
  • 网络moral;driven
  1. 她决不是道德高尚的典范!

    She was certainly no paragon of virtue !

  2. 她属于那群道德高尚的女性,她们会聚在一起讨论文学作品。

    She belonged to a high-minded group of ladies who met and discussed Works of Literature .

  3. 她是一个道德高尚的人。

    She is a real saint .

  4. 他是一个道德高尚的人,我们都敬佩他。

    He is a noble man , we all admire him .

  5. 一个道德高尚的精神病医生。

    A distinguished alienist who 's a staunchly moral man .

  6. 他把他们描绘成了一个道德高尚、勤劳刻苦的民族。

    He described them as a virtuous and hard-working people .

  7. 他过着道德高尚的、几乎是圣徒般的生活。

    He led a virtuous , almost a saintly life .

  8. 吉百利无疑是一家道德高尚的雇主。

    Cadbury is , no doubt , a decent employer .

  9. 我是个道德高尚的男人。

    I 'm a man of high moral standing .

  10. 我们期望第一流的运动员都是道德高尚的楷模。

    We expect top athletes to be moral paragons .

  11. 她总是想过道德高尚的生活。

    She always tried to lead a virtuous life .

  12. 我祖母是一位道德高尚的人。

    My grandma was a woman of high principles .

  13. 史密斯先生一生过着道德高尚的生活,然后在安详中去世。

    Mr Smith died a peaceful death after having lived well all his life .

  14. 对于当代大学生而言,诚信是立身之本,是人格健全、道德高尚的重要内容,是成为合格人才的必然要求,是跨入全球化时代的准入证。

    For the college students , honesty is the basic requirement in today 's globalization .

  15. 媒介和政客都试图自我标榜道德高尚。

    Both the media and the politicians are trying to claim the moral high ground .

  16. 既然当大学生,就应该下决心用几年时间把自己锻炼成为一个道德高尚的人。

    Being a university student , it is our social responsibility to be moral and lofty .

  17. 用在这个意义上,爱国主义就是一种美德,爱国者就是一个道德高尚的人。

    Used in this sense , patriotism is a virtue , and a patriot a virtuous man .

  18. 总而言之,迪士尼的观点是长相迷人就等同于道德高尚和幸福美满。

    The bottom line is that Disney openly preaches that attractiveness is synonymous with both morality and happiness .

  19. 讲座教授:热心为聘任学校服务,科学道德高尚,学风严谨,为人正派,富于合作精神;

    For Chair Professor : being responsible , respectable and honest and having strong sense of team spirit ;

  20. 作为一位道德高尚而且负责任的商人,他的声誉让他赢得了解决问题所需的信任和时间。

    His reputation as an ethical and responsible businessman earned him the trust and time to fix things .

  21. 他指出,那位道德高尚的仆人克莱是巴萨当之无愧的朋友和搭挡。

    How the virtuous servant , Cly , was his friend and partner , and was worthy to be ;

  22. 化学药物影响下的状态通常不会导致道德高尚的行为,因为这种情绪高点非自然取得。

    Chemically altered states are typically not linked with moral goodness because the high is typically seen as unearned .

  23. 勤俭节约是中华民族的一大传统,也是一个人道德高尚的具体表现。

    Thrift is a great tradition of the Chinese nation , but also a concrete expression of high moral standing .

  24. 只有尊重别人长处,在任何情况下都平等待人的人,才是道德高尚的人。

    Only those who respect other 's merits and treat others equally at any time are men of high morality .

  25. 培养道德高尚和心理健康的大学生是时代的需求,更是教育者的责任。

    It is demand of the times as well as duty of educators to cultivate moral college students with psychological health .

  26. 修身是指通过修养、学习努力完善自己,使自己成为一个道德高尚的人。

    Morality refers to efforts to improve themselves through training , learning , to enable him to become a moral person .

  27. 有德者必有言,有言者不必有德(道德高尚的人一定会有有益的名言传世,担忧名言传世的人不一定都是道德高尚的人。)

    A virtuous man must have said something of note ; but someone who has said something of note is not necessarily a man of virtue .

  28. 关注幼儿在学习和个性上全面发展,使他们成为适应力强、道德高尚、关心他人、乐于合作的人。

    Emphasizing the personal as well as the academic development of the students , so that children become adaptable , moral , thoughtful and cooperative individuals .

  29. 教师数量充足,道德高尚,教育理念先进,知识能力素质高,课程改革就可能取得成功。

    Therefore , educational reform will be successful with large numbers of teachers with noble minds , advanced education ideas and rich knowledge and great abilities .

  30. 献给哈里。格罗丁,一个道德高尚、机智风趣、无比耐心、富有智慧的人;

    To the memory of Harry Golding , a man of sterling moral character , generous wit and charm , endless patience , and titanic intellect ;