
Looking back , I think the timing was very fortunate also .
When I look back on it , I realize I may have made a mistake .
An ability to find problems as well as to see'what 's missing'is important for inspections and reviews .
This is an astonishing fact when I look back and see how planned my life used to be .
At the first iteration review this year , two of the teams seemed to have made significant progress .
Once introduced , refer to it as situations arise in the team and use it as material for retrospectives .
When you step back , you see very large investments in access , advertising , search and community platforms , he says .
He states that he has had the cough " for quite some time " and attributes it to his40-pack-year history of smoking cigarettes .
Anyone who has managed an event thinks back and makes a list of what they would do better or differently if they had more time .
May be years later , when I look back . I can see where I come from , who is holding my hand when I am walking .
When a team do their first few retrospectives , it 's a useful to run a " Safety Check " to get a sense of who feels comfortable talking .
When multiple reviewers are participating on a project , there may need to be a consensus among them before the form is modified to avoid any misunderstandings or later disagreements .
I have learned that when an offsite location is booked for a retrospective it 's important to check that there will be space to stick paper up on the wall .
Again , you can 't connect the dots looking forward.You can only connect them looking backwards , so you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future .
This period is seen ( in hindsight ) as the perfect time for China to have begun its reform project with a ready-made scapegoat , the US financial crisis , at hand .
Some of these may seem cheesy to some , but I believe that all of these are important to living a full , meaningful life on which you can look back and smile .
The team may even decide to test the water by setting up a process improvement as an experiment where the team take on a new way of working and then review its effectiveness at the next retrospective .
The Team updates each other daily , and managers can get an update on the Sprint in the Sprint Review Meeting .
What happiness should we find in reviewing the past , what regrets ?
Then he looked behind him and saw that no land was visible .
Kantrowitz expects rates to fall even further when they 're reviewed this summer .
Google 's impact on search wasn 't a sudden revolution but a gradual progression that only in retrospect seems profound .
She only discovered the extent to which she had been shaped by a sexist society later when she looked back .
Now , given that , it might seem tempting in retrospect to conclude that the Plaza Accord was a bad idea .
As we look back , that impact is easy to recognise , but at the time , it was very difficult .
Bush noted the queen 's long history of dealing with successive American governments , just barely stopping himself before dating her to1776 .
Looking back history we can find ' out that social demands for economic equality is historical background of the birth of economic law .
" But when you look back in history , what will be judged " is whether the " right strategic decision " was made .
Looking backward , we are happier because we have liked somebody or something than because we have participated in the thrill of some great public event .
When the doctors reviewed the data , they found that the patients who got the chili drip seem to have less pain in the first three days after surgery than those who didn 't.