
fēi hūn shēnɡ zǐ nǚ
  • Children born out of wedlock;illegitimate children;natural child;bastard;children born out of lawful wedlock
  1. 人本主义对中国古代女儿及非婚生子女财产继承制的影响

    Humanistic Influence on the Property Inherit System of China Ancient Daughter and Bastard

  2. 本法所说的子女,包括婚生子女、非婚生子女、养子女和有扶养关系的继子女。

    The " children " referred to in this Law include legitimate children , illegitimate children and adopted children , as well as step-children who supported or were supported by the decedent .

  3. 非婚生子女享有与婚生子女同等的继承权。

    Children born out of wedlock enjoy the same right of inheritance as children born in lawful wedlock .

  4. 于是,他们抚养非婚生子女。

    Instead , they raise children out of wedlock .

  5. 婚生子女和非婚生子女;

    Children born within or outside of wedlock ;

  6. 欧洲非婚生子女法律地位公约;

    Enrm ; european Convention on the legal status of children born out wedlock ;

  7. 非婚生子女认领制度是亲属法上的一项重要制度。

    Children born out of wedlock claim system is an important system of the family law .

  8. 语文教学中的女性形象与中职女生女性观建构婚生子女和非婚生子女

    The Female Image in Chinese Teaching and the Construction of Female Conception among Female Students in Vocational Institutes

  9. 在亲属法的发展史上,非婚生子女的法律地位经历了从受歧视到受保护的过程。

    In the history of relative law , illegitimate children underwent the process of being discriminated and being protected .

  10. 故如何通过合理的程序设计使非婚生子女通过诉讼的手段确认其亲生父母,应属国家和社会所关注的问题。

    So how to design a proper procedure for them to recognize their biological parents legitimately should be the public concerns .

  11. 婚生子女和非婚生子女他们已经结婚两年了,但是还没有子女。

    Children born within or outside of wedlock They have married for two years , but have not any family yet .

  12. 人们再也不为举行再婚婚礼或有非婚生子女而感到羞耻了。

    Long gone are the days where people are ashamed to be having a second marriage or having children out of wedlock .

  13. 笔者认为,为了更好的保护子女的权利,取消非婚生子女这一称谓。

    The author thinks , in order to better protect the rights of children , cancel " illegitimate " this one appellation .

  14. 哈尼族男女青年在婚前有广泛的性自由,非婚生子女较为普遍地存在。

    The young men and women of the hani nationality in premarital have widespread sexual freedom , out of wedlock relatively widely exist .

  15. 具体介绍了西方国家亲属法中亲属制度的通则性规定、同居制度与分居制度的规定、婚生子女的推定和否认制度、非婚生子女的认领制度。

    This part recommends the general regulation of relative system , cohabitation and separation system , parentage - enactment system in foreign countries .

  16. 然而法律条文对非婚生子女的保护措施松散而概括,同时也反映出了法规的缺乏以及原则的缺失。

    However the lax and sketchy statement of the protection for the natural children represents the lack of the laws and the principle .

  17. 他在《人类起源》中提到过一些研究,显示非婚生子女中女孩多于男孩。

    In " the descent of man " , he referred to studies showing that among children born out of wedlock there were more girls than boys .

  18. 故本文从该项法律制度的现状分析入手,全面剖析非婚生子女的权益。

    So this article starts from current situation review of the legal system , and then a comprehensive analysis on the rights of children born out of wedlock .

  19. 非婚生子女,自古以来无论在事实上还是在法律上都受到歧视和不公平对待。

    Ever since ancient times , children born out of wedlock , also be referred to as illegitimate children , have been discriminated and treated unfairly both by law and in reality .

  20. 欺诈性抚养是指在婚姻关系存续期间或离婚以后,受欺诈的配偶方对婚姻关系存续期间所生之非婚生子女所承担的抚养义务。

    Legally , fraudulent custody is referred to the acts or the condition in which the cheated spouse bear with the liability to support the illegitimate children during the marriage relationship or after divorce .

  21. 在具体研究过程中,主要运用了历史考查方法和比较研究方法,从纵横两方面对非婚生子女的法律保护诸问题进行考量。

    In the specific course of study , author mainly use methods of history review and comparative study , to measure the protection problems of children born out of wedlock in length and breadth .

  22. 通过对非婚生子女的身份认定等基础制度的完善,以期最终确立我国非婚生子女的法律地位,达成对其保护之目的。

    Author want to radicate the legal status of children born out of wedlock in China through the improvement of basic system like figure cognizance , to achieve the goal of protecting illegitimate children .

  23. 该报告的建议也有悖于英国离婚率升高、非婚生子女增多的大背景。这些非婚生子女通常来自同居家庭,而同居关系比婚姻关系更容易解体。

    The review comes against a backdrop of soaring divorce rates and increasing numbers of children being born out of wedlock , often to co-habitees who are more likely to break up than married couples .

  24. 第二章阐述了我国在认领制度方面的缺失,我国在立法和司法实践中赋予了非婚生子女与婚生子女同等的法律地位。

    Part two explains the deficiency of the claim system in China . In the legislation and judicatory practice in our country , natural children and the legitimate children are entitled the same legal status .

  25. 世界上很多国家和地区的法律都规定了非婚生子女认领制度,以此来确定非婚生子女与其生父母间的亲子关系。

    In many countries and regions of the world , the laws have the children born out of wedlock claim system in order to make the parentage relationship between illegitimate children and their biological parents explicit .

  26. 60年代末,由于社会变革的影响,非婚生子女享有了与婚生子女同等的地位,关于亲子认定程序的改革拉开了二战后改革的大幕。

    By the end of 1960s , owing to the influence of social reforms , an illegitimate child can enjoy the same rights as a legitimate one , so begins the reform in the proceedings of establishing parentage .

  27. 不直接抚养非婚生子女的生父或生母,应当负担子女的生活费和教育费,直至子女能独立生活为止。

    The natural father or the natural mother who does not rear directly his or her child born out of wedlock shall bear the child 's living and educational expenses until the child can support himself or herself .

  28. 其次,正是因为由原告承担证明责任,故证明标准不宜设定过高,否则将造成非婚生子女行使权利的困难,也不利于法官作出有展望性的判决。

    Secondly , since the complaint remains bearing the Burden of Proof , the Standard of Testimonial should not be set up too high , in case of engraving the difficulties of the illegitimate children exercising their right .

  29. 许多国家法律中规定了非婚生子女的推定与否认制度、非婚生子女的认领与准正制度,在形式上给予了非婚生子女相对较为平等的法律地位。

    The system of the presumption and negation of natural children and the system of claim and legitimation of natural children are provisions in most countries ' legislations , which formally legitimize the relative equal status of natural children .

  30. 按自然法则,孩子有双亲,但法律只承认其中一亲,即婚生子女的父亲或非婚生子女的母亲。

    Nature has given the child two parents , the law gives but one , and it is the father when the child is born in wedlock , but if the child is born out of wedlock , it is the mother .