
  • 网络recycling rate;recovery rate
  1. 因而,废纸的回收利用引起了造纸业的重视,废纸回收利用率逐年提高。

    So , recovery and utilization of waste paper has increasingly catched the attention of paper-marking industry and its recovery rate is increasing year by year .

  2. 发展循环经济提高湖盐资源综合开发回收利用率

    Developing Circulation and Improving the Recovery Utilization Rate of Comprehensive Exploition for the Lake Salt Resource

  3. 同时该类污泥絮凝剂的热稳定性较好,回收利用率较高。

    At the same time , the sludge flocculant had a good thermal stability and a high reuse rate .

  4. 目前,我国再生资源产业技术落后,基础设施不完善,再生资源回收利用率偏低。

    At present , China 's renewable energy industry has backward technology , inadequate infrastructure , low utilization of renewable energy .

  5. 所以,塑胶卡板在中国比塑胶袋的回收利用率可谓是不在一个档次。

    Therefore , the plastic pallets in China , plastic bags , recycling rates than can be said is not a grade .

  6. 该报告发现,尽管废金属与废纸市场发展完善,但塑料的回收利用率依然很低。

    The report found that although the scrap metal and paper markets were well established , recycling rates for plastic were still low .

  7. 我国目前的包装现状不能令人满意,突出表现在回收利用率低、过度包装、包装工业落后而且不平衡、包装安全存在问题等方面。

    There exist problems with the rate of renewal and reuse , over packing , under-developed and unbalanced packing industry , and packing safety .

  8. 指出了当前我国污水排放量巨大,处理及回收利用率很低,水环境污染及水资源浪费严重的现状;

    Huge discharge guantity of sewage and the inefficient treatment and recycling of sewage result in the pollution of water areas and aggravate the water crisis .

  9. 采用永磁筒式强磁选机对提高锰矿资源的回收利用率,降低成本,增加经济效益,有着重要的意义。

    Adopting strong magnetic separator with permanent magnet drum has great significance in reducing costs and increasing recovery utilization ratio of manganese resoruces and economic efficiency .

  10. 蓝晶石与石英的浮选分离研究是提高中低品位蓝晶石矿产资源回收利用率及产品质量的难点之一。

    The study of separation of kyanite and quartz is a difficult problem , which may improve the recovery of low-grade kyanite resources and quality of products .

  11. 为了提高废水的回收利用率,考察了应用淹没式膜生物反应器处理含磷污水的工艺流程及效果。

    In the paper , to improve the reclamation rate of wastewater , the process and efficiency of submerged membrane bioreactor for removing phosphorus in wastewater were studied .

  12. 本实用新型产生的有益效果是,将废旧橡胶在较低温度下进行分解,不产生有毒气体,回收利用率高,自动化程度高。

    The positive effect of the utility model is to dissolute the waste rubber in comparatively low temperature without making noxious gas and with high recovery ratio and high automation .

  13. 废铬鞣液循环利用技术的研究&Ⅰ.废铬鞣液在循环系统中的平衡及提高其回收利用率的探讨

    Investigation into Technology of Recycling Used Chrome Tan Liquor part I. Study on Balance of Used Chrome Tan Liquor in Recycling system and on Improving Rate of Recovery and Utilization

  14. 并模拟某一线路公交车的行驶情况,测试纯电动公交车在该线路的加速性能、爬坡能力、续驶里程和能力回收利用率。

    And the simulation of a bus line driving conditions , the test of pure electric bus in the line acceleration , climbing ability , mileage and capacity utilization rate .

  15. 通过优化生产降低火炬排放量、提高火炬气的回收利用率,采用先进的点火系统,实现熄灭火炬是安全可行的。

    It is safe and feasible to realize flare extinguishing by optimizing production , reducing the venting amount to flare , increasing the recovery for recycle , and adopting advanced ignition system .

  16. 有趣的是,研究表明,如果是一个一男一女组成的家庭,回收利用率会飙升至79%——我觉得这是一个解决问题的好办法。

    Interestingly enough , the study found that this percentage shot up to 79 % if the household contained both a man and a woman , which I think is a good way to end this piece .

