
  1. WAP是将基于Web的信息服务拓展到移动电话终端的一个无线应用协议。

    WAP is the protocol which moves based on Web information services to the mobile phone .

  2. 随着科技的日益进步,移动电话终端的发展也非常快速,品牌繁多,功能强大。

    As technology advances , the mobile phone terminal has rapidly developed with a variety of brands and strong functions .

  3. 另一种是将移动电话本身作为终端,脱离计算机直接接入Internet。

    The other is considering the mobile telephone as a terminal and connecting into Internet without computer .

  4. 它即具有无线自组织网络组网灵活的特点,又能够象移动电话系统那样为终端用户提供方便的接入服务和用户管理功能。

    WSRN can not only be deployed easily and flexibly like ad hoc networks , but also provide end users with convenient access and user management .

  5. 手机媒体,是以移动电话为视听移动终端、手机上网为平台的个性化信息传播载体,它是以分众为传播目标,以定向为传播效果,以互动为传播应用的大众传播媒介。

    Mobile media , is a mobile phone for the audio-visual mobile terminals , mobile Internet as a platform for personalized information dissemination carrier , it is a Focus for the communication objectives , to orientation for the dissemination of results , dissemination of an interactive application the mass media .

  6. 在移动互联网技术的发展中,WAP技术无疑占有极为重要的地位,目前己成移动电话及其它终端访问无线信息服务的全球标准。

    Among the development of the technique of Wireless-Internet , the technique of WAP , which has became the global standard in the field of browsing web pages through the Wireless Network and by the machines of cell phone and other terminal devices , undoubtedly occupies extremely important status .