
  • 网络U.S. Steel;United States Steel;US Steel;United States Steel Corporation;USS
  1. 美国钢铁公司(USSteel)公布的第四季度利润低于华尔街预期。该公司表示,由于铁矿石和焦煤等大宗商品价格上涨,其销货成本飙升了23%。

    US Steel reported fourth-quarter profits below Wall Street expectations , as it said its cost of goods sold surged by 23 per cent because of increased prices for commodities such as iron ore and coking coal .

  2. 在此期间,医疗保险公司Anthem、美国钢铁公司(USSteel)、西屋电气(WestinghouseElectric)、以及医疗器械集团美敦力(Medtronic)遭到了美国官员认为有中国政府撑腰的黑客攻击。

    In the same period , companies such as health insurer Anthem , US Steel , Westinghouse Electric and medical device group Medtronic suffered what are believed by Washington officials to be state-sponsored hacks by China .

  3. 自去年年初以来,美国钢铁公司(UnitedStatesSteel)削减了5000个岗位,并警告还有数以千计的人面临裁员危险。

    Since the beginning of last year , United States Steel has cut 5000 jobs and warned that thousands of others are at risk .

  4. 美国钢铁公司正向他的公司投去贪婪的目光。

    The United States Steel Corporation was casting covetous eyes at his company .

  5. 司法审查中的行政紧急权力&以美国钢铁公司占领案为例

    The Administrative Emergency Power in Judicial Review : Steel Seizure Case for Example

  6. 美国钢铁公司必须考虑是制造替代材料还是把精力投入到生产性能优越的钢铁上去。

    S.Steel also must consider whether to make substitute materials or stick only to those applications in which steel offers superior performance .

  7. 但就目前而言,美国钢铁公司难以利用现行法律采取“反倾销”行动,即倘若认定企业在出口市场收取的价格低于国内市场,则将对实施这种不公平行为的企业征收特别进口关税。

    But , for the moment , it will be hard for us steel companies to use existing law to bring " anti-dumping " actions , which impose special import duties on companies deemed to be unfairly charging lower prices in their export markets than at home .

  8. 相关公司周三宣布,国有的鞍钢将收购美国钢铁发展公司(steeldevelopmentcompany)14%的股权,并加入该公司董事会,但没有透露鞍钢将支付的金额。

    The Chinese state-owned group will purchase a 14 per cent stake in steel development company and join the board of directors , the companies announced Wednesday , without disclosing how much Anshan will pay for the stake .

  9. 美国内陆钢铁公司ISPAT厂7号高炉新煤气清洗及回收系统

    New gas cleaning plant at Ispat inland No.7 Blast Furnace

  10. 私有的美国钢铁发展公司没有披露其他股权合作伙伴,但该公司首席执行官约翰克伦提(johncorrenti)表示,他们“全是美国人”,包括他自己在内。

    The other equity partners in the privately-owned steel development have not been disclosed , but John Correnti , chief executive , said they were " all American " and included himself .

  11. 本文阐述了在美国内陆钢铁公司ISPAT厂7号高炉新安装的煤气清洗及回收系统的设计,操作以及性能特点。

    The installation of a new gas cleaning system at Ispat Inland Steel 's No. 7 Blast Furnace , including system design , operating and performance characteristics are discussed .

  12. 美国钢铁发展公司正投资1.68亿美元,在密西西比州阿默利地区建造一座钢筋生产设施,此后可能再建造四座钢厂。

    Steel Development is constructing a $ 168m reinforcing bar facility in Amory , Mississippi , and may build four more mills after that .

  13. 中国造船:我有话要说&美国国家钢铁造船公司总裁李察·沃特曼尼谈中国造船业

    I have something to say about Chinese shipbuilding

  14. 本文分析了中国造船企业的竞争优势与劣势,并提出了培育中国造船企业核心竞争力的基本战略。中国造船:我有话要说&美国国家钢铁造船公司总裁李察·沃特曼尼谈中国造船业

    The article gives analysis on competitive advantages and disadvantages in China 's shipbuilding enterprises , and puts forward essential strategies on fostering the core competitiveness in China 's shipbuilding industry . I have something to say about Chinese shipbuilding

  15. 1955年财富美国500强排名第3、今年排名第147的美国钢铁公司(U.S.Steel)就是这样的例子。

    Example : U.S. steel , No. 3 in 1955 , No. 147 today .