
  • look back;Looking back;look round;look over your shoulder;Looking back on how it was
  1. 我有太多的方向,以致于总是习惯回头看,看我只有一个出发的地方,这就是我去哪里都不怕错的理由了。

    I have too many directions that used to look back , I only a starting place , this is where I have not wrong reason .

  2. 我们也许在十年十五年之后,我们再回头看,在软件领域里全亚洲只有张明正先生一个趋势科技超过十亿美元的公司。

    We may in the ten years after fifteen years , we look back again , in the software field in Asia only Zhang Ming , a tendency of more than $ one billion in the company of science and technology .

  3. 我停在门口,回头看了看。

    I paused at the door and looked back .

  4. 她不停地回头看。

    She kept peering over her shoulder .

  5. 尼克回头看了看,又皱着眉头停了下来。

    Nick looked back over his shoulder and then stopped , frowning

  6. 他回头看了看肯沃西,色迷迷地笑了。

    He looked back at Kenworthy and leered .

  7. 他回头看那个女人以求得到赞许,但是她的表情让人读不懂。

    He looked back at the woman for approval , but her face was unreadable .

  8. 翠西卡惊讶地回头看了看。

    Tricia looked round in surprise .

  9. 她回头看一眼自己走过来的小路。

    She glanced back over the path she had come .

  10. 她回头看了我一眼。

    She gave me a backward glance .

  11. 读者诸君或许不会不乐意稍稍花点时间,回头看一看汤姆大伯的那幢木屋吧。

    Our readers may not be unwilling to glance back , for a brief interval at Uncle tom 's cabin .

  12. 换言之,我们内心的穴居人正不断地回头看部落其他人在干什么。

    In other words , our inner caveman is continually looking over his shoulder to see what the rest of the tribe are up to .

  13. 我慢慢地走到桥边,回头看了看。

    I walked slowly to the edge of the bridge and looked back .

  14. 不要盯着地板看,也不要回头看其他人。

    Don 't stare at the floor or look over their shoulder at another person .

  15. 现在再回头看一下每一个标记的scope属性。

    Now look back at each tag 's scope attribute .

  16. 当唧唧终于走出奶酪C站踏入黑暗的迷宫时,他忍不住回头看了看这个曾经伴随他和哼哼很长一段时间的地方。

    As he started out into the Maze , Haw looked back to where he had come from and felt its comfort .

  17. 回头看一下我们创建JMS会话的代码行。

    Look back at the line where we created the JMS session .

  18. 回头看清单2可以发现,其中创建了一个Weatherman类。

    If you look back at Listing 2 , you will see that there is a Weatherman class being created .

  19. Givens说,虽然他出来后这只天鹅也走开了,但它边走边回头看,确认他是否跟在后面。

    The police officer says that though the bird then began to walk away , it kept turning around to make sure he was following .

  20. 加州管理培训师克劳斯(PeggyKlaus)说,回头看录像的时候,找出你觉得可以改善的地方,这样在练习时可以做得更好。

    As you review the video , look for aspects you would like to change so you can continue to get better as you practice , says Peggy Klaus , a leadership coach in Berkeley , Calif.

  21. “咱们不要回头看了,”海丝特白兰回答说。

    " Let us not look back ," answered Hester prynne .

  22. 我从前门走了出去,没有回头看。

    I walked oat of the front door without looking back .

  23. 我们再回头看一下您想让流程做什么。

    Let 's review what you want the process to do .

  24. 我回头看你不在了!

    And I looked back , and you weren 't there !

  25. 你有没有回头看,在承诺的昨天。

    Have you never looked back at the promise of yesterday .

  26. 他不断地回头看,估量形势。

    He glanced back constantly , to size up the situation .

  27. 你再回头看你一定不敢相信

    Then you 'll look back , and you won 't believe

  28. 邮寄出去,走吧,不要回头看。

    Mail , check . go . don 't look back .

  29. 如果这个国家的人不回头看。

    And if peopie aren 't watching back in the states .

  30. 但托马尔称,公司从来没有回头看。

    But Mr Tomar says the company has never looked back .