
wén jiàn ɡònɡ xiǎnɡ
  • file sharing
  1. P2P技术及其在文件共享系统中的应用

    Research on the P2P Technology and Application in File Sharing System

  2. 文件共享系统是P2P技术的一个重要研究领域。

    File sharing system is an important area in peer-to-peer technology .

  3. join只有在所要连接的文件共享某个共同的域时才会工作。

    Join works only if the files being joined share a common field .

  4. 基于Agent的P2P文件共享系统的研究

    Research of P2P File-sharing System Based on Agent

  5. Linux和Windows之间的文件共享

    Sharing Files between Linux and Windows by Samba

  6. 对等计算(Peer-to-Peercomputing)是一种新型的、极具潜力的计算形式,文件共享是P2P的主要用途。

    Peer-to-peer Computing is a new and potential computing form .

  7. P2P文件共享系统行为特性分析和研究

    Analysis and study on behaviors of P2P file sharing system

  8. P2P文件共享系统中反内容污染机制研究

    Research on Anti-Content Pollution Mechanism in P2P File Sharing System

  9. 基于P2P的文件共享系统分布路由的研究

    Research of Content - Distributed File - Sharing System Based on P2P

  10. P2P文件共享系统中Peer的行为评价

    Evaluation of behavior of Peers in Peer-to-Peer file sharing systems

  11. 一种基于P2P文件共享应用的片段选择算法

    A piece selection algorithm for Peer-to-Peer file sharing applications

  12. P2P网络文件共享系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of File-sharing Program of P2P Network

  13. 单纯依靠Windows文件共享方式己难以解决产品与研发文档管理的问题。

    Depending on Windows file sharing mode has been difficult to solve products and research document management problem .

  14. 将照片共享动作映射到blog和文件共享

    Mapping photo sharing actions to blogs and file shares

  15. 针对基于主题(topic)的对等计算文件共享系统,研究了一种基于概率的相似查询处理技术。

    A similarity search technique based on probabilistic information is investigated for the P2P file sharing application with hierarchical topics .

  16. P2P文件共享应用的一个核心问题是有效的文件搜索机制。

    The core problem of P2P file sharing applications is effective file searching mechanism .

  17. P2P文件共享系统中的恶意代码防治策略

    A Malware Defence Strategy for P2P File-Sharing System

  18. 一种P2P文件共享系统中的激励机制

    Incentive mechanism in peer-to-peer file sharing system

  19. 一种基于P2P的局域网文件共享工具

    A Lan File-Sharing Tool Based on P2P

  20. 基于P2P的文件共享软件设计

    File Sharing Software Design Based on P2P

  21. 使用此节可配置对于不在“网站目录”中的内容源(如文件共享或exchange公用文件夹)的爬网。

    Use this section to configure crawling for content sources not in the sites directory , such as file shares or exchange public folders .

  22. HFC网络中P2P文件共享系统的按需广播算法

    Pull-based broadcasting algorithm in P2P file-sharing system on HFC network

  23. 参与者使用在线协作工具(如电子邮件、聊天室、论坛、Web会议、共享白板和文件共享)促进协作。

    Participants use online collaboration tools like e-mail , chat , discussion forums , Web conferencing , shared whiteboards , and file sharing to promote collaboration .

  24. P2P文件共享:一个世界性的伦理法理问题

    P2P File-Sharing : A Worldwide Issue

  25. 文件共享的另一个相关特性是概念浏览(browsing)。

    Another feature related to file sharing is the concept of browsing .

  26. 而P2P文件共享技术无疑是其中的最重要的研究问题之一。

    So the P2P File-sharing technique becomes one of the most important research problems among them undoubtedly .

  27. 一种基于Peer-to-Peer的分布式文件共享框架

    A Distributed File Share Mechanism Based on the Peer to Peer Systme

  28. 一种非DHT查找方式的结构化P2P文件共享模型

    A Structured Peer to Peer File Sharing Model with Non-DHT Searching Algorithm

  29. 未经授权的服务,如Web服务器、或者文件共享解决方案,不仅会降低网络的性能,其他人还可能使用这些服务进入到您的网络中。

    Unauthorized services , such as Web servers or file sharing solutions , not only degrade performance , but others can use these services as routes into your network .

  30. P2P网络以其文件共享和去中心化等特点不断引起人们的广泛关注。

    P2P networks , with the features of file-sharing and no centralized servers , have caused wide public concern .