
shuì měi rén
  • sleeping beauty
睡美人[shuì měi rén]
  1. 好啦,睡美人,该起床了。

    OK , Sleeping Beauty , time to get up .

  2. 睡美人(SleepingBeauty,SB)转座系统是Tc1/mariner转座因子超家族中的一员,是目前唯一取材于脊椎动物的具有活性的转座系统。

    Sleeping Beauty ( SB ), a member of the Tc1 / mariner superfamily of transposable elements , is the only active DNA transposon system from vertebrate .

  3. 只有睡美人找到了她的王子。course[kɔ:

    And only sleeping beauty finds her prince .

  4. 一个连说话都闭着眼的睡美人,Ben。

    A sleeping beauty named Ben , who only spoke with his eyes closed .

  5. 绯闻女孩称S为睡美人,而Nate则是他的王子。

    Gossip Girl called Serena Sleeping Beauty and referred to Nate as her prince .

  6. 除了兔女郎jessica,她还喜欢睡美人和美女闯通关中的荷莉。

    Besides Jessica Rabbit , her other cartoon idols include Aurora from Sleeping Beauty and Holli Would from Cool World .

  7. 但是,我已经受够了应用程序和系统一动不动、电脑死机、还有无止境地等待一台运行Windows的电脑从沉睡中醒来&就跟唤醒睡美人一样难。

    But I have come to dread those application and system freezes and crashes that plague PCs and the endless wait for a Windows-run computer to regain consciousness from its slumber , which is as hard to disturb as Sleeping Beauty 's.

  8. 当卡罗尔·哈里斯(CarolHarris)在三年级的戏剧表演里扮演睡美人的时候,和她一起主演的乔治·雷恩斯(GeorgeRaynes)就吻了她。乔治扮演王子,那是他的初吻。

    When Carol Harris starred as Sleeping Beauty in a third grade play , her co-star George Raynes " laid a big wet one on her . " George was playing the prince and had just initiated his first kiss .

  9. ►我在想到底“哪位王子”想要娶“睡美人”(想收购那家前途无量的公司)。

    I wonder which Prince Charming will court that Sleeping Beauty .

  10. 睡美人在森林里睡的时候,就已经遇到一个人了。

    And sleeping beauty met one while sleeping in the woods .

  11. 你要说的黄龙传奇的女子就是睡美人吧?

    Was the Huanglong legendary women you mentioned the Sleeping Beauty ?

  12. 睡美人城堡是游客最喜爱的一个地方。

    The Sleeping Beauty Castle is a favourite place for visitors .

  13. 俄罗斯一个著名的芭蕾舞叫睡美人。

    Another famous Russian ballet is called @ Sleeping Beauty @ .

  14. 你看过名叫《睡美人》的芭蕾舞剧吗?

    Have you seen a ballet called the sleeping beauty ?

  15. 是的。我听说下周要上演《睡美人》。

    Yes . I heard Sleeping Beauty is be performed next week .

  16. 而上面正躺着沉睡中的睡美人!

    And on it , deep in sleep , lay Sleeping Beauty !

  17. 睡美人转座子系统研究进展

    SYSTEM Current Advances in the Studies of Sleeping Beauty Transposition

  18. 睡美人展览会从8月22日到9月9日。

    The Sleeping Beauty exhibit runs from Aug 22 to Sept 9 .

  19. 身体的言说:《睡美人》的审美意义

    Body Narration : An Analysis on the Aesthetic Significance of The Sleeping Beauty

  20. 你问未来世界大厦?它在睡美人城堡后面。

    The Tomorrow Land Building ? It 's behind the Sleeping Beauty Castle .

  21. 王子的吻唤醒了睡美人。

    The prince awakened sleeping beauty with a kiss .

  22. 所以她将会是众所皆知的睡美人。

    So she will be known as Sleeping Beauty .

  23. 睡美人城堡在烟花的映衬下显得格外美观。

    Sleeping Beauty Castle looked beautiful under the fireworks .

  24. 这一刻只有睡美人才能了解她的感受。(和之前的白马王子那句相呼应,很浪漫的台词哦!)

    Narrator : Only Sleeping Beauty could know how she felt at this moment .

  25. 一位现代睡美人在其丈夫的命令下遭囚禁。

    A modern sleeping beauty was held in imprisonment by order of her husband .

  26. 你真是个睡美人,睡觉的时候还尖叫哭喊。

    You 're a reaI sieeping beauty , screaming and crying in your sieep .

  27. 真有趣,在我的国家我们有“睡美人”。

    It 's funny that we have " Sleeping Beauty " in my country .

  28. 《天鹅湖》和《睡美人》已经通过电视直播的方式走进了千家万户。

    Through television , live broadcasts of'Swan Lake '

  29. 这是关于一个睡美人的故事。

    This is a story about sleeping beauty .

  30. 睡美人真是太有魅力了!

    The sleeping beauty was so charming !