
  • 网络U.S. Treasury;treasury;US Treasury;U.S. Treasury Department;Department of the Treasury
  1. 纽约联邦储备银行(NewYorkFederalReserve)的代表和美国财政部官员也在关注事态的发展。

    Representatives of the New York Federal Reserve , as well as Treasury officials , are also monitoring developments .

  2. (埃德温•M•杜鲁门在1998年12月至2001年1月期间担任美国财政部(USTreasury)负责国际事务的助理部长)

    ( Edwin M. Truman was assistant secretary of the US Treasury for international affairs from December 1998 to January 2001 . )

  3. 美国财政部请求IMF紧急援助,却被告知,应拨打北京的某个电话号码。

    The US Treasury requests emergency IMF assistance but is directed to a telephone number in Beijing .

  4. 同时,对于目前的僵局、以及美国财政部(USTreasury)下周推迟兑付债券的可能性,一些交易商和投资者的担忧越来越盛。

    Meanwhile , some traders and investors were growing increasingly worried about the impasse and the possibility that the US Treasury might delay debt payments next week .

  5. 突然,一位律师出现在巴菲特会见古德菲瑞德和施特劳斯的房间,手里挥舞着一条来自于美国财政部(treasurydepartment)的消息。

    Suddenly , a lawyer appeared in the conference room where Buffett was meeting Gutfreund and Strauss , waving a message from the US Treasury Department .

  6. aig、纽约联储(nyfr)及美国财政部均拒绝置评。

    AIG , the New York Federal Reserve and the US Treasury declined to comment .

  7. 美国财政部(theUSDepartmentoftheTreasury)表示,那时一个特殊的财政委员选择他们作为纸币新头像的候选人,因为他们被视为永远为人们所熟知的人。

    That 's when a special treasury committee selected them due to their permanent familiarity in the minds of the public , according to the US Department of the Treasury .

  8. 美国财政部还将必须与美联储(federalreserve)和其它国家央行就“在外汇市场上采取补救性干预”进行“磋商”。

    The Treasury would also have to " consult " with the Federal Reserve and other central banks about " remedial intervention in currency markets " .

  9. 根据美国财政部(treasury)拟议的新规定,美国监管机构针对敏感外资收购和投资所进行的国家安全调查将会耗费更长时间。

    National security investigations by US regulators into sensitive takeovers and investments will take longer to complete under new rules proposed by the Treasury .

  10. 美国财政部(theUSDepartmentoftheTreasury)表示,那时一个特殊的财政委员选择他们作为纸币新头像的候选人,因为他们被视为“永远为人们所熟知的人”。

    That 's when a special treasury committee selected them due to their " permanent familiarity in the minds of the public , " according to the US Department of the Treasury .

  11. 这是美国财政部助理部长安东尼瑞恩(anthonyryan)今年9月向美国国会所说的一番话。

    The remark was made to the US Congress in September by Anthony Ryan , assistant Treasury secretary .

  12. 据美国财政部估计,105家货币市场基金的资产总规模达1万亿美元,一旦其最大20个交易对手中的任何一个违约,这些基金都有可能像reserveprimary一样崩溃。

    The US Treasury estimates that 105 money market funds with total assets of $ 1tn could fail in the same way as reserve primary if any of their top 20 counterparties defaulted .

  13. 如今,美国财政部(treasury)部长蒂姆盖特纳(timgeithner)似乎觉得连“问题”这个词都过于吓人了。

    Now , Tim Geithner , US Treasury Secretary , seems to feel even the word " problem " is too scary .

  14. 统领Cfius的美国财政部拒绝发表评论。

    The Treasury Department , which oversees Cfius , declined to comment .

  15. 随着美国财政部启动出售,MBS市场上也出现了抛售,这绝非巧合。

    It is no coincidence that the sell-off underway in the MBS market started as the Treasury began selling .

