
  1. 把握身边的幸福吧,不要让它擦肩而过。

    Grasp the happiness around you , don 't let it slip away .

  2. 不要去追求永远的爱情,要学会把握身边的幸福,有一个真心关心自己,体贴自己,疼爱自己的人,才是最大的幸福!

    Do not pursue the forever love , must learn to grasp the happiness , some sincerity cares about itself , sympathizes itself , dotes on own person , is the biggest happiness !

  3. 是单身,你会在乎身边人的幸福吗?

    If you are single , do you care about other people 's happiness ?

  4. 好好地在自已身边寻找属于你的幸福吧!

    Well in their side looking for belong to you happiness !