- 网络rock-forming mineral;Rock forming minerals

Quantitative X-ray diffraction analysis of major rock-forming minerals in granite
X-ray powder method , especially determination of cell dimensions applied to studies of rock-forming minerals ;
Application of X-ray crystallology on studying rock - forming mineral
The determination of some rock-forming mineral series by small-diameter X-ray powder camera
The paper describes how to apply X-ray power diffraction and monocrystal X-ray oscillation method in studying rock - forming mineral .
Adjustment of the composition is Mg-rich and Fe-poor in the rock-forming minerals , Cr-rich and Al-poor in the metallic minerals ( Cr-sp ) . It is consistent with the results of practical determination .
Dislocation splitting in the main rock-forming minerals and its rheological implications
A quantitative method for calculating modes of rock-forming minerals in crystalline rocks
FELDSPAR-THE most common gem mineral in rock-forming minerals
Thermodynamics model for the characteristic of the dissolution of primary minerals related to clastic diagenesis
About a method for calculating the cell dimen-sions of low symmetrical rock - forming minerals
The characteristics of major rock & forming and ore minerals and their genesis of Yunlong tin belt
On the characteristics and genesis of major rock & forming minerals in Mesozoic volcanic complex in Lishui
Typomorphic characteristics of main rock - forming minerals in tin - bearing porphyries , yanbei , Jiangxi
Geochemical Characteristics of the Major Rock-forming Minerals and Accessory Minerals from the Granitoids of Donghai Area , Northern Jiangsu
These intrusions have different rock assemblages and host rocks for Ni-Cu deposits , although the petrogenetic minerals are same .
The forming minerals of the granite mass rock are composed of quartz , albite , potassium feldspar and phlogopite in Pingwu .
Many sedimentary rocks contain clay minerals and 76 % of forming-rock minerals of slope rocks can produce clay minerals during the weathering processes .
Quartz is gangue mineral widespread in all types of gold deposits in Guidong Area and is an important rock-forming mineral and gold-carrier mineral as well .
In this paper , the chemical compositions of105 rock-forming minerals of the volcanic rocks in Tengchong have been determined by the microprobe and systematically studied .
Cassiterite is produced in the intergranular pore space or micro fracture and related to autometasomatism of late-post magmatic processes . Its mineralization temperature is 440-230 ℃ .
Using the changing of micro-void of a typical rock-forming mineral , the plagioclase solution degree is proposed as a new index to evaluate the weathering degree .
The primary beryl crystals were crystallized early from the pegmatitic magma in association with rock forming minerals such as quartz , muscovite , albite and spodumene .
Rock-forming mineral , olivine , pyroxene , hornblende , orthoclase , feldspar , plagioclase , mica , quartz , biotite , calcite and other common metal and nonmetal minerals .
The basalt is altered and olivine basalt . Plagioclase is mostly of labradorite and andesine , pyroxene mostly of augite , and olivine mostly replaced by iddingsite in rock-forming mineral .
In this paper , we reported in detail the petrographic characteristics and retrogressive metamorphic phenomena of the xenoliths . The result of electronic probe microanalysis ( EPMA ) of main rock-forming minerals is also presented .
While expounding the significance of comprehensive evalua-tion of rare metal ore deposits the essay discusses the ways of evaluating associated metals , ore-forming minerals and lean ores . Major factors affecting such study are also touched .
In the relationship between Cr # of spinel and Fo of olivine , the peridotites fall within the OSMA and it indicate they are the residual mantle peridotite , but not residue of a simple partial melting .
According to its main rock forming mineral , accessory mineral formation , petrochemistry and geochemistry character , it shows that I type is the main genetic type for intrusive , only a few is A Type or S type .
Lunar Prospector , and will conduct an overall prospect evaluation on some useful resources on the Moon 's surface . Probing the features of lunar soil and evaluating its depth , as well as the amount of helium-3 ( He )