
  • 网络Cepheid variable;Cepheids;cepheid variable star
  1. 造父变星是一种光线按规律周期发生变化的恒星。

    Cepheid variable stars are stars whose brightness changes at regular periods .

  2. 他的首次重大发现产生于他认识了一颗造父变星的时候。

    His first great discovery was made when he recognized a Cepheid variable star .

  3. 造父变星周光关系的零点和天琴座RR型星的绝对星等

    The zero point of the period - luminosity relation of Cepheids and the absolute magnitude of the RR Lyrae variables

  4. 依巴谷星表中的经典造父变星及其距离尺度

    Classical Cepheids of the Hipparcos Catalogue and Their Distance Scale

  5. 热超短周期造父变星的共性

    The general properties of hot ultrashort period Cepheids

  6. 天文学家使用位于智利安第斯山脉的华沙望远镜追踪造父变星。

    The astronomers tracked the Cepheids using the Warsaw Telescope located in the Chilean Andes .

  7. 博士:天文学家已应用哈勃望远镜来观测“造父变星”并以此更准确地计算出它们的距离。

    Dr.J. : Astronomers have used Hubble to observe cepheids and to pin down their distances much more accurately .

  8. 这幅新地图是通过精确测量散布在银河系中的2400颗“造父变星”与太阳之间的距离而绘制的。

    The new map was formulated using precise measurements of the distance from the sun to 2400 stars called ' Cepheid variables ' scattered throughout the galaxy .

  9. 其后的天文学家在宇宙不同角落陆续找到其他造父变星,并发现了它们光度跟光变周期间的简单关系。

    Subsequently astronomers found more and more Cepheids in different corners of the universe and discovered that there exists a simple relationship between their luminosities and light variation periods .

  10. 在色星等图上,处于造父不稳定带的左外侧而温度较高,故简称热造父变星。

    On the colour-magnitude diagram they are situated near and more left than the hotter edge of the Cepheid instability stripe , so their temperature is higher than other types of pulsating variables .