- 名adaptive value

Is there an adaptive value to9 intelligence ?
Is there an adaptive value to9 intelligence ? That 's the question behind this new research .
The fitness value of the optimal chromosome from interna-lays GA is used to evaluate corresponding chromosomes of external-layer GA.
We develop support system for sequence design in DNA computing , which minimizes the evaluation function calculated as the linear sum of the plural evaluation terms .
The individuals below fitness value of its parents are accepted in a probability , overcoming the trick problem in GA.
To solve the time-consuming problem of the fitness assignment in the multi-objective evolutionary algorithm , this paper proposes a novel fitness assignment & dominating tree .
By introducing the power spectrum density analysis and re-scaled range method , the self-similar behavior is revealed in GA ′ s fitness series .
At the same time , the program calculates the value for every combination of manufacturing resources . By MATLAB , it describes a trend picture with these values .
Research of Multi-path Planning Based on Fitness Sharing GA & MPGA
The selection operator includes the fitness proportion selection , Boltzmann selection , ranking selection , tournament selection and elitist selection operator .
The researches on multi-objective evolutionary algorithms focus mainly on the Pareto-based comparison and ordering of individuals , fitness assignment and niche techniques , etc.
After discretizing the original data , the error rate of NB is taken as fitness function of the particle , and a software defect prediction model is constructed .
Using variational trend of key characteristics of population , SAGS algorithm constructed flexible fitness function , cross probability function and mutative probability function .
Reflecting individuals ' difference degree with individual 's fitness which is together determined by the rank value and the crowded distance , describing individuals ' similar degree with similarity , so realizes population classification .
The paper define and use loosing density to maintain a good spread of solution in the population , and define the fitness of the individual through Pareto strength and crowding density .
The optimization algorithm ′ s objective function is the adsorbent productivity and the particle swarm optimization ′ s fitness is calculated with TMB model .
This paper proposed a kind of parallel local search operator PLS and a guided crossover operator GC that have self-learning ability of the structure of fitness landscape . The operation mechanisms of the two proposed operators were qualitatively analyzed .
To maintain a good spread of solution in the population , the Loosing - density is defined and used in this algorithm , the fitness of the individual through Pareto strength and Loosing - density is also defined .
This dissertation uses Genetic Algorithm to choose optimum parameters for the widely used PID controllers . In the optimization calculation process , mutation rate , cross rate and parameter range are adaptively changed to accelerate optimization process . The fitness function is also changed according to different requirements .
According to the relationship between the control parameters and the fitness value of particles , APSO adjusts parameters adaptively in optimization process to find the global optimum based on some heuristic rules .
The method evaluates the individual fitness based on Pareto dominance relationship , applies simulated annealing to local search , and uses the crossover operator and a grid-density-based selection scheme to improve the convergence of the algorithm and to enhance the uniform distribution of solutions .
The function based on hereditary algorithm ( HGA ) of the Chaos is optimized , optimization the method of the Chaos is imbedded in the operator of GA to substitutes mutation , in order to improving the suiting value of individual , and accelerating algorithms .
The transfer rate of the system can be gotten through the power allocation result obtained by KKT conditions and the subcarrier allocation program . The transfer rate of the system is regarded as the fitness of the individual .
The fitness sharing genetic algorithm with self-adaptive control of peaks radii
Improving the Efficiency of Genetic Algorithms by Using Fitness Stimulating Mechanism
A simulation study is performed for three adaptation measurement concepts .
Influence of fitness sharing on the selection probability of genetic algorithm
In the end , evaluate the chromosome by fitness function .
Analysis of the fitness landscape of optimum multiuser detection problem
A Class of Niche Genetic Algorithms by Exploring Structure of Fitness Landscape