- 名adjudication organization;judicial apparatus;judicial organization

As one of the legal evidence forms , the conclusion of criminal judicial expertise is one important basis for the judicial apparatus to investigate the facts of the cases and to judge correctly .
The unsystematic and undefined prescription and the undemanding abidance of the judicial organization and the procuratorate cause difficult operation . Therefore , inquisition by torture and extortion for confession in the judicial practice are very common although being prohibited repeatedly and miscarriages of justice multiply unceasingly .
The article says that the connotation of the principle of judicial independence in WTO IP court not being governed by administration department .
Problems and Countermeasure of Judicial Organs in Criminal Procedure at Second Instance
On the Power of Coercive Measure of the Judicial Organs
The sentencing advice which procurator organs put on to judicial organs called sentencing recommendations .
At the same time , in the judicial practice judicial and judges understand the law differently .
The reform of judicature consists of three aspects : ( 1 ) establishing the new trial organizations ;
In our country , the relationship between people 's congress and judicial organ is distinguished the western countries .
The author makes some feasible on the apply and procedure of the rule of disregarding of corporate personality .
The nature of investigative legal nexus is a procedure legal nexus among investigative organs , offenders and courts .
The people 's courts of the people 's Republic of China are the judicial organs of the state .
The courts and the procuratorates are in process of simultaneous reform ; Thoughts on Independent Adjudication System for Judges in China
In allusion to these problems , put forward the install advices of the environmental protection judicial organ in our country .
Perfect the Second Instance of Civil Procedure of China ; Problems and Countermeasure of Judicial Organs in Criminal Procedure at Second Instance
Courts as judicial organs with special duties are guardians of social justice and the last line of defense of disputes resolution .
Non-penalty punishment is no judicial sentencing of the perpetrators of the penalties applicable to entities other than the general term for treatment .
Justice is a relative concept and the legislative , executive . The implementation of the judicial power is judicial and procuratorial organs .
The legal environment of Shanghai Chinese lawyer was very complicated and it showed mainly in the multivariate of applying law and judicial organ .
Moreover , strengthening the supervision of inspection bodies and judicial authorities for criminal detention and restriction , applicable to in a reasonable State .
There are many problems not only in the supervision by media but also in the judicial organs in subjecting themselves to the supervision .
People 's assessor system is that absorbs the assessorinto the judicial authorities to supervise the trial work independently to guaranteejustice and perform duties honestly .
This is ' the first special trial institution for administrative cases in China ', and modern administrative litigation system was in operation in China .
Minority cadres also account for a fair proportion of cadres in the central and local state organs , including administrative , judicial and procuratorial organs .
System of the criminal second trial period is about criminal appeals courts judicial authority required to comply with the legal time limit of the system .
The tiered judicial system of civil case refers to a legal suit system about the hierarchy of judicial organizations and the procedure of an effective verdict .
With the problem of sentencing deviation has draw more and more public attention , the standardization of sentencing has become the important task for the judicial .
The judicial authorities of Japan avoid judgement on the compliance of the existence of self defense troops with the Constitution in their trial of specific cases .
We should institutionally ensure that the judicial and procuratorial organs are in a position to exercise adjudicative and procuratorial powers independently and impartially according to law .
The jury system is a kind of litigation system that national judgment organization absorb nonprofessional judge to participate judgment and to make arbitration and law evaluation .