- backwater;return water;damming;reflux;ascent

(1) [backwater;reflux]
(2) 水受到障碍物、反向流或潮流的影响而上溯或倒流
(3) (例如在下水道或河漕中)
(4) 纸机网部排出的废水,其中含有细小纤维及其他化产药品
A model of treatment price adjustment of wastewater and backwater in BOT and BT mode
Study of the Valuation Model on Wastewater and Backwater Treatment of Plant-Network Co-construction in BOT and BT mode
Performance of a CO 2 transcritical cycle water source heat pump heating system will worsen with rising of return water temperature of the system .
After concentration treatment of the water , the values of COD , BOD5 , TH , SS and Mg2 + decreased ;
Analyzed the main reason of low power for boiler air preheater and steam air heater because unreasonable drainage system lead to back water not flow smoothly and pipe vibration very big .
Lowering the return water temperature requires stepped energy using according to the temperature level of water , which can be achieved by using CO 2 transcritical water source heat pump two-stage heating system .
The recirculating cooling water for phosphoric acid production plants is featured by low content of fluorine . low content of phosphorus , low pH value , high contents of suspended matters and high temperature of recirculating cooling water .
The determination of the parameters η Ca and f by simulated backwater is introduced . It combines the power plant with practice , and explains how to use the formula to determine the scale inhibitor concentration .
Determination of Three-dimensional Fluorescence Characteristics of Dissolved Organic Matter by HITACHI F-7000 Fluorescence Spectrophotometer in Three Gorges Backwater Area
The Design and Arrange of the Returning Water Device of WNS Serial Gas & Oil-fired Hot Water Boiler
Eutrophic investigation and assessment on backwater reaches of several typical branches of three Gorges Reservoir at 135m water level
Through testing the flow rate of chilled water and cooling water and the supply water temperature and return water temperature , the value of COP of refrigeration system and the EER of cooling tower were gotten .
Modification to the backwater system of feed water pump sealing for the 125 ? MW generating unit
The results of backwater calculation at Changzhou Reservoir demonstrated that , there exited an extremal value of backwater length while the water level was 18.6m and the criterion for the terminal of backwater was 0.1m .
The application result shows that the remaining fouling is no more than 2 mm thick for the two water returning pipe after cleaning , the pipe anti-corrosion coatings are integral and the flow of the water returning pips for the ash yard meets the anticipated requirements .
The object of study is the second extension project of Qujing thermo-electric Plant ( 2x300MW ) of Yunnan . Two major problems , there are coordinated control system of the generator-transformer unit and the modeling of the backwater heating system , were studied .
Though the tributaries under 135 m lever maintained slim flow pattern after second water storage in the Three Gorges Reservoir , the speed in the backwater reach reduced obviously , so it became the lake which was suitable for growth of algae .
Channel Regulation Technique at Fluctuating Backwater Area in Mountainous Alluvial River
Computation of backwater end for small hydropower station on mountainous river
Backwater length will increase with the slower of bottom slope .
Effect of Synthetic Tailings backwater on Positive floating of Iron ore
Analysis of watering method about return water tower in tailing pond
Effect of several ions of tailing back-water on iron direct flotation
Design Parameter of Channel Technique in Disjunct Reach of Hinge Backwater
Determining Optimum Temperatures of Water Supply & Return of Heating System
Recommends the control scheme by monitoring the return water temperature .
Test on Recycling Water by Electrochemical Process into Flotation of Phosphate Ores
Analysis and adjustment of superheat of backflow water in heat supply network
Determination of Designed Lowest Navigable Level of Reach in Fluctuating Backwater Area
( 3 ) Regulation principles of waterway in fluctuating backwater area .