
  1. 求救电话从该地区各地蜂拥而至。

    Distress calls were pouring in thick and fast from all over the area .

  2. 我接到了一个女人的求救电话,她来自纽约羊肉镇。

    I got a rescue call from a woman in Muttontown .

  3. 根据联邦政府的E911法令,他们需要升级服务网络,以确保能找到任何拨打911求救电话者所在位置。

    Under a federal permission known as E911 , they had to upgrade their networks to ensure that anyone dialing the911 emergency number could be located .

  4. 一整个早上没有一个求救电话。

    A whole morning went by without a single emergency call .

  5. 皇家骑警对求救电话响应迅速。

    The Mounties are quick to respond to a call for help .

  6. 我们的目标是对紧急求救电话立刻作出回应。

    Our aim is immediacy of response to emergency calls .

  7. 消息来自于他现居住的住所的紧急求救电话。

    This was the emergency call from the house where he was living .

  8. “一位小孩情况危急!”接到求救电话后,每个医务人员都很担心。

    It was the emergency callout every paramedic dreads – a child in danger .

  9. 在车撞到路堤前,911求救电话拨打时,拉斯特瑞拉告诉其他人要祷告。

    A911 call captured Lastrella telling the others to pray before the car launched off the embankment .

  10. 这块大石灰岩上已经钻了一些孔给伯安什瓦尔透气,也连好了电缆,以方便进行心脏监测和艺术家拨打求救电话。

    Holes have been bored in the rock for air and cables for a heart monitor and emergency telephone line .

  11. 我截获了她站在杰登尸体前打给尼基塔的求救电话

    I intercepted a phone call she made to Nikita for help while she was standing Over Jaden 's dead body .

  12. 不管你信不信,这都已经成为既定事实。这位科罗拉多的妇女当找不到电视遥控器时,竟拿起电话拨打了911求救电话。

    Believe It or Not this Happened in Colorado . A woman called 911 after she realized she couldn 't find her TV remote control .

  13. 临床心理学家白珠美说,求救电话过去几年来增加了。

    Bae Joo-Mi , a clinical psychologist at the Korea Youth Counseling Institute , said the number of calls for help has grown over the years .

  14. 当一个老年人打来痛苦的求救电话却没有救护车可派时(在夕张这种事例现在就时有发生),其后果如何就可想而知了。

    When there is no ambulance to answer a pensioner 's anguished telephone call , as sometimes happens in Yubari , the consequences become all too clear .

  15. 官方称,礼拜日在上星期发出最后求救电话的地方,负责营救胡德山三名失踪登山者的搜救人员发现一具尸体。

    Rescuers looking for three missing climbers on Mount Hood found a body Sunday in the area where one of the climbers made a distress call last week , authorities said .

  16. 航空官员表示飞机失事原因不明,机舱没有求救电话。而在西南官话中,下更具有较高的一致性。

    Airline officials said they had no indication of why the plane went down % 26 mdash ; there was no distress call from the cockpit . In southwest mandarin ," Xa " bears higher level of consistency .

  17. 比如,警方曾接到一位父亲的求救电话,说自己车胎爆胎,撞到了栏杆上。当时他正在釜山送18岁的女儿参加高考。

    In one case , police responded to a distress call from a father whose car had blown a tyre and hit a railing as he was driving his 18-year-old daughter to the test in the southern city of Busan .

  18. 但是,有时你需要给一个身处事外的朋友打一通求救电话,征得他客观的意见,你们的友谊可以长存而不必围绕别的友谊存在,这是一个好处。

    But there are times when you need to make an S.O.S call to a friend who is completely uninvolved and removed from a situation who can offer objective advice so it a bonus that your friendship exists without orbiting around your other ones .

  19. 方法在120计算机管理软件的求救报警系统中增设打印输出模块,改变原来用记录或口述传递病人求救地址、联系电话号码的方式,以文字形式进行传递,参考执行。

    Methods The distress warning system in 120 computer managing software was supplemented with a printing output module to alter the mode of passing patients ' call address , contact phone number by recording or dictating to by literalness .