
  • 网络business consulting;Corporate Advisory;Consulting
  1. 作为一名从业30年的IT老手,CognizantTechnologySolutions企业咨询业务欧洲主管迈克亨特(MikeHunter)表示,他曾经认为,绩效评估应该永远以面对面的方式进行。

    As a 30-year IT veteran , Mike Hunter , European head of business consulting at Cognizant Technology Solutions , says he once assumed that performance appraisals should always be done in person .

  2. 后来基尔也采纳了祖母的多样化模式,转向公共演讲和少数族裔企业咨询。

    Gill followed her model by moving into public speaking and minority business consulting .

  3. ArupR.Pal是一名高级系统分析师,在印度的IBM全球企业咨询服务部工作。

    Arup R. Pal is a Senior Systems Analyst with IBM Global Business Services in India .

  4. 香港是今年首次公开发行(IPO)的最大中心,融资额达280亿美元,还为获得内地企业咨询委托的投行带来丰厚收费。

    Hong Kong is the biggest centre for initial public offerings this year , raising $ 28bn , and provides lucrative fees for investment banks that secure advisory mandates from mainland groups .

  5. 譬如,与寡头们关系密切,可能带来企业咨询业务。

    Close relationships with oligarchs , for example , may generate corporate advisory business .

  6. 工业工程在企业咨询中的实际应用

    On Applying of Industrial Engineering in Management Consulting

  7. 企业咨询和零售金融服务之间冲突虽然严重,但并不是此次信贷危机的核心所在。

    Serious though the conflict between corporate advice and retail financial services is , it was not at the centre of the credit crunch .

  8. 代理记帐业务;商品信息咨询、企业咨询服务(不含国家政策规定的专控、专营项目)。

    Acting accounting operations ; Commodity information advice , business advisory services ( excluding provisions for control of national policy , the franchise project ) .

  9. 行业市场研究和企业咨询服务提供商中商产业研究院称,2018年我国电子商务从业人员预计将超过4800万。

    China 's employment driven by e-commerce is projected to exceed 48 million jobs in 2018 , said ASKCI , a industry market research and enterprise consultation service provider .

  10. 管理咨询方案作为管理咨询和诊断的输出形式,是整个咨询诊断过程中施诊者智慧的结晶,直接影响到企业咨询诊断的效果。

    As the output form of the management consulting , the management consulting scheme is the crystallization of wisdom of diagnose person in the entire consulting process and directly affect the consulting effect .

  11. 文章阐述了西方信息咨询研究的热点问题及其主要观点,主要包括咨询-客户关系、信息咨询的意义、咨询公司内部管理、提高咨询成功率的方法和家族企业咨询几个方面。

    This article introduces the hotspots and major views of Western research on Information Consultancy . Works on consultant-client relationship , the significance of Information Consultancy , the internal management of consulting firms , methods to promote the success of consultation and family business consulting are included .

  12. 马丁•兹威灵,初创企业专业咨询公司(StartupProfessionalsInc.)首席执行官、创始人。

    Martin Zwilling is CEO & founder of startup professionals Inc.

  13. 实际上,企业信誉咨询机构ReputationInstitute最近还将联想评为全球声誉最好的公司之一。

    it was , in fact , recently ranked by the Reputation Institute as one of the world 's most reputable companies .

  14. 按收入计印度最大的技术外包企业塔塔咨询服务公司(TataConsultancyServicesLtd.)进入中国已有10年时间。

    Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. , India 's largest technology outsourcing specialist by revenue , has been in China for a decade .

  15. 营销咨询公司数达企业管理咨询(DataDrivenMarketingAsia,简称DDMA)发布的报告显示,一种新产品在“成熟连锁超市”上架的成本或“高达2.7万美元”。

    According to the report by Data Driven Marketing Asia , the marketing consultancy , the cost of listing one new product " with an established supermarket chain can be as high as $ 27000 . "

  16. 考虑到拿到MBA学位的成本,薪资确实是重要的部分,可能也是科技企业超越咨询公司成为商学院毕业生首选去向的障碍之一。

    Given the cost of obtaining an MBA , money does play a part and may be a barrier to technology jobs surpassing consultancy positions as the career of choice for business school graduates .

  17. 企业评估咨询系统EEIS的设计和实现

    Design and implementation of enterprise evalution inquire systems

  18. 关于上海企业信息咨询业的开发

    About the Development of the Information Consultation Industry of Shanghai Enterprise

  19. 德勒企业管理咨询有限公司本咨询公司,代办进口业务。

    Our consulting company handles import Business on customer 's Behalf .

  20. 企业与咨询公司之间的双向交流并非新生事物。

    Two-way traffic between businesses and consulting firms is not new .

  21. 企业管理咨询无形经济效益的评估探讨

    An assessment of invisible economic benefit of consulting service to enterprise management

  22. 关于在深圳特区开展企业管理咨询业务的设想

    Some Suggestions on Unfolding Enterprise Management Consultancy in Shenzhen SEZ

  23. 安康企业管理咨询市场供求分析

    Analysis on the Consulting - Market in Business - Management in Ankang

  24. 因此,企业对咨询存在大量的需求。

    So enterprise needs a lot coming from consulting company .

  25. 企业治理咨询团体曾建议股东们投反对票。

    Corporate governance advisory groups had recommended a no vote .

  26. 我们专门为跨国企业提供咨询与设计规划。

    We provide advice specifically for multinational companies with design and planning .

  27. 企业管理咨询效益的评估体系研究

    Study of the Appraisal System of Enterprise Management Consulation Efficiency

  28. 但企业对于咨询顾问需求的上升,也有着其它方面的原因。

    But there are other reasons for the increased demand for consultants .

  29. 企业管理咨询的理论与实践&苏南案例分析

    Theory and Practice of Enterprise Management Consulting a Case Study

  30. 一段时间以来,企业与咨询公司之间存在着双向交流。

    There has been two-way traffic between corporations and consulting firms for some time .