
  • 网络Dollar Hegemony;us dollar hegemony
  1. 美元霸权:生存基础、生存影响与生存冲突

    The Basis , Impact and Conflicts of the Existence of US Dollar Hegemony

  2. 第二章分析了当前中美汇率之争的国际环境,即以美元霸权为核心的国际货币体系。

    It means the international monetary system as the core of dollar hegemony .

  3. 表面看来颇具吸引力的一个选项就是特别提款权(sdr),它是在1969年另一轮有关美元霸权地位的讨论中创造出的储备资产形式。

    A superficially attractive option is the special drawing right , a form of reserve asset created in 1969 during another round of discussions about the dominant dollar .

  4. 美元霸权资本最擅长制造汇率争端。

    Dollar hegemony capital is best at creating the disputations on exchange rate .

  5. 美元霸权论与我国的应对策略

    U.S dollar supremacy theory and China 's countermeasure strategy

  6. 金融危机、美元霸权与国际金融新秩序的构建

    The Financial Crisis , U.S.Dollar Supremacy and the Reconstruction of International Financial Order

  7. 世界范围内的美元霸权,体现着美国的核心国家利益;

    The " US Dollar Supremacy " worldwide embodies the core American national interest .

  8. 近来美元霸权面临新的挑战。

    But recently , the hegemony of US Dollar has been faced with new challenges .

  9. 其次分析动荡的国际货币体系加剧新兴市场金融脆弱性的原因,并从国际政治经济学角度对美元霸权加剧国际货币体系的动荡性进行了分析。

    Secondly , how the turbulent international monetary system intensifies financial fragility in emerging markets is discussed .

  10. 新自由主义、美元霸权与应对国际金融危机的长期战略

    New Liberalism , Hegemonism of US Dollars and The Long - term Strategies against International Financial Crisis

  11. 美元霸权地位与伊拉克战争

    An Analysis of the Hegemony of US Dollar and the Impact of the Iraqi War on It

  12. 美国倡导新自由主义,以此推动美元霸权向全世界扩张。

    In the aim of expanding the dollar hegemony , the United States put forward Liberalism to the world .

  13. 但许多亚洲人将他们目前的困境归咎于美元霸权,这是资金过剩说的核心。

    But many Asians blame their present predicament on dollar hegemony , which is the core of the money-glut hypothesis .

  14. 四是从制度层面上看,以美元霸权为基础的国际货币体系具有内生的不稳定性。

    Forth is from the system , the international currency system based on US dollar hegemony has the instability in itself .

  15. 美元霸权产生于自由市场体系之中,就必然不应排除自由意识形态和共同利益对美元霸权的影响。

    U.S. dollar hegemony arose from the free market system , so it certainly should not rule out the impacts of common interests and free ideology .

  16. 全球经济失衡持续加深,其根源是新时期的美元霸权与“新特里芬难题”。

    The global economy is involved in further unbalance , which is the result of the new US dollar privilege and the " New Triffin Dilemma " .

  17. 第三章的主要内容是对美元霸权发展趋势的展望,着重从美国因素和非美国因素两方面分析美元目前的地位和发展趋势。

    The main element of Chapter III is outlook for the development trend of hegemony , focusing on the factors from the United States and non-American factor .

  18. 另外是美元霸权的最大挑战者,他呼吁国际货币基金组织建立一种世界货币来代替美元的地位的观点没人敢忽视。

    Also biggest challenger to greenback 's hegemony : Calls for IMF to create a substitute for the dollar as the world 's currency of choice not unheeded .

  19. 再次,以欧元竞争力提升动摇美元霸权地位为代表的单一国际货币与区域货币间的竞争。

    However , the dollar hegemony , in the competition between a single international currency and regional currency , has been shaken by the enhancing competitiveness of the euro .

  20. 由于浮动汇率制有利于美元霸权的维持和为所欲为,为此,在历次的汇率制度讨论中,美国均坚决地维护浮动汇率制。

    The US has stuck up for floating exchange rate system , which is propitious to dollar hegemony , uncompromisingly in all previous discussions on the reform of exchange rate system .

  21. 本文对霸权稳定论与美元霸权进行评述,并总结归纳了中国应对美元霸权的对策。

    This article carries on the comment on the theory of hegemonic stability and US dollar hegemony , and summarizes the countermeasures which China to be supposed to US dollar hegemony .

  22. 本文认为美元霸权短期内不可能消失,只能采取渐进的改进方法,调整全球性经济失衡,加强国际金融监管以及改革国际金融机构等。

    The dollar hegemony can not vanish in the short term , but to take gradual improvement methods to adjust global economic imbalances , strengthen international financial regulation and reform of international financial institutions .

  23. 基于美元霸权和浮动汇率制之现状,人民币汇率制度的改革思路应该是尽早放弃钉住美元,回归真正的管理浮动制。

    As a reaction to dollar hegemony and floating exchange rate system , the appropriate reform of RMB exchange rate is to abandon the dollar pegging system early and adopt the real managed floating exchange rate system .

  24. 本文认为国际金融体系下美元霸权和东亚地区内需不足导致了东亚地区的资金供给,美国消费主导型经济导致经常项目赤字进而引致资金的需求,供求之间能达到短期均衡。

    This paper held that East Asia becomes financial supplier because of dollar hegemony under current international financial system and insufficient domestic demand in East Asian countries , US becomes financial demander due to the consumption-led growth .

  25. 本文认为2008年国际金融危机是国际金融体系缺陷的集中体现,美元霸权、全球经济结构失衡以及金融监管缺失是主要原因。

    This paper argue that the international financial crisis of 2008 is the result of the international financial system defects , the dollar hegemony , the global economic imbalance and lack of financial supervision is the main reason .

  26. 另一方面,规模也赋予了中国潜力,让它能够塑造自己所处的这个世界&无论是通过挑战美元霸权,还是通过把本国利益强加给他国(必要时将使用武力)。

    On the other hand , scale confers on China the potential to mould the world it inhabits , whether by challenging the supremacy of the US dollar or by imposing its national interest on others , by force if necessary .

  27. 但在短期内,也有可能在抑制通货膨胀中产生负面效应,尤其对美元的霸权地位提出挑战。

    But in short period of time , it may also exert negative effect in curbing inflation and especially challenge to the U.S. dollar 's first position .

  28. 美元的霸权地位被动摇,美元本位货币制度导致当前全球经济所面临的外部失衡问题,中心国(美国)和外围国都有加强区域或国际协调与合作的内在要求。

    The U.S. dollar standard led to the external imbalances of current global economy , so the center ( United States ) and the peripheral countries are to strengthen international coordination and cooperation .

  29. 美国再依靠美元和军事霸权去推行资本主义规则和秩序就会变得困难。

    It is more difficult for the united states to force other states practicing capitalist rules and order depend on the USA dollars and military force .

  30. 第五,对于中国来说,积极推动人民币国际化对于弱化美元,降低美元霸权所带来的不利影响具有积极的意义。

    Fifth , regarding China , promotes the Renminbi internationalization positively regarding attenuated US dollar , reduces the adverse effect which US dollar hegemony brings to have the positive significance .