
shěn pàn rì
  • Trial Day;doomsday;court day
  1. 但是无论如何,查克已经年满18岁他因为袭击案被送到成人监狱位于费城东北部的州立公路旁他因为无力支付保释金被关在那---他根本就付不起当时审判日被一拖再拖几乎占了他高中最后的一整年

    But anyway , since Chuck was 18 , this agg . assault case sent him to adult county jail on State Road in northeast Philadelphia , where he sat , unable to pay the bail23 -- he couldn 't afford it -- while the trial dates dragged on and on and on through almost his entire senior year .

  2. 《终结者2:审判日》3D重映版的具体发布日期尚未公布。

    The release date for " Terminator 2 : Judgment Day " 3D is yet to be announced .

  3. 科幻大片《终结者2:审判日》的3D重映版将于明年在中国电影院上映。

    Sci-fi blockbuster " Terminator 2 : Judgment Day " is going to open in Chinese theatres sometime next year .

  4. 女性主义作家苏珊·布朗米勒(SusanBrownmiller)在为《纽约时报》撰写的书评中称《审判日》是“令人尴尬的冒险”。

    Reviewing the book in The New York Times , the feminist writer Susan Brownmiller called " Judgment Day " " an embarrassing venture . "

  5. @torrenegra:今天是《终结者》中的审判日(2011年4月21日),天网本该把我们全灭了,幸好它是跑在AmazonEC2上的。

    Torrenegra : Today is Terminator 's Judgment Day ( 4 / 21 / 2011 ) . Skynet was supposed to kill us all .

  6. “审判日”就是周三(8月15日),届时纽约州金融服务局(NewYorkstateDepartmentofFinancialServices)将听取渣打的辩护证词,该行此前被控隐瞒参与伊朗政府客户约6万笔、至少价值2500亿美元的电汇交易。

    The day of reckoning will be Wednesday , when the New York Department of Financial Services will hear the bank 's defence against charges of hiding the involvement of Iranian government clients in 60000 wire transactions , worth at least $ 250bn .

  7. 1989年,布兰登出版了《审判日:我与安·兰德共度的岁月》(JudgmentDay:MyYearsWithAynRand),从自己的角度讲述了这段关系,不过获得的评价却不如他前妻的那本书。

    In 1989 , Mr. Branden offered his own version of the relationship in " Judgment Day : My Years With Ayn Rand . " It was not as well received as his wife 's account .

  8. 但是,什么是可怕的审判日?

    What , though , of the fearful Day of Reckoning ?

  9. 就拿审判日的死者来说。

    Take the dead who will be resurrected on Judgment Day .

  10. 这些就是你想在审判日说的话?

    Is that what you 're gonna say on judgment day ?

  11. 愿审判日被证明不是一个惧怕的日子。

    May the day ofjudgment prove not a day of fear .

  12. 宗〉(最后审判日)所有死者的复活;恢复使用、活动等天堂,天国正直灵魂等待复活的中间休息场所

    An intermediate resting place for righteous souls awaiting the Resurrection .

  13. 最后审判日是一种多么崇高的意境啊!

    What a sublime conception is that of a last judgment !

  14. 正是我们为“审判日”作准备要找的地方。

    It 's exactly what we need to prepare for youmud din .

  15. 我们要讨论一个审判日。

    We 'll conference to set up a trial date .

  16. 迫不及待上帝的最后审判日的到来!

    Cann 't wait for the Judgement Day to come !

  17. 但提到审判日即将来临。

    But he did say that the day of judgment was approaching .

  18. 我早该意识到我们的命运从来就不是阻止审判日。

    I should have realized our destiny was never to stop judgment day .

  19. 审判日时,上帝复活死者。

    On Judgment Day , God resurrects the dead .

  20. 请等待审判日的来临吧!

    Wait till their judgement day comes , yeah !

  21. 在审判日…秤杆是我们罪的权衡

    scales for the weighing of our sins on Judgment Day , and ...

  22. 你听懂我刚才讲的了吗?审判日已经到来。

    Do you understand what I told you ? Judgment day is here .

  23. 然后决定把卡拉的婚礼变成吉米的审判日

    And decided to turn Cara 's wedding into Jimmy 's day of reckoning .

  24. 她会待在那儿直到审判日。

    And that 's where she 'll be until there 's a hearing date .

  25. 凯特琳:哎,今天是你的报告的最后审判日。

    Caitlin : Well , today is the Doom of the Report for you .

  26. 但是仍有“最后审判日”!

    But there 's the " Judgement Day "!

  27. 你虽早知道有最后审判日的到来,却仍不免要对职掌记录的天使提供材料。

    You anticipate the Day of Judgment and furnish the recording angel with material .

  28. 要等到审判日才能够复活。

    It cannot be resurrected until judgment day .

  29. 我们假设一下最终审判日的时候,上帝将复活死者。

    Let 's suppose that come Judgment Day , God will resurrect the dead .

  30. 要一直等到最后审判日和喇叭声?

    Until judgment day and trumpets sound ?