
wū yī
  • witch doctor;medicine man
巫医 [wū yī]
  • (1) [witch doctor;medicine man]∶专门从事于用咒语、符咒、卜占、草药和魔法以治病、驱邪除祟等的人

  • (2) [doctor]∶懂医术的巫师

  • 巫医乐师百工之人。--唐. 韩愈《师说》

巫医[wū yī]
  1. 巫医还会群体恐惧之类的能力。

    Witch doctor also has a mass fear type of ability .

  2. 一个传统的巫医通常都有根骨头穿过鼻子

    a traditional witch doctor has a bone to his nose .

  3. 他们同样部落的巫医,寻找一些罕见的植物。

    A tribal shaman is also followed , searching for rare plants .

  4. 巫医综合症是真事?

    So , this witch doctor 's disease is a real thing ?

  5. 住在周围的人说他是个巫医。

    People around here call him a witch doctor .

  6. 录像:《白人巫医与塑料医者》。

    Video : White Shamans and Plastic Medicine Men .

  7. 呃那个褐斑像是巫医综合症

    This spot looks like witch doctor 's disease .

  8. 你是叫我带女儿找巫医的吗?

    You 're telling me I should take my daughter to a witch doctor .

  9. 呵呵他是个巫医了!

    Voila , he 's a witch doctor .

  10. 你是一名科学家,不是巫医!

    You are a scientist not a witch-doctor !

  11. 可能有点疼我们前任的巫医乔

    This one will hurt a bit . Joe , our last witch doctor ,

  12. 巫医尝试着对桑迪普进行了治疗,但是并不见效。

    The tantric tried to cure Sandeep but he was not able to do so .

  13. 他介入了许多地区的巫医活动。

    He 'd been involved in exorcisms and healings in many parts of the region .

  14. 巫医?他有些不相信,又重复了一遍。

    Witch-doctors believed to have supernatural powers " The witch doctor ?" he repeated incredulously .

  15. “兀鹰”,一位巫医。

    Soaring eagle , a medicine man .

  16. 他父亲是个巫医。

    His father is a medicine man .

  17. 巫医念了咒语想叫我家的牛遭殃。

    The witch-doctor has cursed our cattle .

  18. 我们在设计巫医职业时并没有特意为亡灵巫师留下空间。

    We 're not specifically designing the witch doctor to leave room for a necromancer class .

  19. 他是个巫医。

    He is a medicine man .

  20. 巫医能够在目标当中施放蝗群法术从而造成伤害。

    Witch doctor can cast out locus swarm , which spreads between targets and deals damage .

  21. 有人召唤巫医吗?

    Someone call for the doctor ?

  22. 台湾中医药史略(一)&台湾民俗医药与巫医时期

    An Outline Medical History of Taiwan ( I ): The Period of Folklore Medicine and Witch Doctor

  23. 但不幸的是,即使是第二次,巫医也没能挽救他的生命。

    But unfortunately , for the second time , the tantric was not able to save his life .

  24. 巫医或者是野蛮人有没有什么新鲜事?

    52 [ Comment From miber ] & anything new / interesting for the barbarian or witch doctor ?

  25. 巫师和巫医,护符和物神仍都是非洲型态不可缺少的部份。

    Sorcerer and witch doctor , grigri and juju , are still an integral part of the African pattern .

  26. 他再一次被巫医宣告死亡。然后他被送到当地医院进行尸检。

    He was once again declared as dead and was soon taken to the district hospital for a post-mortem examination .

  27. 我希望这个机构不仅仅要作为一名世界警察、还要作为一位驱除病魔的全球巫医来参与全球事务。

    I want an institution that is more involved not only as a global policeman but as a global witchdoctor .

  28. 它很适合巫医,它是一个有趣的和有用的技巧。

    It fits the style and feel of the witch doctor class , and it 's a fun and useful skill .

  29. 现在,鄂温克族巫医结合的传统医疗模式已不复存在。

    At present , the traditional medical treatment modes that combined with Shamanism and medicine has been disappeared from Ewenki nationality .

  30. 孔子说:“南方人有一句话‘人如果没有恒心,不能成为巫医。’这句话说得真好。”

    Confucius said : " Southerner have this saying'Men who does not persevere , cannot be a witch doctor ' . "