  16. 之所以被称为华盛顿共识政策,是因为它们得到华盛顿三个最强大经济机构的倡导:美国财政部(USTreasury)、国际货币基金组织(IMF)和世界银行(WorldBank)。

    The Washington Consensus policies are so named because they are advocated by the three most powerful economic organisations in Washington DC : the US Treasury , the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank .

  17. Facebook还向美国财政部寻求有关监管和运营问题的建议,暗示该公司的加密货币计划已进入最后阶段。

    Facebook has also sought advice on regulatory and operational issues from the U.S. Treasury Department , suggesting the company 's cryptocurrency plans are in the end stages .

  18. 总体而言,美国财政部最新的国际资本流动报告(tic)显示,在2011年最后一个月,投资者对美国长期资产的需求大幅下降。

    Overall , the latest Treasury international capital report showed a big drop in demand for long-term US assets in the final month of 2011 .

  19. 美国财政部并未与首批的10家银行磋商、让它们接受tarp资金的事情。

    The US Treasury did not negotiate with the first 10 banks to receive tarp capital .

  20. 美国财政部和美联储(Fed)不希望看到一个英国风格的非执行董事长,每周从伦敦乘飞机过来呆上两三天,监督潘伟迪的表现。

    The Treasury and the Federal Reserve do not want a British-style non-executive chairman who flies in from London two or three days a week to look over Mr Pandit 's shoulder .

  21. 或许是美国财政部的错,特别是任凭雷曼兄弟(Lehman)倒闭的决定,引发了今天的恐慌局面。

    Maybe it was errors at the US Treasury , particularly the decision to let Lehman fail , that triggered today 's panic .

  22. 本文作者是投资银行evercorepartners创始人和董事长,曾于1993年到1994年担任美国财政部副部长

    The writer , who served as US Deputy Treasury Secretary from 1993-1994 , is founder and chairman of evercore partners

  23. 据称,另一位人选是美国财政部副部长罗伯特•金米特(RobertKimmitt)。

    The other candidate was said to be Robert Kimmitt , deputy US Treasury secretary .

  24. 2005年9月,美国财政部谴责澳门汇业银行(bancodeltaasia)是“高度关注洗黑钱银行”,称该行心甘情愿为朝鲜效力。

    In September 2005 , the US Treasury Department accused Banco Delta Asia of being a " primary money-laundering concern " and " willing pawn " for Pyong-yang .

  25. 美国财政部还确定伊朗商业航空公司马汉航空(MahanAir)为圣城旅提供运输、资金转移和人员输送服务。

    The Treasury Department also designated the Iranian commercial airline Mahan Air for providing transportation , funds transfers and personnel travel services to the Qods Force .

  26. 美国财政部昨日宣布,禁止美国各家银行与汇业银行(BancoDeltaAsia)进行业务往来。此前有调查发现,这家澳门银行曾帮助朝鲜洗钱。

    The US Treasury yesterday banned American banks from dealing with Banco Delta Asia , after an investigation concluded that the Macao bank had helped North Korea launder money .

  27. 但是,当他2006年竞争美国财政部部长一职又败给汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)后,他跳槽去了高盛(GoldmanSachs)。

    But after he ran second to Hank Paulson for the job of US Treasury secretary in 2006 , he jumped ship to Goldman Sachs .

  28. 其次,正如国际货币基金组织(imf)所言,美国财政部迄今仍未拿出一份可靠的金融救援计划,更别提付诸实施了。

    Second , as the International Monetary Fund has argued , a credible financial rescue plan has still not emerged from the Treasury , let alone been put into action .

  29. 美国财政部国际资本流动(tic)数据显示,自6月底以来,外国购买美国长期证券净额大幅度下降。

    The US Treasury International Capital System ( TIC ) data show a massive drop in net foreign purchases of us long-term securities since the end of June .

  30. 美国财政部(ustreasury)内部也许仍然有人盲目信奉强劲美元,但出口才是美国经济的亮点八月份出口较上年增长了12.8%。

    There may still be some within the US Treasury who think fondly of a strong dollar , but exports up 12.8 per cent in August compared to the previous year are the bright spot in the US economy .