
  • 网络U.S. Postal Service;USPS;united states postal service;Postal Service
  1. 美国邮政总局近日发行庆祝2008年北京奥运的新邮票。

    The United States postal service has issued a new stamp to commemorate the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing .

  2. 与此同时,美国邮政总局(U.S.PostalService)说,它预计在今年的感恩节至元旦期间,将运送创纪录的4.2亿个包裹,较上年同比增加12%。

    The U.S. Postal Service , meanwhile , said it expected to ship a record 420 million packages between Thanksgiving and New Year 's , an increase of 12 % from last year .

  3. 美国邮政总局已经为假期的到来做好准备。

    The Postal Service is gearing up for the holiday season .

  4. 官员们表示美国邮政总局遭黑客入侵。

    Officials say the U.S. Postal Service was hacked .

  5. 问题5美国邮政总局正在计划做什么?

    Question 5 . What is the U.S. Postal Service planning to do ?

  6. 美国邮政总局有些情况下会安排在圣诞节当天投递包裹。

    The Postal Service in some cases plans to deliver on Christmas Day itself .

  7. 美国邮政总局在1992年就请他设计了一套以华裔美国人为主题的新年邮票。

    In 1992 , the U.S. Postal Service asked him to design a New Year stamp to honor Chinese Americans .

  8. 亚历山大表示,他对瑞安·洛斯卡恩今天下午被美国邮政总局调查人员逮捕的消息感到非常震惊。

    Alexander says he was stunned and surprised by the news while Ryan Loskarn was arrested this afternoon by US Postal Service investigators .

  9. 美国邮政总局今日宣布,由于收入减少,他们正考虑在明年关闭约3700个邮局。

    The U.S. Postal Service announced today that it is considering closing about 3700 post offices over the next year because of falling revenues .

  10. 因为鸡年邮票销售得那么好,美国邮政总局委托李再为他们设计一套12属性的邮票。

    Because the rooster stamp sold so well , the Postal Service commissioned Lee to design a Lunar New Year series of 12 stamps .

  11. 美国邮政总局希望您知道,就像230多年以来假期邮递服务做的那样,您的邮件会如期送到。

    The Postal Service wants you to know that it will get the job done just as it has for more than 230 years of holiday delivery .

  12. 从事印刷业务的惠普公司同意支付3250万美元,就其多年来在产品和服务上向美国邮政总局收取过高费用的指控达成和解。

    The printing company Hewlett-Packard is agreeing to pay off 32.5 million dollars to settle charges that it overcharged US postal service for years for a variety of products and services .

  13. 因为这一争议,邮局指控惠普未遵守该公司与其之间的合同定价规定,而且普惠在与美国邮政总局进行合同谈判时曾作出有关最优惠客户价格担保计划的错误陈述。

    Given the dispute , the post offices have alleged HP failed to comply with pricing terms of its contract , also alleged the company misrepresented its pricing during contract negotiation in its plans to ensure it will build its favorite customer rate .