
  • 网络habitable zone;Goldilocks zone
  1. 当然,这还取决于如何定义适居带。

    depending on how the habitable zone is defined .

  2. 与恒星之间的距离要能保持水呈现的是液体状态,这个范围被称作适居带。

    The range of distance from a star that will allow water to remain a liquid GetWord (" liquid "); is called the habitable zone .

  3. 最外层行星HD40307在“适居带”轨道上运转,在这片区域内,星球表面可能有类似地球的温度。

    The outermost planet , HD 40307 g , orbits comfortably in the habitable zone , where Earth-like temperatures are possible .

  4. 寻找离地球较近的适居带行星将是凌日系外行星勘测人造卫星(TransitingExoplanetSurveySatellite,简称TESS)的任务。这种卫星将于2017年发射。

    Finding Goldilocks planets closer to home will be the job of TESS , the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite , scheduled to be launched in 2017 .

  5. 适居带属于温带地区,那里可以容纳液态水。

    That 's the temperate region where a planet could accommodate liquid water .

  6. 近来,美航局的开普勒太空望远镜发现了7颗新的系外行星,其中有三个位于或靠近所谓的“适居带”。

    NASA 's Kepler space telescope recently spotted seven new exoplanets , three of them in or near their stars ' so-called habitable zones .

  7. 2007年,科学家们在太阳系以外首次发现两颗类似地球,可能位于适居带附近的行星,而之前发现的行星更类似于木星。

    In2007 , scientists discovered the first two Earth-like planets outside our solar system that appear to be located near or within their star 's habitable zone .

  8. 科学家已经发现了8个新的可能有海洋和生命的行星。它们位于这些行星的恒星的适居带内。

    Eight new planets have been discovered in the ' Goldilocks ' zone of their stars , orbiting at a distance where oceans and life could exist .

  9. 这个名为开普勒-186F号的行星是由望远镜探测到的,天文学家表示这个星球的轨道直径为8700英里,位于适居带,温度不会过热或过冷。

    Known as Kepler 186F , the telescope that found it , the astronomer say the planet , with diameter of 8700 miles as an orbit , is in the so called goldilocks zone neither too hot or too cold .

  10. 就目前而言,焦点是在一个寄主星的所谓的适居带内定位星球,这个适居带离恒星有一段距离,因为只有在这个适居带内的星球才有可能支持以碳为基础的生命。

    For now , the focus is on locating planets within a host star 's so-called habitable zone , a zone that 's a certain distance from its star because only planets within this zone could conceivably support carbon-based life .