
  • 网络Cognitive Ability;cognitive competence;Cognitive;cognitive skills;cognition
  1. 维生素B(12)影响同型半胱氨酸对大鼠认知能力的作用

    The protective effects of vitamin b_ ( 12 ) on spatial cognitive ability impaired by homocysteine in rats

  2. 学习LOGO程序设计语言与发展认知能力的关系

    On the Relationship Between LOGO Programming Learning and Cognitive Ability Development

  3. 新研究发现,那些可能无法将自己内心独白深埋于心的人实际上更有可能完成任务,注意力更集中,并表现出较高的认知能力。

    New research says that those who can 't seem to keep their inner monologues in are actually more likely to stay on task , remain focused better and show improved perception capabilities .

  4. 总的来说,索尔特豪斯和他的同事发现,某些认知能力通常在人接近三十岁到三十几岁这段时间开始衰退。

    In general , Salthouse and his colleagues found , certain aspects of cognition generally started to decline in the late 20s to 30s .

  5. 20世纪20年代,瑞士心理学家让·皮亚杰提出,儿童认知能力的发展就像花朵绽放一样自然,几乎与生活中发生的其他事情无关。

    In the 1920s , Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget proposed that children 's cognitiveabilities unfold naturally , like the blooming of a flower , almost independent of what else is happening in their lives .

  6. 这些“超级老者”的认知能力和比他们年轻很多的人一样。

    So-called superagers have cognitive1 abilities like those of much younger people .

  7. 研究显示多达80%的女性报告说自己怀孕后认知能力下降了,特别是健忘越来越严重。

    Studies showed that up to 80 percent of women reported impaired .

  8. “数码痴呆”指的是由于过度使用数码设备导致记忆力和认知能力受损。

    Digital dementia refers to impaired1 memory and cognitive2 functioning due to the extended use of digital devices .

  9. 颜色辨识状态下ERP时频特征与认知能力的相关性研究

    The Study of Relationship between Cognitive Ability and Time-frequency Characteristics of ERP during Color Identification

  10. 两组均行术前、术后神经系统物理检查、颅脑计算机体层摄影(CT)和认知能力测验比较。

    Preoperative and postoperative neurological examination , brain computed tomography ( CT ) scan , and cognitive function tests were performed .

  11. 发展性协调障碍倾向儿童的认知能力和视空工作记忆的ERP特征

    Basic Cognitive Capacity of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder and a ERP Study on Visual-spatial Working Memory

  12. 术后12周测定其认知能力及脑组织MDA、SOD含量。

    After 12 weeks , cognitive capability 、 the concentrations of MDA and SOD in brain tissue were measured .

  13. 结果Aβ注射后,大鼠出现认知能力、记忆能力减退,ChAT活性明显下降;

    Results The learning impairment and the memory deficits of rats was observed , and ChAT activity decreased after injection of A β .

  14. 纽约(路透社卫生)临床试验结果表示长期使用维生素E补脉并不能提高老年女性认知能力。

    NEW YORK ( Reuters Health ) - Long-term use of vitamin E supplements does not provide cognitive benefits for older women , the results of a clinical trial indicate .

  15. 基于MCT测试评价图学教育与空间认知能力关系的研究

    Study on the Relationship between Graphics Education and Space Cognitive Ability Based on MCT

  16. 维生素B6可以提升人的认知能力,茶氨酸则可以减轻咖啡因带来的焦虑现象。

    B6 helps aid cognitive function , while theanine helps reduce the anxiety associated with a pure caffeine buzz .

  17. 该研究采用测验法,考察数学学习不良(MD)儿童的早期数学认知能力,包括计数、数守恒、时空概念、逻辑、计算和操作等方面。

    This study is on the mathematical cognition of MD , that includes count , quantity conservation , space-time conception , logic conception , calculation and manipulation .

  18. 左侧与右侧丘脑梗死P300波潜伏期、波幅和认知能力检查评分比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

    There was no significant difference between left and right groups of thalamic infarction in P300 latency , amplitude and CASI ( P > 0.05 ) .

  19. 重点讨论了DIDAPPER系统的认知能力。

    This paper focuses on the apperception ability of DIDAPPER .

  20. 结论3R护理法在痴呆患者的康复护理疗效上具有明显的优势,能明显促进痴呆患者的认知能力及生活自理能力的改善,值得在护理领域推广与应用。

    Conclusions The clinical effect of 3R-nursing method in the old patients with vascular dementia has significant predominance , it can improve cognizing and self-care ability . It is worth popularizing .

  21. Hoddinott和他的同事初步预计认知能力将扮演更重要的角色。

    Hoddinott and colleagues tentatively predict that cognitive ability plays the larger role .

  22. 对比学生在接受图学教育前后的MCT得分情况,表明:画法几何部分的教学效果与MCT得分成正相关,学生从平面图形到三维立体图形的空间认知能力有明显提高;

    The MCT average mark of fore-and-after graphics education shows that the effect of teaching descriptive geometry has a strong correlation with MCT test and students ' space cognitive abilities from 2D drawing to 3D model have been improved obviously .

  23. 它主要由注意、编码记忆、推理三个环节构成,不同环节对法官认知能力有严格要求。

    Different phrases have strict requirements for judges ` cognitive abilities .

  24. 认知能力可预测轻至中度痴呆的治疗决策能力

    Cognitive performance predicts treatment decisional abilities in mild to moderate dementia

  25. 语言学习不仅涉及到认知能力或智力的培养和发展,学习者的情感因素也不可避免地参与其中,影响语言学习效果甚或人的全面发展。

    Language learning involves both the development of cognition and affect .

  26. 国外教师认知能力发展研究述评

    An Overview of Teacher 's Cognitive Competence Development in Foreign Countries

  27. 如果缺乏积极情感,学习者的认知能力就会大打折扣。

    Lack of positive affective will reduce students ' cognitive ability .

  28. 短期汉语进修班学生认知能力的发展

    Development of foreign students cognitive capability in the short-term in-service Chinese Teaching

  29. 疼痛护理认知能力对疼痛控制影响的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Pain Cognitive Ability on Pain Control

  30. 认知能力是语言能力的基石。

    Cognition ability is the foundation stone of language ability .