
zào hua
  • good fortune;good luck;Nature


zào huà
  • the Creater;Nature
造化 [zào huà]
  • (1) [good luck]∶福分;好运气

  • 子女都这么孝敬,你可真有造化

  • (2) [Nature]∶自然界

  • 造化钟神秀,阴阳割昏晓。--杜甫《望岳》

  • 信造化之尤物。--宋. 陆游《过小孤山大孤山》

  • 与造化抗衡

造化[zào huà]
造化[zào hua]
  1. 简单的说,造化是指大自然,心源指的是内心的感悟。

    Simply put , " good fortune " refers to nature , " psychological source " refers to the inner perception .

  2. 当然能否“扩大战果”就看你自己的造化了。

    Certainly whether " did the expanded victory " look at your good fortune .

  3. 有些时候,你会怀疑是不是造化弄人,现在就是如此。

    It was just one of those times when you wonder whether the fates conspire against you .

  4. 造化钟神秀,阴阳割昏晓。(杜甫《登泰山》)

    Here creation concentrated unearthly glory , | dark North slope , the sunlit South divide dusk and dawn .

  5. 因出生的造化,他成为英国公民。

    By accident of birth he is entitled to British citizenship .

  6. 但造化造你既专为女人愉快

    But since she prick 'd thee out for women 's pleasure

  7. 植根传统,师法造化的国画大师。

    Rooted in tradition , learning from nature 's painting masters .

  8. 因出生的造化,他成为英国公民(因有缘生于该地)。

    By accident of birth , he is entitled to British citizenship .

  9. 为什么他得活着,当造化破了产,

    Why should he live , now Nature bankrupt is ,

  10. 能让我过他的生活应该是那家伙的造化了。

    I was the best thing that ever happened to that guy .

  11. 造化像一位慈爱的母亲,在夜幕来临之�

    As a fond mother , when the day is

  12. 驾着火轮向造化的宝座奔突。

    Driving on fiery wings to Nature 's throne .

  13. 画家借这则故事穷尽了自然造化和自由人生的真谛。

    Artists from this story end the essence of nature and free life .

  14. 造化那么笨,只能造出这个地球而已吗?

    Would the creator be so stupid as to create only this earth ?

  15. 造化只出借却不会馈赠,

    Nature 's bequest gives nothing but doth lend ,

  16. 由外师造化之误读论当代山水画创作

    Discuss Creation of Contemporary Landscape Painting from Misunderstanding ' Study Nature by Surface '

  17. 造化弄人,竭力避免的事往往会发生。

    One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it .

  18. 漂亮的年轻人是大自然的造化。

    Beautiful yong people are arts of nature .

  19. 造化托你转交的美丽的礼品?

    The bounteous largess given thee to give ?

  20. 愿你们蒙受上主的祝福,他是上天下地的造化主!

    May you be blessed by the Lord , Maker of heaven and earth .

  21. 是,在静默念着造化中,你们还将在一起。

    Aye , you shall be together even in the silent memory of God .

  22. 如果造化(掌握盈亏的大主宰),

    If Nature , sovereign mistress over wrack ,

  23. 我在太一无限造化者的爱与光中离开你们。

    I leave you in the love and the light of the one infinite Creator .

  24. 外师造化天地宽&对中国传统绘画的再认识

    To Enlarge Art Space Under the Teaching of Nature & Recognition to Chinese Traditional Painting

  25. 这一切你都明白,仍旧只为那场遇见而甘受造化之苦。

    You know all this , still meet and submission to the creation of bitterness .

  26. 这一个造化女神为她自己造下的堡垒凭一己之力,就能够拯救自己。

      this fortress built by nature for herself can save itself on its own .

  27. 黄山是美的综合体,是天地造化的宠儿。

    Huangshan is the integration of natural beauty , the favorite son of the universe .

  28. 他们只是因为出生的造化,模仿一些名人的普通人罢了。

    They are ordinary folk who , by an accident of birth , resemble someone famous .

  29. 后来,造化戏弄人,再次令我们惊喜。

    Then nature surprised us again .

  30. 提倡现代城市水景设计中的“师法造化”。

    Promote " imitate to build to turn " within the modern city water view design .