
  1. 她所在的美国队上周获得女子体操团体银牌,此前她因心理健康问题退出了几个个人项目,因而备受关注。

    The American star , who won a team silver medal last week , has been in the spotlight after withdrawing from several individual events , citing mental health challenges .

  2. 面对国际体联关于体操团体决赛规程修改的对策

    Study on China facing the revised group final regulation of International Gymnastics

  3. 出生于1992年的舒思瑶,是一位艺术体操团体运动员。

    Born in 1992 , Shu Siyao is a group rhythmic gymnast .

  4. 奎媛媛在星期天预赛中由于膝部受伤,可能无法参加奥运会体操团体决赛。

    Kui Yuanyuan could miss the Olympic gymnastics team finals after hurting her knee during the preliminaries on Sunday .

  5. 当这群少年得知他们获得奥运会男子体操团体银牌时,他们激动不已,向观众们屡屡飞吻。

    They blew kisses to the crowd and thumped the air with joy after being crowned Olympic silver medalists .

  6. 例如,中国在2008年赢得了体操团体项目金牌,但在伦敦拿铜牌都比较困难,为什么呢?

    China won the gymnastics team gold in 2008 , for instance , but will fight to even win bronze in London . Why ?

  7. 从男子体操团体到金牌到今天女子体操团体金牌,中国队一路走来,太多的不容易!

    From the male gymnastics association to the gold medal to today woman gymnastics association gold medal , a Chinese team group walks , too many are not easy !

  8. 美国队员庆祝男子体操获得团体铜牌。

    The US Olympic Team for men 's gymnastics celebrate they won the team bronze medal .

  9. 第34届世界体操锦标赛男女团体成绩分析与思考

    An Analysis of the Achievement of Team Competition of Men and Women in 34th World Gymnastics Championship

  10. 四强逐鹿&第26届世界体操锦标赛男子团体赛述评

    Four Strong Teams Vying for the Throne & Review of the Men 's Team Competition in the 26th World Gymnastics Championship

  11. 中国男队在2000悉尼奥运会上第一次为中国体操夺得奥运团体金牌,但在四年后的雅典奥运会上,中国男队连续出现失误,最后仅列团体第5。

    The Chinese won their first-ever men 's team gold at the Sydney Games in2000 but failed to build on the achievement in Athens , losing to arch-rivals Japan .

  12. 森本诚说,日本能在柔道赛场上夺得4枚金牌;男子体操队有望在团体赛中夺冠,并靠内村航平(KoheiUchimura)在单项比赛中夺金。

    Morimoto says Japan can win four goldmedals in judo , and the men 's gymnastics team is looking for gold with Kohei Uchimura in theindividual event and in the team event .

  13. 北京奥运会女子体操竞争格局与团体实力研究

    Study on Competitive Pattern and Team Strength of Woman Gymnastics in Beijing Olympic Games

  14. 本周三在日本东京体育馆举行的体操世锦赛的男子团体决赛中,中国体操队勇夺冠军,队员们正在庆祝这一胜利。

    Chinese gymnasts celebrate after winning the gold medal in the men 's team final at the Artistic Gymnastics World Championships in Tokyo on Wednesday .

  15. 中国体操运动员在体操男子团体决赛上获得铜牌,日本和俄罗斯分获金牌和银牌。

    Chinese gymnasts won bronze in the gymnastics men 's team final , while Japan and Russia secured gold and silver respectively .

  16. 在2000年澳大利亚悉尼奥运会上,女子体操运动员董芳霄帮助中国体操女队获得了团体比赛铜牌。

    Dong Fangxiao won gold as part of the China women 's team event at the2000 Olympic Games in Sydney , Australia .

  17. 周日,中国体操女队尽情“怒放”夺得亚运体操团体金牌,作为东道主完成亚运史上“十连冠”,傲然屹立在亚洲之巅。

    Chinese women gymnasts stormed to the Asiad team gold on Sunday , completing the hosts'sweep of team titles for a consecutive10th time in the supreme athletes'gathering of the continent .

  18. 本周四,中国男子体操队以绝对优势卫冕世界体操锦标赛男子团体冠军。

    China outclassed their rivals easily to retain their men 's team title at the world gymnastics championships on Thursday .

  19. 中国男子体操队在第26届世界体操锦标赛上获得团体银牌和单项二金、一银、二铜的好成绩。

    In the26th World Gymnastics Championship , the Chinese Team got the good results of silver medal in team competition and two gold , one silver and two copper medals in the individual events .

  20. 另外,申诉还影响了英国体操男队的成绩,这是该队自1924年以来首次进入奥运会体操团体决赛。

    It also marred the ascendance of the British gymnasts , who hadn 't even qualified for a men 's team final since 1924 .

  21. 在举行于北格林威治体育馆的男子团体体操决赛中,中国选手张成龙在单杠项目的比赛中。对于周一晚间举行的体操男子团体决赛来说,唯一可预测的是,中国将成功卫冕该项目的奥运冠军。

    The only predictable part of the men 's team gymnastics final Monday night was that China would successfully defend its Olympic gold medal .