
  1. 恋人不在身边的日子让你烦躁异常,对什么人都想发火。

    The absence of your loved one makes you irritable with everyone around you .

  2. 我就会想念你在我身边的日子。

    I miss you standing by my side .

  3. 你们在我身边的日子。

    The day you are beside me .

  4. 我知道这么教孩子有点太严,但是我是老来得子,在他身边的日子没那么多了。

    I know I was pushing the kid hard , but here 's the thing -- I 'm an older dad . I 'm not gonna be around forever .

  5. 我和哥哥孩童时期时有无数呆在母亲身边的日子,不仅仅是因为我们在母亲当校长的学校里上学,更因为她喜欢和我们这些孩子们呆在一起。

    My brothers and I spent an inordinate amount of time with our mother when we were children , not only because we went to school where she worked , as the head of the middle school , but because she loved being with kids .

  6. 金钱能换回儿子不在她身边的那些日子么?

    Can money buy the time she has lost with her son ?

  7. 在人们找借口把他从她身边支走的那些日子里,她想他就像晴天不怎么想太阳阴天却想一样。

    She missed him the days when some pretext served to take him away from her , just as one misses the sun on a cloudy day without having thought much about the sun when it was shining .