
xìn chāi
  • messenger;carrier;mailman;postman
信差 [xìn chāi]
  • (1) [messenger;mailman]∶旧称被派递送公文信件的人

  • (2) [postman]∶旧称邮递员

信差[xìn chāi]
  1. A.星期四早上,街道信差拿起一撂信件,把它们按街道地址一一分类。

    A. Thursday morning the mail carrier for Main Street picked up her pile of letters . She sorted all of them by street address .

  2. 信差把邮筒里的信件放进了一个大袋子里,把它们带回了纽约邮局。

    The mail carrier put the letters into a large bag and took the bag to a post office in New York .

  3. 按照平常的惯例,Alice来做晚饭,因为自从由会计降职为美其明曰的信差之后,她都是第一个到家的。

    The routine was that Alice made dinner because she got home first ever since her demotion from accountant to glorified messenger .

  4. 以前,Suttle使用信差来传递磁带数据,需要3天时间。

    Previously , Suttle transferred data by couriers on tape , which took up to three days .

  5. 你现在只不过是在给戴维当信差而已。

    You 're just acting as a messenger boy for david .

  6. 我是叫你过去当他们的信差吗?

    Did I tell you to go and be their messenger ?

  7. 例如初级文员、信差或公司助理?

    Such as junior clerk , messenger or office assistant ?

  8. 送递急件的信差今天早晨送来了这封信。

    The letter was delivered by a courier this morning .

  9. 一封蹩脚的介绍信差点要我的命。

    Think a measly recommendation would 've gotten me in ?

  10. 他相信这一定是阿尔贝派来的信差。

    He had no doubt that it was the messenger from albert .

  11. 当他在匹兹堡担任信差时。

    When he worked as a messenger boy in Pittsburgh .

  12. 不,不,我是在等王室的信差

    No , no. I was expecting the royal messenger .

  13. 在过道里,乘客给信差传递了一盒带信息。

    In the passage the passenger passed a cassette of message to messenger .

  14. 他想要一个信差在面前。

    He wishes to have a messenger at hand .

  15. 这粗鲁的信差已经沉入昏睡之中。

    The hoarse messenger had dropped into a doze .

  16. 简述历史教育类小游戏信差快跑设计方案

    A Brief Exposition of History Education Materials Game " Run Messenger " Design

  17. 我设法从王室信差包里偷了些信件

    I managed to swipe some mail from the royal messenger 's bag ...

  18. 一个信差说他沿着这片海岸行进。

    A messenger said he followed this coast .

  19. “这封信对令尊大有好处。”信差补充道。

    " It concerns the best interests of your father ," said the messenger .

  20. “我还是等在这儿的好。”那信差微笑着说。

    " I prefer waiting here ," said the messenger , with a smile .

  21. 乔治?斯汤顿爵士立即写了回信,慷慨地犒赏了信差。

    Sir George Staunton instantly wrote back an answer , rewarding the messenger liberally .

  22. 或是他的西西里人信差,强尼欧拉。

    Or his Sicilian messenger boy Johnny ola .

  23. 我可以通过信差,这样不但快而且便宜,价钱已经包括在内。

    I can send via courier it is fast and cheaper and price is included .

  24. 这个消息是信差送来的。

    The message was sent by courier .

  25. 无论是信差还是总理,人人都有机会。

    There was room for everyone , whether a messenger boy or a prime minister .

  26. 信差们将接转你的信。

    Messengers will relay your letter .

  27. 当他进入前厅,一个信差曲膝跪下,低着头,手放在胸前。

    A messenger genuflected as he entered , lowering its head and bringing an arm to its breast .

  28. 我可不想当您的信差,而被人发现干这档事,燕子说。

    I do not want to get caught up in the business of becoming your messenger , @ said the swallow .

  29. 年轻姑娘发出一声欣喜的呼喊,抬起头来,四顾寻觅那信差,但他已经不见了。

    The young girl uttered a joyful cry , raised her eyes , looked round to question the messenger , but he had disappeared .

  30. 船长泰然自若的态度令人高深莫测,而他本人又是那么一位神秘的人物,因此信差珀奇被吓唬住了。

    The Captain 's equanimity was so impenetrable , and he was altogether so mysterious a being , that Perch the messenger was daunted .