
yí dònɡ bǎ
  • moving target
  1. 在动态环境中,应用程序性能和使用率就是一个移动靶。

    In a dynamic environment , application performance and utilization is a moving target .

  2. 我们想练习移动靶。

    We want some moving target practice .

  3. 移动靶射击的生物力学研究

    A Biomechanical Study of Performances in the Running Game Target Event

  4. 基于移动靶机器视觉测量系统的标定

    Camera Calibration Based on Mobile Target for Machinery Vision Measuring System

  5. 辅助训练对移动靶运动员伤病防治效果的观察

    Effects of auxiliary training on the prevention and treatment of injury

  6. 他所能射击的不过是一个容易的非移动靶。

    All the can shoot is a clay pigeon .

  7. 课程有飞靶,移动靶和跳靶,选择任意一个开始练习。

    Courses flying target , moving target and jump target , an arbitrary selection began practicing .

  8. 移动靶和飞碟射手采用立姿双手持枪进行射击。

    Running target and clay-pigeon shooter shall shoot at standing position with both hands holding the gun .

  9. 步枪和移动靶项目的射手可以穿着规则规定硬度和厚度的特殊射击服装;

    Shooter in rifle and running target events may wear special shooting clothes with specified hardness and thickness under rules ;

  10. 本文以移动靶运动员为测试对象,初步探讨一下不同运动负荷对运动员某些心理机能的影响。

    In this paper , running target athletes test object , initially to explore the different exercise on mental functioning of Players .

  11. 他所能射击的不过是一个容易的非移动靶。神箭手因其射中靶子而非因其箭而闻名。

    All the can shoot is a clay pigeon . A good archer is not known by his arrows but his aim .

  12. 按照金君瓦拉的说法,基于对内在价值的估测而设立的目标价是在浪费时间,它本身是不可见的移动靶。

    According to Rakesh , it is a waste of time to set price targets based on some kind of estimate of intrinsic value , which is an invisible moving target itself .

  13. 食管胸中段癌三维适形放疗中呼吸运动导致靶区移位及剂量学变化的研究靶的种类有固定靶、移动靶和飞行靶。

    Evaluation of Respiration-induced Target Volume Motion and Dosimetric Study in Three-dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy ( 3DCRT ) for Mid-thoracic Esophageal Carcinoma The targets vary from fixed target , running game target to flying target .

  14. 不管从字面意思还是象征意义上讲,碧昂斯都是一个移动靶&你很难定位她,也很难在舞池上跟上她的步伐。

    Literally and figuratively , Beyonc é is a moving target & it 's as difficult to get a fix on her as it would be to keep up with her on the dance floor .

  15. 不管从字面意思还是象征意义上讲,碧昂斯都是一个移动靶——你很难定位她,也很难在舞池上跟上她的步伐。

    Literally and figuratively , Beyonc é is a moving target - it 's as difficult to get a fix on her as it would be to keep up with her on the dance floor .

  16. 文章提出了一种采用两台线阵CCD外视场拼接交汇测量实现移动报靶的思想。

    An idea of using line-CCD intersectant measurement achieve moving target had been put forward .

  17. 采用线阵CCD交汇测量实现移动报靶

    Using Line-CCD Intersectant Measurement Achieve Moving Target

  18. 警用移动训练靶的系统研制

    Systemic Develop in Mobile Target about Police Training

  19. 在E2线上的第二靶室内,为了得到用于高能探测器刻度所需要的不同能量和种类的单能粒子束,在靶室的电子束流出口处安装了可移动的目标靶。

    The movable targets are set up afterward the electron beam inject jet to get different kinds of single mono-energetic particle beam for the high energetic detector calibration in the second target chamber on E2 line .

  20. 抛光表面形貌质量随气射流压力的增大而先变好后变差,随喷嘴移动速度、靶距、磨料流量和冲蚀角度的降低而变好。

    The polished surface morphology quality of quartz is becoming firstly better with an increase in airjet pressure and then becoming worse , and also is becoming better with an decrease in nozzle traverse speed , standoff distance , abrasive flow rate and incidence angle .

  21. 野外射箭比赛是箭手射击来回移动的动物形象靶。

    In field archery competitions , the archer moves around and shoots at animal-picture targets .

  22. 直线+旋转执行器的旋转/线性移动实现了微靶球的三维移动;

    Rotary / Linear Actuator realizes that the micro-sphere target can be moved in three - dimen-sional space ;