
  • 网络genetic differences;Genetic diversity;Genotype;hereditary difference
  1. 烟草品种RAPD分子标记遗传差异研究

    Genetic Diversity in Cultivars of Nicotiana tabacum Revealed by RAPD Markers

  2. 滇型杂交水稻主要亲本的SSR指纹图谱及其遗传差异分析

    SSR Fingerprint and Genetic Diversity of Parents of Dian-type Hybrid Rice

  3. 关于不同种族的人们存在遗传差异的假设,在医疗环境下可能会特别危险。

    Assumptions about genetic differences between people of different races could be particularly dangerous in a medical setting .

  4. 基于DNA分子标记技术研究的10个特色茶花品种遗传差异分析

    Genetic Diversities among 10 Representative Camellia Cultivars Based on DNA Molecular Marker

  5. 反映出从DNA水平上揭示的遗传差异程度与表型水平上的差异程度基本一致。

    Reflected the heredity difference degree is consistent from the DNA level with the phenotype level .

  6. 用微卫星DNA标记检测中国主要杂交水稻亲本的遗传差异

    Genetic Variation of Main Parents of Hybrid Rice in China Was Revealed with Simple Sequence Repeat Markers

  7. 小麦K型不育系恢复基因近等基因系农艺性状的遗传差异分析

    Genetic Differences of Agronomic Characters among Near-isogenic Lines of Fertility Restorer Genes for K-type Sterile Line in Wheat

  8. 十八个麝香百合基因型遗传差异性的RAPD分析

    Genetic Difference of 18 Lilium longiflorum Genotypes with RAPD Markers

  9. 运用RAPD分析菊花辐射变异后代遗传差异

    Analysis of the Genetic Differences of the Radiated Chrysanthemum Offsprings by RAPD

  10. 利用RAPD标记对桃不同类群的遗传差异比较

    Comparison of Genetic Differences in Groups of Amygdalus persica Revealed by RAPD

  11. 樱桃品种资源间遗传差异的RAPD分析

    RAPD Analysis of the Genetic Differences among Several Cherry Varieties

  12. 本文拟采用DNA分子标记技术分析雌雄青虾遗传差异,以筛选性别相关的标记。

    This paper investigated the differences between male and female river prawn by DNA markers in order to find out sex-related DNA markers .

  13. DNA指纹图谱显示,样品间有遗传差异,具有不同的遗传特征,据此可进行鉴别。

    DNA fingerprint atlas showed that the samples had genetic difference and different genetic feature , on which the differentiation could be made .

  14. 四川主栽小麦品种RAPD标记遗传差异研究

    The Study on Genetic Variation of Sichuan Major Wheat Cultivars by RAPD Analysis

  15. 并以12个亲本为DNA样品来源,通过RAPD和SSR两种标记技术对亲本间的遗传差异进行标记。

    The genetic differences among the parents were studied by RAPD and SSR molecular marker techniques .

  16. 从数据库中可以看出,遗传差异较大的品种,其DNA指纹差异较大,较易鉴别。

    Genetic differences from the database , you can see that the species , the DNA fingerprint difference is larger , easier to identify .

  17. 五个紫菜品系间遗传差异的RAPD分析

    RAPD Analysis of Genetic Variation among Cultivated Porphyra

  18. 分子标记能直接从DNA水平反映种质之间的遗传差异,是研究植物遗传多样性的有效工具。

    The molecular mark can reflect idioplasm heredity difference from DNA directly , and is a kind of effective tools studying the plant heredity multiple .

  19. 用SSR标记检测杂交籼稻三系亲本的遗传差异

    Genetic Variation of Three-line Parents of Indica Hybrid Rice Detected with SSR Markers

  20. RAPD分析进一步证明,突变株和出发菌株存在遗传差异。

    RAPD analysis further proved the genetic difference existed between the initial and mutated strains .

  21. 利用9个随机引物对42个中籼三系杂交稻骨干亲本(保持系和恢复系)进行了DNA遗传差异分析。

    RAPD analysis for genetic diversity was conducted on 42 backbone parental lines in Indica hybrid rice breeding with 9 primers selected from 250 random primers .

  22. 以DNA核苷酸多态性为基础的分子标记技术,在DNA分子水平,实验室条件下,揭示性状的遗传差异,为遗传研究提供了有力手段。

    The molecular markers of DNA_based polymorphism reveal the genetic variation at DNA level in laboratory , which have provided a powerful tool to genetic study .

  23. 应用RAPD标记研究不同生态区谷子品种的遗传差异

    Genetic variation among varieties of foxtail millet from different regions in China based on RAPD markers

  24. 羽扇豆种间遗传差异AFLP分析

    Analysis of Genetic Difference Between Species in Lupins by AFLP

  25. RAPD分析在绢丝昆虫亲缘关系研究中的应用Ⅰ.蓖麻蚕品种间的遗传差异

    Application of RAPD Technique in Genetic Relationship Study of Silk Insect ⅰ . Genetic Variance in Eri Silkworm

  26. SSR标记分析结果表明,耐热材料和热敏感材料之间的遗传差异较大。

    The SSR analysis results showed that genetic differences existed between the heat-resistant material and heat-sensitive material .

  27. 利用RAPD技术对皱纹盘鲍自然种群和杂交养殖群体进行了遗传差异分析,共检测到173个位点。

    The genetic variation between two heterozygous populations and two natural ones of abalone was explored through RAPD technique .

  28. 桑树二倍体及人工诱导的同源四倍体遗传差异的AFLP分析

    The AFLP Analysis of Genetic Diversity between Diploid and Artificially Induced Homologous Tetraploid of Mulberry

  29. 桑树二倍体及其同源四倍体遗传差异的ISSR分析

    Analysis of Genetic Variation Between Diploids and Their Homologous Tetraploids of Mulberry by ISSR

  30. 蘑菇圈上四孢蘑菇个体间遗传差异的ISSR分析

    Genetic Relationships Between Agaricus campestris Fruit Bodies from Fairy Rings Based on ISSR Markers