
shěn pàn rén yuán
  • judicial officers;judiciary;adjudicatory personnel;judicature
  1. 第四十四条审判人员应当依法秉公办案。

    Article 44 The judicial officers shall deal with all cases impartially and in accordance with the law .

  2. 与审判人员有亲属关系的律师回避范围过窄。

    Thirdly , the withdrawal extension for lawyers who have domestic relations with the judicial officers is too narrow .

  3. DNA鉴定结论只有与其他相关证据相印证后才可以作为证据予以采信,其证据效力必须经过审判人员对全案证据进行综合审查并采信后才能体现。

    Forensic DNA identification conclusion can be adopted only when it is confirmed with other evidence and the evidentiary effect can be embodied only after the judges ' comprehensive investigation of the whole evidence .

  4. 审判人员可以询问证人、鉴定人。

    The judges may question the witnesses and expert witnesses .

  5. 审判人员职务犯罪的新特点与防范

    New Characteristics and Defenses of Duty Crime of Judges

  6. 法官向审判人员提出建议。

    The judge made recommendations to the court .

  7. 纳税人有要求法院审判人员回避的权利。

    Tax payers have the right to demand avoidance of judges of the court .

  8. 请把你所知道的一切告诉本庭审判人员。

    Please tell the court all you know .

  9. 全体审判人员认为对他处以经济罚款很合适。

    The court considers a financial D.penalty to be an appropriate way of punishing him .

  10. 法官作为审判人员,肩负着实现社会公平与正义的使命。

    Judge as a judge , shoulder the Mission of achieving social equity and justice .

  11. 审判人员固执地不肯改变。

    The courts remained stubbornly inflexible .

  12. 一般认为,事实认定过程是一种认识过程,司法审判人员通过司法过程查明案件事实,并在此基础上适用法律,解决当事人的纠纷。

    It 's always thought that the process of fact investigation is a process of cognition .

  13. 这促使执行人员和审判人员对这些问题进行盘点和思考。

    This has prompted the executive and judicial personnel to inventory and thinking on these issues .

  14. 审理本案的审判人员、书记员应当回避而未回避的;

    The judges , clerks hearing the case who should have withdrawn but did not withdraw ;

  15. 审判人员不得接受当事人及其诉讼代理人请客送礼。

    Judges may not accept dinner invitations or gifts from the litigants or their legal representatives .

  16. 审判人员的回避,由院长决定;

    The withdrawal of a member of the judicial personnel shall be decided by the president of the court ;

  17. 审判人员、检察人员、侦查人员违反前款规定的,应当依法追究法律责任。

    Any judge , procurator or investigator who violates the provisions in the preceding paragraph shall be investigated for legal responsibility .

  18. 判决书由审判人员、书记员署名,加盖人民法院印章。

    The written judgment shall be signed by the judge and the recording clerk , and sealed by the people 's court .

  19. 为了改变这种局面,我国有必要参照国际商事仲裁制度,在诉讼程序中建立审判人员信息披露制度,以保障当事人的诉讼权利。

    To change all this , we ought to build up our judicial officers ' information disclosure system in the litigation procedure .

  20. 审判人员应当听取公诉人、当事人和辩护人、诉讼代理人的意见。

    The judges shall heed the opinions of the public prosecutor , the parties , the defenders and the agents ad litem .

  21. 第一百一十六条审判人员必须认真审核诉讼材料,调查收集必要的证据。

    Article 116 The judicial officers must carefully examine and verify the case materials and carry out investigations and collection of necessary evidence .

  22. 暂缓判决制度有利于调动少年被告人的主观能动性,能使少年法庭的审判人员正确把握和适用自由刑。

    Postponing to sentence will mobilize the initiative of juvenile defendants , and will make the juvenile court judgers correctly grasp and free sentence .

  23. 从理论和现实角度考察,把我国军事法院专职审判人员的称谓统一为军事法官是合适的。

    Investigating from the angle of the theory and fact , it is advisable to name Chinese military court 's professional judge military judge .

  24. 上述活动情形应当写入笔录,由审判人员和书记员签名。

    The circumstances of the above-mentioned proceedings shall be entered in the written record , which shall be signed by the judges and the court clerk .

  25. 质证作为审查判断证据的方法,是指如何帮助审判人员去伪存真。

    As a method to check and determine evidence , " cross-examination " means how to help the judge discard the false and retain the true .

  26. 审理专利侵权案件不仅需要审判人员具有良好的法律素质,而且对审判人员的科学技术专业知识提出了相当高的要求。

    The judging of patent infringement cases requires not only good legal ability of judicial officers , but also a skillful mastery of technical and professional knowledge .

  27. 司法是实现社会正义的最后一道防线,是审判人员依其独立的意志和判断,将法律运用于具体程序的过程。

    Judicature is the last defense of the social justice , a processs in which by judges practice the law by their free will and independent judgement .

  28. 书记员应当将法庭审理的全部活动记入笔录,由审判人员和书记员签名。

    The clerk shall enter all the proceedings of the court session in the record , which shall be signed by the judges and the recording clerk .

  29. 笔者是一名基层刑事审判人员,在量刑规范化的改革进程中,也深深体会到它的实践价值和现实意义。

    The author is a grassroots criminal justice personnel , standardization of the sentencing reform process is also deeply appreciate the value of life and its far-reaching significance .

  30. 我国应借鉴这种公益诉讼制度,同时应保留对审判人员的枉法裁判的案件的抗诉制度,检察院的公益诉讼制度与对审判人员枉法裁判行为的抗诉制度在我国有其存在的价值。

    The system of public welfare and the system of counterappeal against personel 's orders and judgements that misuse the law both have their existential value in our country .