
yí dònɡ shù zì diàn shì
  • mobile digital television
  1. 基于ARM平台中的移动数字电视开发应用

    Application for the Mobile Digital Television based on ARM Platform

  2. 基于DVB-T标准的移动数字电视接收机研究与实现

    The Research and Realization of Mobile Digital Television Receiver Based on DVB-T Standard

  3. 介绍了基于T-DMB标准和TI数字多媒体芯片的移动数字电视的软、硬件设计理论和方法。

    A solution of mobile digital TV is proposed based on T-DMB standard and digital multimedia chip of TI .

  4. 移动数字电视接收与DVB-H

    Reception of Mobile Digital TV and DVB-H

  5. DVB-H移动数字电视综述

    DVB-H Mobile Digital TV

  6. 简要介绍移动数字电视机顶盒的组成,并对TDS-OFDM(时域同步正交频分复用)解调器和MPEG解码器的工作原理进行阐述。

    This article briefly introduces the composition of mobile digital TV STB , and explains the principles of TDS-OFDM ( Time Domain Synchronous-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ) demodulator and MPEG decoder .

  7. 近年来,随着移动数字电视、手机电视和IPTV(InternetProtocolTelevision)等数字新媒体业务的迅速涌现,在带给我们前所未有的视听感受的同时,也对现有的网络提出了严峻的考验。

    With the mobile digital TV , mobile TV , IPTV ( Internet Protocol Television ) new digital media business emergence rapidly , we have obtained an unprecedented audio-visual experience . At the same time , the rapid surge in business posed a severe test of the existing heterogeneous network .

  8. 移动数字电视调谐器中低噪声模拟滤波器的设计

    Analog Filter Design with Low Noise for Digital Video Broadcasting-Handheld Tuner

  9. 移动数字电视系统建设与运营分析

    Analysis of the Mobile Digital TV System Construction and Operation

  10. 浅析移动数字电视的受众及广告资源

    Analysis on the Resources of Audiences and Advertising of Mobile Digital TV

  11. 湖南省移动数字电视联网工程方案

    The Program of Hunan Mobile Digital Television Network Table

  12. 移动数字电视接收机的符号同步方法

    Symbol synchronization method for mobile digital television receiver

  13. 张家口移动数字电视的建设

    The Construction of Mobile Digital TV in Zhangjiakou

  14. 大城市复杂环境中移动数字电视接收信道模型的研究

    Studies on the Receiving Channel Models for Mobile Digital TV in Complex Metropolis Environment

  15. 移动数字电视机顶盒的组成及工作原理

    Composition and Principle of Mobile Digital TV STB

  16. 移动数字电视覆盖预测的射线跟踪模型

    Ray-tracing propagation prediction model for mobile digital television

  17. 条件接收是移动数字电视广播系统的一个核心部分。

    Conditional access system acts as a key role in the mobile TV broadcasting system .

  18. 地面移动数字电视系统设计

    Design on Digital Terrestrial Mobile TV System

  19. 移动数字电视中的信道估计分析

    Channel Prediction in Mobile Digital TV

  20. 移动数字电视作为一种目前最受关注和最先进的多媒体广播形式,已开始被大众所接受。

    It is widely accepted that mobile digital television becomes the most popular and advanced form of multimedia broadcasting .

  21. 电视调谐器中电阻负反馈结构的宽带低噪声放大器设计移动数字电视调谐器中低噪声模拟滤波器的设计

    A Resistive Feedback Broadband LNA for Digital TV Tuner Analog Filter Design with Low Noise for Digital Video Broadcasting-Handheld Tuner

  22. 对国内移动数字电视条件接收系统的设计者具有一定的参考价值,提供了一种设计思路。

    It has reference value for the design of the domestic conditional access system of mobile TV and provides a design concept .

  23. 从地面移动数字电视的发展、规划、实施、标准及组成方面,简要介绍移动数字电视技术。

    This thesis gives a brief introduction of the mobile digital television technology from its development , program , implementation , criterion and composition .

  24. 采用多媒体功能丰富的手持设备收看卫星电视成为最新的潮流与趋势,人们对移动数字电视接收系统的需求也日益增高。

    By using multimedia handheld devices to watch satellite TV has become the latest trend and the mobile TV reception system is in great demand .

  25. 移动数字电视是数字电视的一种新兴传播形式,目前公众对信息接受的随时性需要越来越强。

    Mobile digital TV is digital TV to disseminate a new form , the current public information needs at any time to accept more and more .

  26. 本文初步阐述了移动数字电视发展的环境和必要性,提出了数字系统的构成和建设理念;

    This paper introduces the environment and necessity of the development of Mobile Digital TV , put forward the composition and construction ideas of digital system .

  27. 该授权机制不但易于实现,便于日常管理和维护,而且大大提高了整个移动数字电视广播系统的效率和容量。

    The scheme is not only to be implemented easily and to reduce maintenance cost but also greatly improves the efficiency and capacity of the mobile TV broadcasting system .

  28. 随着移动数字电视的各种标准被越来越多的国家部署及应用,多功能移动娱乐平台的概念逐渐兴起。

    As a variety of digital mobile TV standards is being deployed and applied in more and more countries , the concept of multi-functional mobile entertainment platform is rising gradually .

  29. 介绍地面移动数字电视系统的整体架构,并着重分析数字电视发射系统和数字电视移动接收系统,以及技术规格和性能要求。

    This paper introduces the whole framework of Digital Terrestrial Mobile TV System , and emphasizes technical specification and performance requirements of digital transmission system and digital TV mobile receiving system .

  30. 基于嵌入式系统实现的移动数字电视是一种高品质的便携多媒体播放器和高性能的网络信息终端,将是下一代消费电子市场的热点。

    As a high quality portable multimedia player and high performance network information terminal , Mobile digital TV which is based on Embedded system is a new hotspots of next generation consumer electronics market .