
měi yuán qū
  • dollar area
  1. 通过整个扩展美元区(extendeddollararea)国家货币的贬值,将美国经常账户赤字的很大一部分转移至其它高收入国家,这是可以想象的。

    It is possible to imagine a world in which a substantial part of the US current account deficit were shifted to other high-income countries by a depreciation of the currencies of the entire extended dollar area .

  2. 欧元的产生和美元区的快速成长对区域经济理论的正确性做出了验证。

    The introduction of the euro and the rapid growth of the dollar area made validation to the correctness of the regional economic theory .

  3. 但在最初阶段,这一政策是防御性的,是中国对作为美元区一部分这一巨大屈辱的回应在金融危机袭来时,中国的货币政策实际上外包给了美联储(Fed)。

    But in its antecedents , this policy was defensive a reaction to the exquisite indignity of being part of the US dollar zone with domestic monetary policy effectively outsourced to the US Federal Reserve when the financial crisis struck .

  4. 但适合美国的货币政策,非常不适用于中国以及几乎所有与非正式美元区(或者就像一些经济学家所称的布雷顿森林体系2(BrettonWoodsII)挂钩的其它国家。

    But the policy appropriate to the US is wildly inappropriate for China and indeed almost all the other countries tied together in the informal dollar zone or , as some economists call it , Bretton Woods II .

  5. 欧元区与美元区竞争力分析

    Analysis on competitiveness between euro-zone and USD-zone

  6. 首先,它力求创建一个人民币区,以抗衡自第二次世界大战结束以来主导世界金融体系的美元区。

    First , it aims to create a renminbi zone to balance the US dollar zone that has dominated the world 's financial system since the end of the second world war .

  7. 而美元区和欧元区的相继建立既验证了最优货币区理论在实践上的可能性,也增强了东亚各国成功合作的信心。

    The Dollar and Euro Currency Union have been established and verified the " theory of optimum currency areas " in practice , subsequently increased the confidence of successful cooperation between East Asian countries .

  8. 蒙代尔(2000)预言,在未来10年内将出现三大货币区:欧元区、美元区和亚洲货币区,即稳定性三岛。

    Robert Mundell ( 2000 ) predicted that in the next ten years three main currency areas would emerge with Euro area , US dollar area and Asian currency area . namely ," Stability Island " .

  9. 在每一个货币区,投资者似乎都会选择一个避风港:在美元区是美国联邦政府;在英镑区是英国政府;在欧元区是德国政府。

    Investors seem to choose one safe haven per currency area : the US federal government in the dollar area ; the UK government in the sterling area ; and the German government in the eurozone .

  10. 在1999年荣获诺贝尔经济奖之后预言,在未来十年中将出现三大货币区:欧元区、美元区和亚元区。

    Robert · A · Mundell , after awarded the Nobel laurel of economics in1999 , predicted that there would be three monetary zones in the coming ten years : Eurodollar zone , USD zone , Asiandollar zone .

  11. 那么强势的欧元将会起到什么作用呢?从更广阔的范围来讲,从向美元区的出口方面来看,对欧元区的公司来说,今年的形式将更加困那,对吗?

    What 's sort of a role is the strong Euro gonna play again , looking more broadly , certainly in terms of exporting into the dollar zones , it 's getting more and more difficult for this year Euro , Euro-zone company , isn 't it ?

  12. 这个价值77亿美元的度假区,是由北京一家国有公司和美国康卡斯特NBC环球公司共同投资的。

    The 7.7 billion resort is an investment by a Beijing-based state-owned company and America 's Comcast NBCUniversal .

  13. 把银行体系的杠杆比率恢复到上世纪90年代中期的水平,将需要大规模的资本结构重组:按照IMF的说法,美国将需要5000亿美元,欧元区需求7250亿美元,英国需要2500亿美元。

    Bringing banking systems back to the leverage ratios of the mid-1990s will require massive recapitalisation : $ 500bn in the US , $ 725bn in the euro area and $ 250bn in the UK , says the IMF .

  14. 这导致欧洲各国随后不得不同意拨款近一万亿美元救助欧元区。

    European countries later had to agree to a nearly one trillion dollar rescue for the euro area .

  15. 安妮斯顿和塞洛克斯于去年八月在70位家人好友的见证下完婚,婚礼就在他们价值2100万美元的贝莱尔区豪宅中举行。

    Aniston and Theroux got married in August 2015 in front of some 70 family members and friends at their $ 21 million Bel-Air home .

  16. 美元也受到欧元区事态发展的影响。

    The currency is also being moved by developments in the eurozone .

  17. 由于欧债危机中欧元对美元贬值,欧元区城市的排名有所下滑。

    Cities in the eurozone slid in the rankings as the euro has slid against the US dollar during the debt crisis .

  18. 1999年,他们用400万美元,在苏豪区拉法叶特街(Lafayetter)买下了一套上下两层的顶层公寓,一直在那里住到现在。

    In 1999 , they paid $ 4 million for two penthouses ( an upstairs-downstairs ) on Lafayette Street in SoHo , where they remained .

  19. 据柏林和布鲁塞尔的知情人士透露,德国支持赋予规模达4400亿欧元(合5770亿美元)的欧元区救助基金新的实力和放贷能力,即便这意味着德国要增加财政担保。

    Germany is backing proposals to give new powers and lending capacity to the € 440bn ( $ 577bn ) eurozone rescue fund , even if that means increasing its financial guarantees , according to people familiar with the issue in Berlin and Brussels .

  20. 人民币与美元的脱钩将为建立亚洲有效的货币联盟开辟道路,使亚洲从美元区中脱离出来。

    Secondly , de-Unking the yuan from the dollar could also open the way for Asia 's effective monetary union to secede from the dollar zone .

  21. 五大央行为期三个月的注资(在欧洲央行现有的每周美元融资操作之外),将让无法从美国放贷人那里融到美元的欧元区银行在年底前不会出现流动性危机。

    The central banks ' three-month liquidity injections ( in addition to existing ECB weekly funding ) will tide over eurozone banks unable to raise dollars from US lenders through the year-end .