
  • 网络moral right;right
  1. 道德权利与公民道德建设

    Moral Rights and the Construction of the Citizen 's Ethic

  2. 论道德权利与中小学道德教育

    On Moral Rights and the Moral Education in Primary and Middle School

  3. 不应忽视公民的道德权利建设

    Don 't Overlook the Development of People 's Moral Right

  4. 法学意义上的权利是以道德权利为基础的。

    Right in legal science is founded on the right of moral right .

  5. 道德权利与义务的不对称性分析

    On the Inconsistency of Morals Right and Inclination

  6. 试论道德权利与道德义务的关系

    On Relationship of Moral Right and Moral Obligation

  7. 从主体性的角度审视道德权利

    On Moral Right from the Viewpoint of Subject

  8. 布兰特道德权利的内涵

    Connotation of Brandt 's Moral Rights

  9. 笔者认为犯罪嫌疑人、被告人有保持沉默的道德权利。

    I believe that the suspect or the defendant has the moral right to remain silent .

  10. 对霍布斯来说是一种道德权利,是人类价值和尊严的源泉。

    It is a moral entitlement for Hobbes , the source of human worth and dignity .

  11. 道德权利:权利化的义务

    Moral Right : Right Obligation

  12. 隐私权不仅是一项法律权利,也是一项道德权利。

    Privacy is not only a kind of legal right but also a kind of moral right .

  13. 道德权利初探

    Research into moral rights

  14. 三者有机统一,全方位地保障公民伦理的培育和道德权利的维护。

    Three organics unify to guarantee the growth of the civic ethics and maintain the moral right all-directionally .

  15. 在这一部分,着重考察了公民伦理与道德权利的内在关系。

    At this part , emphatically investigates the inner link of the civic ethics and the moral right .

  16. 劳工权利作为一种普遍的道德权利,它们源于人的道德、理性和尊严。

    Labour rights are moral rights , which are derived from human morality , rational and human dignity .

  17. 道德权利与法律权利虽有差异,但是却有很大共性,在调整社会关系方面发挥着互补作用。

    Though there is difference between moral right and legal right , there are general characters between them .

  18. 本文在结构安排上遵循了以下顺序:第一部分:公民伦理与道德权利的概念梳理与分析。

    The structure of this paper : The first part : The concepts of civic ethics and moral right .

  19. 人生不仅有道德权利,而且也有道德义务,道德权利与道德义务是伦理学中两个重要的范畴。

    Life has not only moral right but also moral obligation which are of great importance in ethical categories .

  20. 生态只能是一种自然权利或道德权利,不应当进入法律的界域。

    Ecology , only a natural right or moral right , shouldn 't be embodied in the field of law .

  21. 人格尊严作为人之为人所应享有的基本权利,是道德权利也是法律权利。

    As the fundamental rights human being should enjoy , personal dignity is the moral rights and also legal rights .

  22. 最后正确行使道德权利,坚定德福一致的道德信仰。

    Finally , individual should exercises of the moral rights properly and has faith in the consistency of morality and happiness .

  23. 作者认为,在明确公民责任和自由的关系的基础上,加强公民道德权利和道德义务教育是公民道德建设的核心问题。

    The education on the citizen 's morality obligation and morality rights expands and enriches the contents of citizen 's morality buildup .

  24. 他认为公民除了享有法律规定的权利之外,还享有其它比法律权利更根本的道德权利;

    He shows that the citizen also enjoys more basic moral rights than legal rights besides enjoying the rights of the legal provisions ;

  25. 市场经济孕育出人们自由平等的独立人格,道德权利日益凸现。

    Market economy has breeded people 's human dignity of free , equal and independence , moral right is being highlighted day by day .

  26. 在权利伦理这里强调权利优先于义务,道德权利是道德义务的前提。

    Ethics here emphasized the right takes precedence over the obligation in right , the ethical right is a prerequisite of the moral obligation .

  27. 道德权利是指道德主体依据道德所应享有的能使其利益得到维护的地位、自由和要求。

    Moral rights ate status , freedom and claims that moral subjects are deserved to enjoy by morality , which can protect their interests .

  28. 自然体权利本质上属于道德权利,在法律的语境下自然体不能享有权利。

    In essentially , the rights of nature are a type of moral right , which can not enjoy rights in the law context .

  29. 本文通过对布兰特道德权利概念的揭示及其对道德权利语言功能作用的阐述,来说明布兰特对功利主义道德权利的认识问题;

    The text explained Brandt 's understanding to moral rights of utilitarianism by the exposition on the concept and language function of the moral rights .

  30. 通过公民道德权利和道德义务意识的培养,深化了公民道德教育的内容,为塑造具有自觉自愿意识的好公民,创造理想的和谐社会提供了必要条件。

    For the purpose of creating an ideal image of a conscientious citizen and a civilized society , this education provides the most basic conditions .