
dào dé xíng wéi
  • moral behavior;moral acts
  1. 怎样证明道德行为的合理性一直是西方伦理学研究的主题之一。

    How to justify moral acts is one of the main lasting problems throughout the history of Western ethics .

  2. 荣辱观是世界观、价值观、人生观的具体反映,支配着人们的道德行为和道德情感。

    Outlook on honor and disgrace is the concrete reflection of outlooks on the world , values and life , which controls man 's moral acts and emotions .

  3. 一些医生涉嫌有不道德行为。

    A number of doctors came under suspicion of unethical behaviour .

  4. 忘恩负义是可鄙的不道德行为。

    Ingratitude is a despicable vice .

  5. 道德行为一个重要特点就是利他主义。

    An important feature of moral behaviour is altruism .

  6. SOX提及“评审(reviews)”65次,这些评审对管理人员了解他们的雇员们的道德行为是最好的机会。

    SOX references " reviews " 65 times , and these reviews are best opportunities for management to gain insight into the ethical behavior of their employees .

  7. 尽管bae公司否认存有任何不道德行为,但在那些想在紧紧把握就业机会和外交影响他们认为这类输出能带来这些东西的同时,又试图跻身道德高地的国家中间,这样的争论将普遍存在。

    Although BAE denies any wrongdoing , such arguments will resonate with countries that are trying to head for the moral high ground while hanging on to the jobs and diplomatic influence that they think such exports give .

  8. XXXXXXX强调职业道德行为对我们业务的重要性,这里有一些切实可行的建议,它能够用来帮助你在日常业务中如何去做“正确”的决定。

    As XXXXXXX reinforces the importance of ethical behavior to our business , here 's some practical advice you can use in your everyday activities when deciding how to make the " right " decision .

  9. 诚实守信是每个公民道德行为的基本准则。

    Honesty is the basic principle that every citizen should keep .

  10. 人们的道德行为水平千差万别。

    The level of moral behavior varies from people to people .

  11. 刍议少年学生无意识心理与道德行为习惯养成

    The Unconscious Psychology and Nurture of Moral Behaviors of Juvenile Students

  12. 经济公平与社会公平协调过程中的微观主体伦理道德行为探析

    Moral Hazards in the Balancing of Economic Equity and Social Equity

  13. 在不道德行为中使用车辆。

    An immoral act in which a motor vehicle was used .

  14. 当代中国文学是如何反映道德行为的变化的?

    How does contemporary Chinese literature reflect changes in moral behavior ?

  15. 减少腐败将创造价值,减少不道德行为。

    Cutting corruption will create value , reducing unethical behaviour .

  16. 对网络主体道德行为失范的成因分析

    Analyzing the Causes of Netizens ' Deviated Behavior and Ethics

  17. 法人道德行为及其调控

    Moral Action of Legal Person and Its Adjustment & Control

  18. 现代商业广告的作用与非道德行为

    The Effect and Immoral Behavior of the Modern commercial Advertisements

  19. 改善教师职业道德行为和习惯;

    Second , Improve the teachers ' occupational morality behavior and habits .

  20. 论大学生责任教育与道德行为选择

    On Responsibility Education and Moral Behavior Selection for College Students

  21. 她被询问过有关他对她的不道德行为的情况。

    She was questioned about his immoral conduct toward her .

  22. 当代大学生道德行为习惯及教育导向

    Moral Behavior Habits of Contemporary University Students and Education Guidance for Them

  23. 以为人民服务为核心的道德行为;

    Morality behavior focusing on serving for The People ;

  24. 公务员道德行为失范是公务员道德心理失衡的直接表现。

    Civil service ethics ethical misconduct is a direct manifestation of psychological imbalance .

  25. 以下所有除影响国际经理人的不道德行为。

    All of the following except contribute to unethical behavior by international managers .

  26. 父母教养方式、价值观对幼师生道德行为的影响

    The Influence of Parenting Style and Values on Preschool Students , Moral Behavior

  27. 关于期刊编辑道德行为选择与评价的思考

    Selection and Evaluation of Moral Behaviors of Journal Editor

  28. 即使是今天的教会也不能幸免于主流的不道德行为。

    Even the church today is not immune to the mainstreaming of immorality .

  29. 营销经理的道德行为选择直接反映和影响了企业的营销道德水平。

    The marketing managers ' behaviors reflect the level of enterprise 's ethics .

  30. 内部控制环境对职业道德行为影响研究

    The Effect of Internal Control Environment on Ethical Behavior