
  • 网络Mobile Internet Device;mid;MIDs;mid Mobile Internet Device
  1. 而iPhone/iPad等移动互联网设备的出现,极大地推动了流媒体技术的在移动互联网领域的发展,而流媒体服务器是流媒体技术中重要组成部分。

    The appearance of mobile internet device like iPhone / iPad greatly promotes thedevelopment of streaming media technology in mobile internet .

  2. 他补充称,另一个担忧是,在iPad之后,主流移动互联网设备将是什么?电子阅读器会被边缘化吗?

    The other concern is what will become the mainstream among mobile internet devices after the iPad , and will e-readers be marginalised ? he adds .

  3. Ubuntu迅速成为一个流行于上网本(netbook)、移动互联网设备(MID)和其他小型系统的操作系统。

    Ubuntu is fast becoming a popular distribution for netbooks , mobile Internet devices ( MIDs ), and other small systems .

  4. 三星的LTE数码相框是把LTE生态系统业务扩展到其它消费电子设备,如移动互联网设备,数码相机,电子相册,社交网站等等。

    Samsung 's LTE Media Frame is an example of expanding the LTE ecosystem into other consumer electronic devices such as MIDs , digital cameras , online galleries , social networking sites and more .

  5. 目前我们可以支持客户的机顶盒,移动互联网设备,视频芯片等测试。

    Now we support video testing of customer devices such as digital set-top boxes , MID , and video semiconductors .

  6. 宏昨日表示,今年将推出一系列移动互联网设备,但没有透露具体细节。

    Acer yesterday said it would launch a number of mobile Internet devices this year , but did not give details .

  7. 随着当前智能手机,平板电脑等移动互联网终端设备的迅猛普及,无线局域网也呈现出爆发式增长。

    With the rapid popularization of Mobile Internet Terminals , such as Smart phone , PAD currently , the wireless local area network is also showing a explosive growth .

  8. 近十年来,移动互联网与移动终端设备得到了迅速的发展与普及。

    Via the past decade , the mobile Internet and mobile devices have gotten rapid development and popularization .

  9. 移动互联网发展和移动设备性能的提升使用户界面的表现形式逐渐变化,带给用户越来越人性化的体验。

    The development of mobile internet and performance improvement of mobile devices gradually change the expression form of user interface , and bring the user more humanized experience .

  10. 科技的进步使人们进入了移动互联网时代,上网设备不仅仅局限于个人电脑、工作站和大型计算机。

    The progress of science and technology makes people into the mobile Internet era , and the Internet devices are not limited to personal computers , workstations and mainframe computers .

  11. 他认为新型电子设备将得到发展,例如使用silverthorne未来芯片的超便携移动个人电脑(pc)、移动互联网设备和消费电子产品。

    He sees growth in a new class of devices ultra-mobile PCs , mobile Internet devices and consumer electronics gadgets that will use a future chip codenamed silverthorne .