
  1. 她终于爱上了他。

    In time she came to love him .

  2. 诗人爱上了她,并以诗歌使她名传后世。

    The poet fell in love with her and immortalized her in his verse .

  3. 她怎么这么傻,竟爱上了他?

    How could she have been so foolish as to fall in love with him ?

  4. 她爱上了一个人,和那人私奔了。

    She fell in love with someone and ran off with him

  5. 她爱上了一个已婚男子,这使得她的家人丢尽了脸。

    She scandalised her family by falling in love with a married man .

  6. 适应了爱德华国王学校的生活后,我就深深地爱上了这里。

    I enjoyed King Edward 's School enormously once I 'd settled in .

  7. 与福特的密切合作开始令我爱上了电影。

    Working with Ford closely , I fell in love with the cinema .

  8. 他帅极了——我一下子就爱上了他。

    He was fantastically handsome — I just fell for him right away .

  9. 她疯狂地爱上了他。

    She has fallen madly in love with him

  10. 西尔维娅深深爱上了他。

    Sylvia took quite a fancy to him

  11. 在电影摄制过程中,柯蒂斯爱上了同他联袂主演的明星克里斯汀·考夫曼。

    During the filming , Curtis fell in love with his co-star , Christine Kaufmann .

  12. 由于我一贯的虚荣心作祟,我以为他可能爱上了我。

    With my usual vanity , I thought he might be falling in love with me .

  13. 姑娘们在前几次的游览中就爱上了都柏林,她们说她们喜欢这个城市的时尚氛围。

    The girls fell in love with Dublin on previous visits . They said that what they liked was the buzz about the place .

  14. 她爱上了草原。

    She 's fallen in love with the grasslands .

  15. 显然,他爱上了格林小姐。

    Evidently , he has fallen in love with Miss green .

  16. 王子爱上了一位年轻美丽的少女。

    The prince fell in love with a fair young maiden .

  17. 一位爵士在剧院看了这位女演员的演出后爱上了她,这样她就攀上高枝了。

    The actress married above herself when a lord fell in love with her after seeing her performance at the theatre .

  18. 他也爱上了她,神魂颠倒,疯疯癫癫地围着这享利家的漂亮姑娘转,送给她好些糟糕透顶的情诗。

    He too had fallen in love , mooning and carrying on about the beautiful Henry girl , and sending her atrocious poems .

  19. 他最后爱上了它。

    He ended up loving it .

  20. 一个小伙子爱上了一位姑娘。

    A young man was in love with a girl .

  21. 那军官爱上了另一个姑娘

    The officer transferred his affections to the other girl .

  22. 她爱上了这个漂亮的小伙子。

    She lost her heart to the handsome guy .

  23. 结果,她在2011年见到鲁伯特时就爱上了他。

    Turns out , she fell for Rupert IRL when they met back in 2011 .

  24. 一只狮子深深爱上了农夫的女儿,想娶她为妻。

    A lion fell deeply in love with the daughter of a cottager and wanted to marry her ;

  25. 如果天使存在在我们中间,走在同样的街道上,爱上了普通的人呢?

    What if celestial8 beings lived among us , walking the same streets and falling in love with ordinary people ?

  26. 他爱上了将军的侄女波琳娜——一个控制欲极强的年轻女子,她总像操纵木偶的大师一样操纵着他。

    He falls in love with the General 's niece , Polina — a manipulative young woman who pulls his strings .

  27. 王子和公主爱上了对方,然后幸福地生活在了一起,这是命中注定的童话结局的又一个例子。

    The prince and the princess fell in love with each other and lived happily ever after – yet another fairy tale ending written in the stars .

  28. 是Goal这个英语节目让我爱上了英语。

    It was the English program GOAL that made me love English .

  29. mark他爱上了别人。

    Mark is in love with someone else .

  30. 我也一样地爱上了潘普洛纳,这完全不是因为我是金牛座,或是由于那位女孩菲莉帕(Philippa)的缘故。

    I too fell in love with Pamplona , not because of anything taurine , and not because anything developed with Philippa .