
rèn zhèng
  • authentication;identification;attestation
认证 [rèn zhèng]
  • [authentication] 有职权的公务员,承认某事实的存在或某文件的真确而证明它

认证[rèn zhèng]
  1. 香港商学院副院长,国际认证专业培训师

    Hongkong commercial college subdecanal . Specialty division of international attestation .

  2. 认证技术包括认证授权机构、SET模式、数字证书等。

    Attestation technology includes attest right authorization institute , SET model , digit certificate , etc.

  3. 遗嘱认证案可能要持续两年或者更长时间。

    Probate cases can go on for two years or more .

  4. 通过资格考试认证之后,他做了一名社会工作者。

    Following qualification , he worked as a social worker .

  5. 我们廉价、超可靠的有线网络使得通过电话的信用卡认证能顺利进行。

    Our cheap , ultra-reliable wired networks made credit - card authentication over the phone frictionless .

  6. 接下来是生物认证,可以用指纹等加密。

    And further down the road is biometric authentication , which could be encrypted with , say , a fingerprint .

  7. 诉讼声称,这一标签具有误导性是因为它给购买者一种产品经过第三方认证的印象,事实上它是由公司自己认证的。

    The lawsuits said that the label was misleading because it gave the impression that the products had been certified by a third party when the certification was the company 's own .

  8. 但要实现所有这些概念花销巨大,需要陆上和空中的安全认证标准,需要双重控制,需要复杂的折叠机翼和螺旋桨,还得从飞机跑道起飞。

    But all these concepts are massively expensive , require safety certification standards for road and air , need dual controls , involve complex folding wings and propellers , and have to be flown from air-strips .

  9. “大约毎一周都会有客户提供一种我从未听说过的新认证,即使我就身处这个行业中,”可持续商业咨詢中心的首席执行官凯文·威尔海姆说道。

    " About once a week , I have a client that will bring up a new certification I 've never even heard of and I 'm in this industry , " said Kevin Wilhelm , chief executive officer of Sustainable Business Consulting .

  10. 本文介绍了笔者在ISO9001质量体系认证工作中的几点体会。

    The author presents some realizations from the certificate assurance work .

  11. 协议认证试图等录上网用户的身份,并通过使用密匙密码为用户间的通信加密

    Kerberos authenticates the identity and encrypts their communications through secret-key cryptography . KERBEROS

  12. 如何避免收获后认证与非认证产品的混淆

    How do you prevent commingling of certified with non certified products after harvest ?

  13. 计算机网络安全技术主要有:认证授权、数据加密、访问控制、安全审计等。

    Computer security technology includes mainly : Authentication , Encryption , Access Control , Auditing and so on .

  14. 宠物保姆通常会接受诸如宠物急救认证、动物驯养或者宠物保姆认证之类的培训。

    Pet sitters usually have training , such as pet first aid certification , animal husbandry classes , or pet sitting accreditation .

  15. 中国是世界卫生组织西太平洋地区三十多年来首个获得消除疟疾认证的国家。

    China is the first country in the WHO Western Pacific Region to be awarded a malaria-free certification in more than 3 decades .

  16. 该区域其他获此认证的国家包括澳大利亚(1981年获认证)、新加坡(1982年获认证)和文莱达鲁萨兰国(1987年获认证)。

    Other countries in the region that have achieved this status include Australia ( 1981 ) , Singapore ( 1982 ) and Brunei Darussalam ( 1987 ) .

  17. 独立的消除疟疾认证小组成员于2021年5月前往中国,以核实中国的无疟疾状态及其防止疟疾再次发生的规划。

    Members of the independent Malaria Elimination Certification Panel travelled to China in May 2021 to verify the country 's malaria-free status as well as its program to prevent re-establishment of the disease .

  18. 基于生物特征和XML的C/R认证方案

    A C / R Authentication Scheme Based on Biometric Certificate and XML

  19. Internet上的安全认证&加密与数字签名

    Encryption and Digital Signature in Internet

  20. N层架构使生物认证系统极具可扩展性、可维护性和可规模化性。

    N-tier makes it extensible , maintainable and scalable .

  21. SqlServer混合认证模式下打印客户端Web报表的实现

    Realization of Printing Customer Web Reports in SQL Server

  22. NET的Forms认证方式。

    NET forms authentication mode .

  23. 基于matlab的图像版权认证系统的GUI设计

    The GUI Design of Image Copyright Authentication Systems Based on Matlab

  24. 随着Web服务的广泛应用,身份认证成为影响其发展的关键技术之一。

    With the extensive application of Web service , identity authentication has become one of the key technologies that influence its development .

  25. 认证中心(AC)&10

    Authentication Center ( AC ) - 10

  26. RADIUS在端口认证中的应用及其实现

    Application and Implementation of RADIUS in Port-based Authentication

  27. 电子商务与CA认证机制

    Electron Commerce & CA Authentication Mechanism

  28. IPv6数据认证及认证算法的研究

    Study of data authentication and authentication algorithm based on IPv6

  29. 研究了证书策略在桥认证机构(CA)体系中的设置和处理问题。

    The setting and disposing of certificate policies ( CP ) in a Bridge CA system was studied .

  30. ISO认证后企业质量体系的保持和整体预防功能

    Maintenance and Wholly Prevention Function for Enterprises ' Quality System after ISO Certificate