
shěn jì xué
  • auditing
  1. 审计学教学改革应适应市场经济需要

    The Reform in Auditing Teaching Should Fit in with the Needs of Market Economy

  2. 然后,结合审计学及医学两方面,分析免疫系统理论的功能、特征及作用机理。

    Then this paper analyzed the functions , features and mechanism of the theory of " immune system " combined auditing and medical aspects .

  3. 本文从审计学的概念、角度出发,探讨了ERP审计的理论基础、独特审计职能、审计对象、审计证据等问题,构筑起ERP审计的理论框架,最后,对未来ERP审计提出了若干建议。

    Audit object ? audit proof and builds up the framework of ERP audit . In the last some suggestions are brought forward .

  4. 论审计学课程教学中的学以致用

    On Studying for the Sake of Application in Audit Course Teaching

  5. 基于会计教育目标的《审计学》课程教学改革研究

    On Teaching Reform of Auditing Based on Objective of Accounting Education

  6. 审计学的基本概念及审计的发展历程;

    The basic conception of auditing and development course of auditing ;

  7. 案例教学法及审计学教学案例的应用

    The Application of Case teaching Method and Audit Teaching Case

  8. 《审计学》课程教学的局限性及改革对策

    The Localization of Teaching and Counterplan of The Course Auditing

  9. 《经济效益审计学》案例教学方法改革初探

    On the Cases Teaching Methods Reform of Economic Benefit Audit

  10. 审计学作为一门社会学科,也有其自身的审计假设。

    Auditing as a social-science discipline , has its own hypotheses as well .

  11. 审计学的学科属性及其教学要求

    The Subject Attributes of Audit and Teaching Requirements

  12. 审计学本科专业课程体系建设的研究

    Research on Construction of Undergraduate Audit Course System

  13. 试论审计学课程实习基地建设

    Discussion on Practice Base Construction of Auditing Course

  14. 对中国审计学20世纪的回眸与21世纪的展望

    Review of the Chinese Audit in 20th Century and Its Expectation in the 21st

  15. 《审计学》案例教学法研究

    A Study of Case Teaching of Auditing

  16. 审计学案例教学探讨

    An exploration of case teaching in auditing

  17. 本文就审计学教学过程中可以使用的多种教学方法进行了探讨。

    Here is a discussion of various teaching methods that can be adopted in Auditing teaching .

  18. 浅谈审计学课程中的案例教学

    Case Teaching in Auditing Course Instruction

  19. 对《审计学》教学的思考

    Thoughts on the Teaching of Auditing

  20. 审计学课程教改探索

    Questing for Innovation of Audit Curriculum

  21. 高校《审计学》课程设计的喂球艺术&谈研究性理念的应用

    On the Art of ' Feeding Balls ' in the Course Design of Auditing in Higher Education

  22. 《审计学》五化教学方法探究

    Teaching Auditing Five Ways

  23. 内部控制体系的建立、执行、检查、测试和评价,同时也是现代管理学和现代审计学共同关心的问题。

    The establishment , administration , examination , testing and evaluation of internal control 's system are a concerned question for modern management and modern audit .

  24. 通过对贾斯珀系列的分析和学习,得到了审计学课堂教学模式变革的启示。

    This paper aims to testify that we can acquire the apocalypse of auditing classroom teaching mode reform through the analysis and learning of Jasper series .

  25. 对会计控制的概念、目标、原则、程序以及方法进行了分析,并借鉴审计学内部控制整体框架理论的知识,尝试构建了会计控制理论的框架体系;

    Studying the objectives , principles , procedures and approaches of accounting control . With the audit theory , developing the theory system of accounting control .

  26. 审计学作为一门科学,应建立起自己的理论结构,以便更有效地指导审计实践,推动审计科学的发展。

    As a science , audit should establish its own theory structures for the purpose of guiding audit practice more efficiently and improve the development of audit science .

  27. 司法会计学与会计学、审计学、法学、统计学都存在着紧密的联系,但也存在一些差别。

    Forensic Accounting is in great touch with the accounting , the audit , the law and the statistics , however , there are still a few differences among them .

  28. 作者结合审计学和管理学的研究成果,对跨国银行内部监管的基本理论问题作了研究,并提出了跨国银行内部监管的具体制度设计。

    Armed with research tools of auditing and business administration , the author provides a theoretical starting point from which to evaluate the framework for internal control systems in international banking organizations .

  29. 然而,目前审计学理论结构尚不够完善,如何建立和完善审计学理论,是值得审计工作者研究的一个重要课题。

    However , the structures of the present audit theory is not perfect . How to establish and perfect audit theory is a very important subject for the audit researchers to study .

  30. 财经专业有分化从近年财经类毕业生需求情况来看,社会需求相对较大的是会计学、审计学;

    Major of finance and economics has differentiation from in recent years finance and economics kind in light of graduate demand situation , social demand is relative bigger is accounting , audit learns ;