机制可以对该模型的注意参数进行调节,因而不能仿真人的认知中的多义感知的振荡现象。

    As the most typical cognitive model of artificial neural networks ( ANN ), traditional Adaptive Resonance Theory ( ART ) still can not simulate the human 's multi-fold ambiguous perception for lacking of a controllable mechanism to adjust the system 's vigilance parameter .

  11. Lakoff(1987)提出意象图式是一种认知模型,包括以下几种:部分-整体、链接、中心-边缘以及来源-路径-目标。

    As a cognitive model proposed by Lakoff ( 1987 ), image schema includes part-whole , link , center-periphery , and source-path-goal .

  12. 提出的近海环境地物多模态统一认知模型,实现了空间数据组织与空间关系推理的统一,揭示了概念世界到GIS世界的认知转变机理。

    By proposing multimode surface features of offshore environment unified cognitive model , this research achieved the relationship between spatial data organization and reasoning of the unified space , and revealed the change mechanism from the concept world to the GIS world .

  13. 认知模型的确定,或等价的测验Q阵的确定,当然需要专家的宝贵知识,但这还不够,还需要能够通过观测到的项目反应数据进行推测和修正。

    To define the cognitive model or the equivalent to determine Q matrix , of course , need for expert knowledge , but it is not enough , also need to make inferred and refinement through the observed response data .

  14. 论文深入研究了Agent的意向观点和可能世界语义,研究了基于BDI理论的Agent认知模型,描述了BDI逻辑中信念、目标、意图等心智态度的语义以及它们之间的逻辑关系。

    This dissertation researches the intentional instance and possible-worlds semantic . Agent cognitive model based on BDI theory is studied , and semantics of the mental attitudes , such as belief , goal and intention , are described .

  15. 文章在系统分析了第一代人因可靠性分析方法存在的不足的基础上,详细地介绍了第二代人因可靠性分析方法CREAM。包括CREAM独特的认知模型、前因/后果分类方案和分析技术。

    This paper systematically analyses the shortcomings of the first generation human reliability analysis method , then discusses the second generation human reliability analysis method CREAM ( Cognitive Reliability and Error Analysis Method ), including its cognitive model , classification scheme and analysis method .

  16. 与ITU-T之前推出的其他算法相比,PESQ算法采用了改进的听觉模型和认知模型技术,并且考虑了系统时延,可以有效的抑制环境噪声、可变时延等对语音质量评价带来的影响。

    Compared with the previous algorithms of the ITU , PESQ uses an improved auditory model and cognitive model , and consider the system delay , so it can effectively suppress the impact of ambient noise and delay to speech quality evaluation .

  17. 在语义的整合上,汉语新词语是基于理想化的认知模型(ICM-based)下而生成的,它反映了人们动态的心理运演过程。全文共分为四个部分,包括第一章绪论部分。

    As for the semantic interpretation of Chinese neologisms , there involves dynamic mental operation processes , and the meaning construction of them are more based on the ideal cognitive model ( ICM-based ) . This thesis is divided into four parts including the introduction .

  18. 灰数结构认知模型及理论

    The Cognition Model and Theory of the Structure of Grey Number

  19. 科学发现中认知模型化推理的兴起

    The Rising of Cognition Model - based Reasoning in Scientific Discovery

  20. 雷考夫认为转喻在理想化认知模型中运作。

    According to Lakoff , metonymy operates within Idealized Cognitive Model .

  21. 一项语料库数据驱动下基于认知模型网络的搭配研究

    A Study of Collocation from the Perspective of Network of Cognitive Models

  22. 基于意象认知模型的汽车草图设计技术研究

    Research on automobile sketch design based on image cognition model

  23. 协同认知模型及其在远程交互系统中的应用

    Coordinating cognition model and its implementation in remote interactive systems

  24. 它建立在学生认知模型的基础上。

    It is based on the student 's cognitive model .

  25. 以语料库为基础的中国学习者英语失误分析的认知模型

    A Cognitive Model of Corpus-based Analysis of Chinese Learners ' Errors of English

  26. 提出了攻击预测的分层认知模型。

    A hierarchy recognition model of attack forecasting was defined in this thesis .

  27. 工作记忆的认知模型与神经机制

    The Cognitive Model and Neural Mechanism of Working Memory

  28. 事故进程中操作人员决策的认知模型

    Cognitive Model Based Decision-making Behaviors during the Accident Sequences

  29. 音乐情感认知模型与交互技术研究

    Research on Music Emotion Recognition Model and Interactive Technology

  30. C~4ISR系统的指挥控制认知模型

    Research on Cognitive Model of Command and Control in C ~ 4ISR System