
  • 网络devalue;Depreciation Of Us Dollars;Dollar;Depreciation of the dollar;devaluation of U.S. dollar
  1. 一些美联储官员和经济学家曾警告,通常被专家称作量化宽松(quantitativeeasing,简称QE)的债券购买行动,会导致美元贬值,抬高通货膨胀水平。

    Some Fed officials and economists warned that the bond purchases , often referred to by experts as quantitative easing , or QE , would devalue the dollar and drive up inflation .

  2. 如果美国真的希望帮助其它国家,就不应让美元贬值。

    If the US really wants to help other countries , it should not devalue the dollar .

  3. 财政部一直将英镑的疲软归咎于美元贬值。

    The Treasury had been blaming the pound 's weakness on the backwash from the falling dollar .

  4. 持久的战争使美元贬值。

    The lasting war debased the value of the dollar .

  5. 浅析美元贬值对我国经济的影响全球化:是剥削还是机遇&世界银行发展政策局局长DavidDollar谈全球化现象

    Globalization : exploitation or opportunity ? David Dollar Director of Development Policy , Development Economics , the World Bank told us something about globalization

  6. 用协整分析和格兰杰因果检验发现,美元贬值直接影响我国部分原材料的进口价格和我国的CPI,从而使我国此轮物价上涨具有明显的输入型和结构型特征。

    Through our analysis , the devaluation of US dollars has direct effects on our import of some raw materials and our CPI .

  7. 就在这周,当一种少有的关于美元贬值使货币升值的论调出现时,美联储主席BenBernanke阐述了联储其影响。

    Just this week Ben Bernanke , its chairman , demonstrated its influence when a rare comment on the dollar 's weakness sent the currency soaring ( see article ) .

  8. imf表示,美元贬值加上短期实际利率下跌,“通过一些渠道推高了大宗商品价格,例如提高了大宗商品作为另类资产的吸引力。”

    The IMF said that the constellation of dollar depreciation and falling short-term real interest rates " has pushed up commodity prices through a number of channels , including by enhancing the attractiveness of commodities as an alternative asset . "

  9. 一些人原本认为,qe3将导致美元贬值并引发简单的“风险追逐”交易,这将让他们可以做空美元,并投资于几乎所有新兴市场。

    Some had assumed qe3 would lead to a weaker dollar and create a simple risk-on trade , which would enable them to short the dollar and invest in almost any emerging market .

  10. 但随着美国推出新一轮的定量宽松(qe2)并由此引发人们对美元贬值和热钱涌入新兴市场的担心上述担忧再度抬头。

    But they flared up again with the launch of a new round of quantitative easing QE2 by the US , triggering fears of dollar devaluation and floods of hot money into emerging markets .

  11. Fresenius公司占了美元贬值的好处,银行家说,这可能是一系列德国公司在在美国并购的开端。

    Fresenius took advantage of the weak dollar in what bankers say might be the starting point for a series of acquisitions of German companies in the US .

  12. 但是,目的都一样:都是为了让美元贬值。

    But the aim is the same : a lower dollar .

  13. 美元贬值下的人民币汇率制度选择

    On the System Choice for RMB Exchanges with U.S. Dollar 's Depreciation

  14. 美元贬值,日元却保持稳定。

    The dollar broke , but the yen remained stable .

  15. 对美国来说,美元贬值可谓祸福参半。

    For the US it is both blessing and curse .

  16. 但是经济状况并不是美元贬值的唯一的原因。

    But economic fundamentals are not all that is hurting the dollar .

  17. 美元贬值意味着国外买家可以有较好的交易空间。

    A weak dollar can mean a better deal for foreign buyers .

  18. 美元贬值与人民币汇率稳定

    Depreciation of US Dollar and Stability of RMB Exchange Rate

  19. 美元贬值对中国进出口企业的影响及对策

    Influence and Countermeasure on US $ Devaluation with Import and Export Enterprises

  20. 美元贬值伤害了某些国家购买食品的能力。

    This has hurt the ability of some nations to buy food .

  21. 假设市场上出现了必需的美元贬值。

    Suppose the market brings about the requisite dollar depreciation .

  22. 我国粮食安全:基于美元贬值视角下的分析

    Analysis of Chinese Grain Safety from the View of U.S.Dollar ′ s Devaluation

  23. 所有国家都面临美元贬值的同样问题。

    All countries are facing the same problem of the devaluation of the dollar .

  24. 与此同时,美国将推行有损稳定的美元贬值政策。

    The US , meanwhile , will pursue a destabilising policy of dollar devaluation .

  25. 里拉相对美元贬值了。

    The lira has weakened against the dollar .

  26. 联邦政府曾一度使美元贬值。

    The Fed depreciated the dollar once again .

  27. 美元贬值在其中发挥了重要作用。

    A decline in the dollar has formed a big part of the picture .

  28. 美元贬值对我国外经贸政策的冲击及对策思考

    The Impact of Devaluation of US Dollar on Chinese Foreign Trade Policy and Countermeasure Proposals

  29. 今年,人民币的升值相对美元贬值没有超过百分之四。

    This year the yuan has increased less than four percent against the weakening dollar .

  30. 美元贬值如今已经启动,但其它形式的出口促进措施却尚未展开。

    Dollar depreciation is under way but other kinds of export promotion have not begun .