- 名Orogenic belt;orogenic zone

Qm-F-Lt , Qt-FL triangular diagram show that sandstone componental particles mainly falling into recycling orogenic zone , a very small amount into recycling of orogenic belts and volcanic arc mixing zone , indicating that there were overall more intensive tectonic activities of south depression in the Paleogene . 5 .
Evolution and basic characteristics of Tethys orogenic zone , western Yunnan
In approaching models for erosion and deposition in orogenic belt by GIS
Pb Isotopic Composition of Granitoids from the Altay Orogen ( China ): Evidence for Mantle-derived Origin and Continental Growth
PT path of medium-pressure metamorphism of continental collision orogenic belt - exemplified by the southern Qinling orogenic belt
Genesis of positive ε( nd , t ) granitoids in the Da Hinggan mts. - mongolia orogenic belt and growth continental crust
The K_ ( 60 ) value of igneous rock association cannot be used to estimate the crustal thickness of the Mesozoic orogenic belts of eastern China ;
( 40 ) ~ ar - ( 39 ) ~ ar chronological evidence of dextral shear and tectonic evolution of the eastern Tianshan orogenic belt
Sr , Nd and O Isotope Geochemistry of the Mafic & Ultramafic Complexes in the South Margin of Altay Orogenic Belt and Discussion on Their Sources
~ ( 40 ) Ar - ~ ( 39 ) Ar isotope chronological evidence for the orogeny in the eastern segment of the Central Asian-Mongolian orogenic belt
The relationships between VMS types , source of metal , host rock , volcanic rock types and tectonic setting have been studied in this paper .
K-Ar and ~ ( 40 ) Ar - ~ ( 39 ) Ar Ages of Pseudotachylites and Their Wall Rocks from the Eastern Dabie Mountains and Their Implications
337 zircon U , Th and Pb contents , and Pb isotopic compositions of 27 high-grade metamorphic rocks , mainly eclogites and gneisses from Dabie-Sulu orogen were analyzed by using ion micro-probe technique .
Petrogenesis of Neoproterozoic Granitoids from the Wulian Region in the Sulu Orogen : Sr-Nd Isotopic Constraints
Studies on the metamorphism and PTt path of the granulites now become to be one of the most important methods to module a structural evolvement pattern of erogenic belts .
The upper crust of the Altun orogenic belt has a high average Q value ( about 500 ) . It is likely caused by shallow depth of crystalline basement , outcrop of basement rocks , and slow attenuation of seismic wave .
The hydrothermal fluid system and base metallic mineralization were developed in interarc rift basins of Yidun arc-collision orogenic belt . The emplacement of orebodies was controlled by a series of restricted basins and SN-trending fault-fissure systems .
The age of ( 797.7 ± 1.5 ) Ma , which is based on the Rb Sr isochron method of whole rock , indicates that the Su jiao orogenic belt began to split from mid Neoproterozoic .
Zircon is the most widely used mineral for U Pb age determinations , and shows particular importance to a complicated geological history of a metamorphic terrain , like Dabie Shan collision orogen .
The Features of Pb-Sr-Nd-O Isotope Composition of Granitoids in Eastern Kunlun Orogenic Belt
There is the collision orogenic belt which was developed in late middle Proterozoic era , in north margin of North China plate . The belt extends from Langshan in Inner Mongolia to Western Liaoning province and Eastern Jilin province . Its length is over 2 000 km .
The Luonan-Luanchuan fault zone on the northern margin of the Qinling Mountains is a convergence belt between the North China plate and Qinling orogenic belt with the natures of SW-NE-directed subduction and sinistral strike-slip motion . It shows an association style of imbricate structure and duplex structure .
There are two different Early Paleozoic ( 400Ma ~ 500Ma ) tectono-magma complex belts in the North and South Qinling of the East Qinling orogenic belt .
The East Kunlun mode is that the basement of the Proterozoic orogenic belt was reworked by the heat input and materials of the Paleozoic-early Mesozoic convective mantle formed on the background of TTG continental crust of the Proterozoic orogenic belt ;
The second and third stages of magmatism occurred before the main orogenic episodes in the end of mid-Jurassic and late-Jurassic , respectively ; therefore , the main orogenic episodes have counterclockwise ( CCW ) P-T-t path .
Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating yielded ages of 127.8 ± 2.6 and 112.0 ± 2.3 Ma for the two deposits respectively and indicates that the two deposits formed in a post-collisional stage of the orogen evolution ( the Bangong Co-Nujiang ocean basin closed at 145 Ma ) .
Research and classification on tectonic facies of orogenic belts of Xinjiang
Element Abundances of the Continental Crust in the Dabie Orogenic Belt
The crustal structure of the Qinling orogen and wedging mountain building
Evolution of Qinling Paleozoic - mesozoic orogenic belt and metal metallization