
  • 网络cloud app;Cloud Application
  1. 现在您已经熟悉了云应用程序的特征,现在让我们了解一下javaEE的容器结构。

    Now that you are familiar with cloud application characteristics , let 's look at a Java EE container structure .

  2. 您现在可以开始构建一个新的Android内核系统了,微型云应用程序就将位于这个系统中。

    You 're now ready to build a new Android kernel system with the tiny cloud application in it .

  3. 不是所有的web应用程序都是云应用程序

    All web applications are not cloud applications

  4. 桌面应用程序是基于单租户的应用程序,其中基于软件即服务(SoftwareasaService,SaaS)的云应用程序是多租户的。

    Desktop applications are single-tenant-based applications where as Software as a Service ( SaaS ) - based cloud applications are multi-tenant .

  5. 这个月IBM发布了两个云应用:一个是开发和测试云,一个是动画渲染云。

    This month IBM announced two cloud applications : a development-and-test cloud , and an animation rendering cloud .

  6. 云应用程序的部署和管理直接通过AptanaStudio进行。

    Deployment and management of cloud applications is managed directly through Aptana Studio .

  7. 本文阐述了WebSphereCastIronCloudIntegration如何在几天之内,使您不需要编程就可以整合公司内部应用程序和云应用程序。

    The article demonstrated how WebSphere Cast Iron Cloud Integration can empower you to integrate on-premise applications and cloud applications in a matter of days and without coding .

  8. 本节详细介绍如何使用IBMTivoliMonitoringAutonomousAgent的云和监控命令行脚本集成云应用程序。

    This section provides details on how to integrate cloud applications using the cloud and monitoring command line scripts with the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Autonomous Agent .

  9. 我们还介绍了云应用程序的特征,以及javaEE容器和应用程序的相应特征。

    We 've examined the characteristics that make cloud applications unique , as well as corresponding characteristics of Java EE containers and applications .

  10. 因此,随着云应用的增长,即使是在早期采用阶段,看到各种实现采用REST技术是毫不奇怪的。

    Therefore with the increase in use of Cloud , even if only at the early adopter stages , it was no surprise to see REST being adopted by various implementations .

  11. 您需要另外创建一个文件来使用kernel内核源makefile文件恰当地编译这个云应用程序。

    You need to create one more file to properly build the cloud application using the Android kernel source makefile .

  12. 在本文中,您探索了许多由AptanaCloud平台提供的开源技术,从而使得云应用程序的管理更加轻松。

    In this article , you explored many open source technologies used by the Aptana Cloud platform to make it easier to manage applications deployed .

  13. InfoQ:我们能不能使一个适合部署到云中的应用(针对原生云应用的特点)成为原生云?

    InfoQ : Can we take a cloud / ready application ( respects the characteristics of cloud native application ) and make it cloud native ?

  14. 我们支持让Spring成为云应用程序中的最佳语言,即便云并非是基于VMWare的vSphere。

    We are committed to making Spring the best language for cloud applications , even if that cloud is not based on VMware vSphere .

  15. 此外,我们还介绍了将JEE容器整合到云应用程序中对云应用程序设计策略的影响。

    Also , we have pointed out the impact of integrating JEE containers to cloud application on your cloud application design strategies .

  16. 假设我们已经拥有了Hadoop,那么就会需要附加的分析服务,正如web2.0公司需要新的数据层一样,新的云应用也有同样的需要。

    Assuming Hadoop is in place , there 's a need for additional analytics-just as web2.0 companies required a new data layer , new cloud applications will need the same .

  17. SAP的收购战略说明它致力于成为云应用领域的领军者,正如上一次在向用户&服务器平台转型过程中,它在企业应用领域大获成功一样。

    Their acquisition strategy to date illustrates that SAP is committed to being a leading player in cloud applications in the same way as it created a massive enterprise applications franchise by riding the previous client-server platform shift .

  18. 这意味着Jolicloud上很多程序的部署都是云应用。

    This means that many of the programs deployed within Jolicloud are actually Web apps .

  19. 五六年前普遍是McAfee等预装软件,但现在全都是持续升级的云应用软件。

    Five or six years ago it would be prepackaged software like McAfee but now it is all in the cloud with continuous updates , he said .

  20. 云应用可以构建在云基础之上,正如on-premises应用是基于on-premises建立的一样。

    A cloud application can be built on a cloud foundation , just as an on-premises application is built on an on-premises foundation .

  21. 要满足云应用程序严格的NFRs,可能有必要识别所有可通过异步交互来解决的用例,使用它们识别工作应用程序组件,保持应用程序裸机的执行路径尽可能短。

    To address the stringent NFRs of a cloud application , it might be worth identifying all use cases that can be resolved with an asynchronous interaction , use them to identify the worker components , and keep the execution path of the app logic as short as possible .

  22. 它在一个机器中提供了一个标准化的云应用程序平台。

    It delivers a standardized cloud application platform in a box .

  23. 有许多文章专门介绍了设计云应用程序的最佳实践。

    Entire articles are devoted to best practices for designing cloud applications .

  24. 同一应用程序在桌面中和在云应用程序中

    Same application on a desktop and in the cloud

  25. 另外还将探讨云应用程序与传统N-层应用程序的设计差异。

    Explore the design differences between a cloud application and a traditional N-tier application .

  26. 云应用程序的最大优点是无需安装。

    One of the biggest advantages to cloud applications is that no installation is required .

  27. 但是,在云应用程序上下文中,最大的限制是可伸缩性。

    However , in the context of cloud applications , the biggest limitation is scalability .

  28. 以下的部分提供了云应用程序和桌面应用程序在各种场景中的比较。

    The following sections offer a comparison of cloud and desktop applications under various scenarios .

  29. 在使用云应用程序时,不保证任何实例将会持久。

    With cloud applications , there is no guarantee that any given instance will be durable .

  30. 许多移动云应用是数据敏感型的,需要处理大量的数据。

    Many cloud applications are data-sensitive , which need to process a large amount of data .