
  • 网络Physical development
  1. 中国科技大学少年大学生身体发展的特征与体育

    Sports and Physical Development Features of Juvenile Students in the Chinese Science & . Technology University

  2. 人性视野下学生全面发展观的基本内涵是:身体发展是学生全面发展的首要前提。

    Students ' overall development under human vision is : the basic connotation of physical development is " primary premise " of the comprehensive development of students .

  3. 荷尔蒙是一种人体化学物质水平的变化,它不仅会使青少年的身体发展成熟,还会让青少年的入睡时间推迟至11点后。

    Changing levels of body chemicals called hormones not only make teenagers ' bodies develop adult characteristics , but also make it hard for teenagers to fall asleep before 11 pm .

  4. 游泳课程对九年制学生身体发展状况影响的研究

    The Influence of Swimming Curriculum to Nine year system Students ' Body Development Condition

  5. 健身健美锻炼促进学生身体发展的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the promotion of students'Health by Aerobics Dancing and Body Building Exercises

  6. 首先是将身体发展成最重要的、最后的自我避难所。

    Firstly , the body was developed to the last but the most important Self-shelter .

  7. 建立以游戏理论为辅,不断创新的达到培养学生身体发展的教学内容。

    Establishment take the perspective of the game theory as the instruction , innovates unceasingly achieves raises the course content which the student body develops .

  8. 从她们出生前一直到绝经期,妇女身体发展的各个时期,一直遭受着使患乳腺癌风险增加的环境因素。

    Women can encounter environmental factors that increase their risk of breast cancer at various periods of their physical development , beginning before birth and extending until menopause .

  9. 画封闭图形的能力是认知和身体发展的重要标志,这项技能从涂鸦开始形成。

    This ability to draw an enclosed shape is a very important marker of both cognitive and physical development , and it is a skill that emerges from their scribbles .

  10. 评价方式过于定型化,以简单的终结性评价来衡量学生体育成绩和身体发展状况,不利于学生参加体育锻炼的积极性。

    Way too evaluation standard , in a simple summative assessment to measure students ' physical quality , go against the enthusiasm of the students take part in physical exercise . 4 .

  11. 几个世纪以来,他们的身体发展出宽大的胸腔,拥有更大的肺容量作为补偿。这让他们每次呼吸都能够吸入更多的空气。

    Over the centuries , their bodies compensated for this low-oxygen environment by developing bigger chests and greater lung capacities , which make it possible for them to inhale more air with each breath .

  12. 体育教师能够意识到《体育与健康》课程对学生身体发展、技能发展和心理发展的作用,但部分教师没有意识到《体育与健康》课程对学生终身发展和社会适应能力的影响。

    Sports teachers have realized that the sports and health course is good to the body , skill and psychological development of students , but some teachers is not aware of the influence on the lifelong development and social adaptation made by the sports and health courses . 3 .

  13. 大学生身体素质发展趋势研究

    Research on Development Trend of Physical Quality of College Students

  14. 结论体脂含量增加对身体素质发展不利。

    Conclusion The increase in body fat proportion is harmful to physique .

  15. 161名医学院男生身体素质发展追踪研究

    The Follow-up Research on the Physique Development of 161 Male Medical Students

  16. 我院学生身体素质发展状况的调查研究

    Research or students ′ physical fitness development in our institute

  17. 广东省大学生身体素质发展水平的调查

    Investigation of College Students Fitness Test in Guangdong Province

  18. 径赛项目需要整个身体的发展。

    Track events require development of the whole body .

  19. 河北省大学生身体素质发展的现状与对策

    Present Situation and Strategy of Physical Quality Development of College Student in Hebei Province

  20. 身体素质发展的年龄性别特征与体育教学训练

    Characteristics in Age and Sex During Development of Physical Quality Physical Teaching and Training

  21. 吉林省中小学生身体素质发展变化的因素分析

    Analysis of the Reason of the Development of Jilin High School Students ' Health

  22. 不同等级女子标枪运动员身体素质发展水平的检查与评定

    Measurement and Evaluation of Physical Fitness Development of Female Javelin Athletes in Different Grades

  23. 身体素质发展良好.(4)实施体能测试后,体能状况有明显改善。

    Their fitness is in good state . 4 . Physical fitness has obviously improved .

  24. 青少年时期是身心健康和各项身体素质发展的关键时期。

    Adolescence is a critical period of physical and mental health and the physical development .

  25. 贵州少数民族地区大学生身体素质发展状况与对策研究

    A Study of Physical Quality Development of University Students in Ethnic Minority Regions of Guizhou Province

  26. 我国沪、浙、闽、粤少年男排运动员的专项身体素质发展不平衡。

    The development of specific physical quality among the young athletes of chinese male volleyball is out of balance .

  27. 由此可见,辽宁省青少年男子排球运动员的专项身体素质发展并不均衡。

    From this we can know that the body diathesis development of Liaoning teenage men volleyball players is not statuesque .

  28. 然而,你们会发现随着你们的新的身体的发展,和变得更加精细,你们会吃得更少。

    However , you will find that as your new body develops , and becomes more refined you will eat less .

  29. 不同类型的知识相互补充,共同作用于个体精神乃至身体的发展。

    Different types of knowledge compensate each other and play a role in the spiritual and physical growth of the individual .

  30. 大学生的心理健康对品德素质、思想素质、智能素质乃至身体素质发展都有很大影响。

    The healthy psychology of college students have deep influence in the development of morality , ideology , intelligence , and physical quality .