
yǎnɡ zǐ nǚ
  • foster children
  1. 养子女和生父母间的权利和义务,因收养关系的成立而消除。

    The right and duties in the relationship between a foster child and his or her natural parents shall terminate with the establishment of this adoption .

  2. 本法所说的子女,包括婚生子女、非婚生子女、养子女和有扶养关系的继子女。

    The " children " referred to in this Law include legitimate children , illegitimate children and adopted children , as well as step-children who supported or were supported by the decedent .

  3. 马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯特分校(UniversityofMassachusetts,Amherst)的经济学家南希•福尔布雷(NancyFolbre)在她2008年出版的著作《孩子的价值》(ValuingChildren)中称,父母放弃的工资应包括在抚养子女的成本中。

    Nancy Folbre , an economist at the University of Massachusetts , Amherst , argued in her 2008 book " Valuing Children ' that forgone wages should be included in the cost of raising children .

  4. 我猜也没有其他养子女像我一样给你清理房间了

    I guess no more foster kids like me to clean up your crap , either .

  5. 养子女与生父母及其他近亲属间的权利义务关系,因收养关系的成立而消除。

    The rights and duties in the relationship between an adopted child and his or her parents and other close relatives shall terminate with the establishment of the adoptive relationship .

  6. 那时人们养的子女很多,以防有孩子夭折。

    At that time people had large families as an insurance against some children dying .

  7. 女人们都希望有六个甚至更多的孩子,事实上,她们平均养有七个子女。

    Women say they would like to have six or more children , and in fact an average of seven children is born to every women .

  8. 养父母和养子女间的权利和义务,适用本法对父母子女关系的有关规定。

    The relevant provisions of this Law governing the relationship between parents and children shall apply to the rights and duties in the relationship between foster parents and foster children .