- feldspar

Effects of pH on the Solubility of the Feldspar and the Development of Secondary Porosity
The ratios of the corrosion of laumonite and feldspar are the two most important parameters to porosity .
Adsorption mechanism of dodecyl AMINE-HYDROCHLORIDE on feldspar and quartz and effect of pH
In the A and B sub-stages of late diagenetic period , the albitization and corrosion of analcime contribute to reservoirs .
With the intermittent activity of hot fluid containing CC ^ , ferrous carbonate minerals dissolved and precipitate repeatedly many times .
~ ( 40 ) ar / ~ ( 39 ) ar plateau age spectra of feldspars and Their Geological Implications
Rapid analysis of feldspar with ICP-AES
Through XRD analysis on the single particles , main minerals of the air dust are quartz , felspar , dolomite , calcite , gypsum and barite .
The dentrites of Di-An-Ab system crystalized at different cooling-rates were studied . NUCLEATION AND CRYSTAL GROWTH OF SYNTHETIC DIOPSIDE-JADEITE JEWELRY
The body belonged to clay-quartz-feldspar system , its Al2O3 content was lower than that of Yaozhou and Hunyuan wares .
This paper mainly focuses on the implant of Titanium metals with HA active coating and the feldspathic porcelain restoration by SPS technology .
The results show that obvious separation of Ta and Nb from W took place in the processes of crystallization of albite granitic melt .
EPR study on exchange kinetics of fe ~ ( 3 + ) over the tetrahedral positions in alkali feldspar
The phase compositions of potash feldspar and it 's calcined , and water insoluble substances of co-calcining of potash feldspar with additives were analyzed by XRD .
High temperature of leaching with HF acid can be applied to dissolve the impurity companion minerals ( mica or feldspar ) with vein quartz .
The result shown : The SPS technique can sinter the compact feldspathic porcelain within 10 minutes .
From the results of XRD analysis , albite and dolomite respectively react with refractory minerals in coal ash at high temperature and form lower fusion minerals : nepheline , anorthite and diopside .
This paper emphasizes the effect of the dissolution of aluminosilicate during diagenesis may provide more radiogenic strontium which would result in a high content of strontium in carbonate rocks .
According to the mineralogy analysis , the sandstone of ore-bearing stratum is confirmed on lithic arkose . The uranium deposit occurs in the Jurassic arkose sandstone being located in the exocontact zone of quartz-syenite intrusive body .
The Phyllite is picked form Xixiang region in Shanxi province . We find out the sericite content is 29.9 % by microscope and XRD , there are some other minerals in the rock , such as quartz 、 feldspar and chlorite .
During transition from spinel-lherzolite to plagioclase-lherzolite facies , spinel is very rich in Ti and its Cr / ( Cr + Al ) increases , Ti content and Cr / ( Cr + Al ) of orthopyroxene increase simultaneously ;
Huayuanchong copper-lead-zinc deposit is controlled by NNW F5 trending fault , while the ore-bearing lithology being Paomagang Fm fade dolomitic gravel subarkose .
Results of X-ray diffraction tests show that the main component minerals of sliding zone soils are quartz , feldspar , calcite and clay minerals such as montmorillonite , illite and chlorite , the total amount of clay minerals is40 % ~ 45 % .
Comparatively high content of H 2O was favorable for the faster growth of quartz than albite . Finally , the quartz phenocrysts which contained albite laths might form snowball texture .
The study on dissolution of potassium from feldspar powder by fermented broth and the metabolites of the strain NBT was carried out in shake flask .
The higher F and H 2O contents might decrease viscosity of magma and increase the growth rate of quartz . Consequently , the albite might be wrapped by quartz phenocrysts and finally the snowball texture formed .
OSL ( optical stimulated luminescence ) is a new method in dating . A preliminary study of K-feldspar in OSL dating is reported .
The X ray diffraction ( XRD ) analysis shows that the amount of quartz and feldspar increases when the grain size of sediment increases , and the heavy metals remain in a relatively low level , which mainly comes from the primary mineral .
Experimental synthesis of 13X zeolite molecular sieve which is an important byproduct with high additional value in distilling potassium from potassium feldspar is studied in this paper .
The separated feldspar were got by special treatment after a systematic thin section investigation , then the K-Ar ages were determined by the isotope dilution method .