
  • 网络PAPER;paper and paper products;Paper & Allied Industry;paper making industry
  1. 加入WTO对广东造纸业发展影响的初探

    Effect of Joining WTO on the Development of on Guangdong Paper Industry

  2. PVA纤维在造纸业的应用浅析

    Application of PVA Fiber in Paper Making

  3. 工业源中制浆造纸业为主要污染行业,COD排量占38.29%。

    Of the industrial pollution sources , the pulp and papermaking industry is the largest pollution source whose COD excreta reaches 38.29 % .

  4. 我国制浆造纸业的发展保持与GDP同步增长,但是制浆造纸机械制造业的发展却相对的滞后。

    The development of the pulping and papermaking industry in our country keeps pace with the increase of GDP . But the pulping and papermaking machinery manufacturing lags behind .

  5. 加入WTO后,站在经济全球化的视野下,认真分析我国纸业的发展变化规律,研究了加入WTO对我国造纸业的影响。

    The paper has analyzed development law of paper industry in our country from the view of economic globalization after our country joins WTO and its influence on our country paper industry to join WTO .

  6. BOM针刺造纸毛毯是适应造纸业向高速、高压、宽幅方向发展的产物。

    BOM is the product that the modern paper-making industry is developing to high speed , high pressue and wide width . Nine different kinds of BOM are developed .

  7. 随着全球社会经济的发展,五氯酚(PCP)被广泛应用于木材的防腐剂、防锈剂、除草剂、杀菌剂和造纸业中。

    With the development of the global economy , pentachlorophenol ( PCP ) is widely used in wood preservatives , anti-rust agents , herbicides , fungicides and the paper industry .

  8. 白桦(BetuLapLatyphyLLa)为我国东北与内蒙古地区的先锋树种,广泛用于建筑、家俱和造纸业。

    Betula platyphylla , a kind of pioneer tree species in Northeast and Inner Mongolia of China , is widely used in construction , furniture , and paper production .

  9. 1865年,一位名叫弗兰德里克·艾德斯塔姆(FredrikIdestam)的工程师,在芬兰南部一条河的河边建起一个纸浆厂,从事造纸业。

    In 1865 , an engineer named Fredrik Idestam began manufacturing paper in a wood pulp mill he built by a river in southern Finland .

  10. 造纸业废水治理有了新技术

    A new technology to deal with the sewage of Paper Engineering

  11. 绿色壁垒,中国造纸业面临的新挑战

    Green Barrier , the new challenge confronted by China paper industry

  12. 浙江省造纸业清洁生产持续发展研究

    Sustainable Clean Production in Paper Making Industry of Zhejiang Province

  13. 专为造纸业设计的染料&阳离子直接染料

    A Cationic Substantive Dye & Specially Designed for Papermaking Industry

  14. 造纸业税政解读与企业纳税风险规避

    Interpretation of taxation policy of papermaking industry and enterprise tax risk avoidance

  15. 江苏的造纸业则呈现出良好的发展势头。

    The paper-making industry of Jiangsu presents good development impetus .

  16. 小造纸业入河排污对河流水质影响分析

    Influence on River Water Quality by Sewage Draining of Small Paper Industry

  17. 改性硅灰石在新闻纸造纸业中的双重环境效应

    Dual environment effects of modified wollastonite on papermaking of newsprint

  18. 中国造纸业如何走出环境困局?

    HOW DOES Paper-made Industry in China Jump Out of Environment Trap ?

  19. 壳聚糖在林业及造纸业中的应用研究进展

    Progresses of Application and Research of Chitosan in Forestry and Papermaking Industry

  20. 造纸业是造成水污染的重要污染源之一。

    Papermaking industry pollution is one of the pollutant of water pollution .

  21. 他也许偷走了我们造纸业的机密。

    He may try to steal the secrets of our paper manufacturing .

  22. 历史时期中国造纸业的分布与变迁

    The distribution and changes of china 's paper industry in different historical periods

  23. 制造系统工程理论在造纸业中的应用研究

    A study on the theory of manufacture system engineering in paper making industry

  24. 造纸业:各种纤维素纸浆、涂料、黑液。

    Paper : all kinds of cellulose pulp , paint , black liquor .

  25. 转变投资模式促进我国造纸业发展

    Changing Investment Model and Developing Paper Industry of China

  26. 中国造纸业结构性矛盾及对策

    Analysis on Chinese paper-making structural conflicts and the counter-measures

  27. 造纸业:原材料和产品价格双回落

    Papermaking industry : both of the prices of raw materials and products fell

  28. 造纸业主要包括纸浆制造、造纸和纸制品制造。

    Paper industry mainly indicates pulping , manufacture of paper and paper products .

  29. 造纸业的循环经济之路

    The Road of Cyclic Economy in Paper Industry

  30. 近代中国传统造纸业的嬗变

    The Evolution of Handicraft Papermaking in Modern China