
shì hé xìng
  • Suitability;compatibility;appropriacy
适合性[shì hé xìng]
  1. 硅橡胶加牙胶尖印模提高铸造桩核适合性的对照研究

    The Contrast Study on Compatibility of Casting Post Improved by Silicon-rubber Impression

  2. 用Χ~2适合性检验分析百分制考试成绩

    To Analyze Test Scors in Hundred-mark System by Χ ~ 2 Compatibility Test

  3. 目的:了解GⅠⅡ型铝瓷专用代型材料对铝瓷底层冠适合性的影响。

    Objective : To observe the influence of G ⅰ ⅱ die material to the adaptation of aluminous ceramic base coping .

  4. 与伦敦AIM市场一样,就市值、交易记录或者所持公开发行股份数量均不应设有适合性审查要求。

    Like London 's AIM , there should be no suitability requirements in terms of market capitalisation , trading history or number of shares publicly held .

  5. Finesse全瓷冠适合性的体外实验研究

    Vitro Experimental Study on the Fit of Finesse All Ceramic Crown

  6. 此外,还讨论了GM(2,1)模型对预测西安市地面沉降的适合性。

    Besides these , the paper also discusses the suitability for forecasting the ground subsidence of Xi'an city by using the GM ( 2,1 ) model .

  7. Empress陶瓷全冠着色上釉前后边缘适合性的比较

    A marginal adaption comparison of Empress ceramic crown with and without staining and glazing thermal procedure

  8. 应用Langmuir等温式解释土壤磷吸收附等温线,具有良好的适合性。

    Langmuir equation appeared to be well fitted for the explanation of phosphate sorption isotherm of the soil .

  9. χ2适合性检验的结果表明,催乳素基因在荷斯坦奶牛群体中处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态。

    The result showed that the Holstein dairy cattle lies in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium state .

  10. 本文介绍了Plat铸造陶瓷专用包埋料的组成成分及有关物理性能,用此包埋料制作铸造陶瓷全冠,考察了铸造陶瓷冠修复体的适合性。

    Composition and related physics attributes of investment material specially for Plat castable ceramic are introduced in the article .

  11. DrupalV7的研发也有了初步计划,但要预测其针对Web站点制作的可用性或适合性还为时过早。

    There is also a nascent effort to create Drupal V7 , but it is far too soon to predict its availability or suitability for production Web sites .

  12. 目的构建普遍适合性的膜表达热休克蛋白70(HSP70)的真核表达载体,修饰并建立HSP70表达并结合在细胞膜表面的肿瘤细胞。

    Objective To construct the vector expressing membrane-bound heat shock protein 70 ( HSP70 ) and to transfect it to melanoma cells .

  13. 经χ2适合性检验,两对引物的突变位点均不符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态。

    Analyzed by χ 2 test , the result showed that both of them were not fit for Hardy-Weinberg law .

  14. 经X~2适合性检验,5个绵羊品种扩增片段均处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态。

    X ~ 2 fitness test showed that fragments amplified by two primers were in a state of Hardy-weinberg Equilibrium .

  15. 【目的】研究体瓷的反复烧结对InCeram全瓷冠适合性的影响。

    Objective To study the fitting effects of repeated firings of In-Ceram all-ceramic crowns .

  16. 经χ2适合性检验,三河牛在该位点未达到Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态(P<0.05)。

    χ 2 test indicated that the polymorphism locus in Sanhe cattle did not fit Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium ( P < 0.05 ) .

  17. 目的:探讨牙体预备设计对IpsEmpress2全瓷冠边缘适合性及抗压强度的影响。

    Objective : To evaluate the effect of different convergence angles on the marginal accuracy and on the fracture strength of the IPS Empress 2 all-ceramic crown .

  18. 对随机挑取的转注c基因植株三个株系萌发的T。代种子进行Gus染色和xZ适合性测验,结果表明其遗传规律均符合孟德尔规律,呈3:l单基因显性的孟德尔式分离。

    GUS staining and x2 test of the germinated seeds of TO generation selected randomly from three transgenic lines with AC gene indicated that the segregation conformed to Mendellian law .

  19. 目的:测量Finesse全瓷冠的边缘浮出量及粘固剂的厚度,并与金属全冠及金瓷全冠相比较,为Finesse全瓷冠的临床应用提供适合性方面的理论依据。

    Aim : To evaluate the fit of Finesses all ceramic crown and provide theoretic foundation for clinical application of Finesse all ceramic crown .

  20. 经适合性χ2检验,3群体在红细胞酯酶Es-Ⅰ位点的基因分布均显著偏离Hardy-Weinberg平衡(P<0.01)。

    The gene distribution of Es - ⅰ was significantly deviant from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in all three colonies ( P < 0.01 ) .

  21. 配戴N95口罩是否需要进行适合性检测仍有待商榷。

    It was uncertain if fit-testing procedure was required for wearing N95 respirators .

  22. 遗传不平衡系数、连锁不平衡系数和配子间遗传共适应概率与x2适合性检验结果相一致。

    The coefficients of genetic disequilibrium , linkage disequilibrium and the probability of genetic co-adaptation between gametes corresponded to the conclusions drown from chi-squared tests of goodness-of-fit .

  23. 【结论】在实验条件下,体瓷的反复烧结对InCeram全瓷冠的适合性无影响。

    Conclusions In this experiment , repeated firings had no effect on the fit of In-Ceram all-ceramic crowns .

  24. E-max全瓷贴面边缘适合性的研究

    The study on the marginal adaptation of E-max ceramic veneer

  25. χ2适合性检验表明,3个群体在这2个位点的突变达到Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态(P>0.05)。

    Statistical results of χ 2 test indicated that two polymorphism sites in the three populations fitted with Hardy – Weinberg equilibrium ( P > 0.05 ) .

  26. χ2适合性检验结果表明,蒙古绵羊和哈萨克绵羊的MHCDRB3基因第2外显子的HaeⅢ酶切位点均未达到HardyWeinberg平衡状态(P001)。

    The results of χ 2 test showed that genotypes of MHC-DRB_3 gene in Mongolian Sheep and Kazakh Sheep did not fit with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium ( P 0.01 ) .

  27. 比较了蚕豆苗叶片、甘蓝叶片、小油菜叶片和纸条作为人工扩繁异色瓢虫Harmoniaaxyridis(Pallas)时产卵载体的适合性。

    Suitability of leaves of horsebean seedling , cabbage , cole and paper strip as the oviposition substrata in mass rearing Harmonia axyridis ( Pallas ) were compared .

  28. BC代在死亡率50%处与F2代死亡率在25%&75%处未出现明显平坡,BC和F2的实际死亡率和理论死亡率曲线的适合性检验差异具有显著性,P均<0.01。

    There were no obvious platforms in 50 % mortality of BC generation and 25 % - 75 % mortality of F_2 generation . There were significant differences between the determining curve and theoretical cure in both BC and F_2 generations , P < 0.01.Conclusion Deltamethrin resistance of An .

  29. 按当年度的抗感标准对F2代群体进行分组,发现其抗感分离比例接近于9:6:1。经χ2适合性测验,实际分离比例与理论分离比例符合度高于95%。

    After classified the F2 individuals into several groups , the ratio of separation was found that nearly 9:6:1 . The accordant level of theoretic separated ratio and the practical separated ratio is higher than 95 % according to χ 2 aptness test .

  30. 目的研究鸡胚胎原始生殖细胞(EPGCs)对不同冷冻体系的适合性。

    Objective This paper focused on comparing the effectiveness of different cryoprotectants for chicken embryo primordial germ cells ( EPGCs ) .