  17. 我国钢渣的回收利用率较低,若不进行综合利用,钢渣会占用越来越多的土地,会影响钢铁工业的可持续发展。

    In China , the utilization of steel slag is lower . If the use of steel slag is not comprehensive , it will occupy more and more land , affecting the sustainable development of the steel industry .

  18. 水泥生料组分混凝土概念的提出解决了废弃混凝土的再生回收利用率低、造价高的问题,同时避免了水泥生产中对天然矿物的过度开采和空气污染问题。

    The concrete designed by the constituents of cement raw material resolves the problem of the recycle use of the concrete , and at the same time reduces the excessive exploitation of natural resources and the air pollution .

  19. 但是,在选矿过程中对于稀土矿的回收利用率却普遍较低,从而造成了资源的浪费,其原因主要为矿石性质复杂以及选矿工艺相对落后。

    However , it has a low recovery of rare earth resources in ore processing stage , which cause the waste of resources . This mainly because the ore property is complex and mineral processing technology is less advanced .

  20. 我国的铜矿资源中,有相当一部分属于氧化铜矿,氧化铜矿由于自身的矿石性质,很难得到较好的选矿指标,降低了铜的回收利用率,造成了资源的严重浪费。

    The copper resources in China , there are quite part to oxide copper , because of the oxide copper ore nature , it is difficult to get good dressing indexes , and to reduce the copper recycling , caused serious waste of resources .

  21. 寻求变革生产工艺的出发点和实行生态设计的现实依据,提倡开发绿色建材,提高建筑垃圾的回收利用率,从而改善整个建筑产品的环境性能。

    Seeking for the starting point of improving the production technology and realistic basis of carrying out the ecological design , recommend green building materials and improve the recovery utilization ratio of the constructional rubbish to improve the environmental performance of the products of the building .

  22. 印染集中区聚集着以染整厂、印花厂、水洗厂为代表采用以水为媒介的湿加工工艺的企业,此类企业耗水、排水量大,水回收利用率低,且废水治理难度大。

    Dyeing and printing industry concentration areas concentrate a large amount of dyeing plants , printing plants and washing plants . Those plants , characterized by large quantities of water consumption and wastewater emission and low water recycle rate , apply wet processes that consume water as medium .

  23. 产品回收再利用率对闭环供应链利润的影响

    Study on the Impact of Recoverability Rate on the Profits of Closed-loop Supply Chain

  24. 健全废品回收网络提高资源利用率

    Establishing Waste Recovery Network and Enhancing Resource Utilization Rate

  25. 脱水剂可以回收再利用,回收率达98.3%。

    The dehydrater can be recovered and used again , the recovery is upon 98 . 3 % .

  26. 资源回收率、综合利用率很低,损失浪费严重。

    Low rate of recovery and comprehensive utilization ; and serious loss and waste in the use of resources .

  27. 热泵作为一种利用低温热源的节能装置,用于余热回收和提高能源利用率的意义变得日趋重要。

    Heat pump , as an effective energy saying device , is qualified to be employed in saving energy and enhancing energy utilization .

  28. 此工作台便于油泥的回收,提高油泥利用率,减少油泥的损失,节约成本。

    The operating platform is convenient for recycling the oil sludge , improves the oil sludge service factor , decreases the loss of the oil sludge , and saves the cost .

  29. 在污水污泥中加入有机垃圾共同厌氧消化,有助于调节基质,提高有机负荷率,增加沼气产量和能量回收,提高设备利用率,降低工程投资。

    Anaerobic co-digestion of sludge in sewage mixed with organic wastes will contribute to adjustment to substrates , heighten organic load , increase biogas yield and energy recovery , improve equipment capacity factor and decrease investment to project .

  30. 汽车轻量化技术使汽车塑料的用量越来越大,在报废阶段,由于种类繁多、识别分离困难,导致不能有效回收再利用,制约了汽车产品实际回收利用率的提高。

    Automobile lightweight technology makes cars using more and more consumption of plastics . In the retirement stage , however , these plastics are difficult to indentify and separate , resulting to difficulties on recycling , limiting the increased utilization of the actual recovery of automotive products .